Franz Schieck

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Franz Schieck as a Heidelberg student (1890)

Franz Julius Otto Schieck (born August 14, 1871 in Dresden , † January 26, 1946 in Lindelbach near Würzburg ) was a German doctor and professor of ophthalmology .


Schieck grew up in Dresden and attended the Mochmann college there . In 1889 he passed the Abitur as an external student at Vitzthumschen Gymnasium . From 1889 he studied medicine first at the University of Leipzig and from 1890 at the University of Heidelberg . In Heidelberg, Schieck joined the Leonensia student union . In 1894 he put there the medical state examination and was in 1895 with the inaugural dissertation on the topic "On the first stages of experimental tuberculosis of Kaninchencornea" doctorate . He initially found a job as an assistant at the pathological-anatomical institute at Heidelberg University. On January 1, 1897, he became an employee of Arthur von Hippel at the eye clinic of the University of Halle-Wittenberg . In 1900 the habilitation took place with the thesis "Clinical and experimental studies on the effect of tuberculin on iristuberculosis". In the same year Schieck began to teach as a private lecturer .

When his teacher von Hippel moved to the University of Göttingen , Schieck accompanied him. He worked until 1914, first as an assistant doctor , and later as a senior physician at the university eye clinic there. In 1906 he was appointed titular professor . His work in Göttingen was interrupted in 1910/11 by a research stay at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin lasting several months .

In 1914 Schieck accepted the chair for ophthalmology and as director of the eye clinic at the University of Königsberg . But in the same year he was drafted at the beginning of the First World War and used in the garrison hospital in Dresden. In April 1915, however, he obtained his exemption from the imperial military. This enabled Schieck to be appointed to the chair of ophthalmology at the University of Halle-Wittenberg in autumn 1915 and to take over the management of the university eye clinic there. In 1924/25 he was rector of the university. In 1925, while still rector of Halle, Schieck accepted the call to Würzburg for the chair of ophthalmology at the university there. The background was that he could not get his way with plans to modernize and expand the eye clinic in Halle. In Würzburg he taught at the Alte Augenklinik am Röntgenring until his retirement in 1936. Here, too, he was entrusted with the rector's office in 1927/28.

In 1945, Schieck was bombed out in the Würzburg Hindenburgsiedlung (now called " Keesburg ") and found alternative quarters in Lindelbach. After his death in 1946 he was buried in the Würzburg cemetery.


Schieck was in the tradition of his teacher von Hippel. Like him, he took up the technical possibilities of medicine, which had been continuously improving since the end of the 19th century, such as B. the microscope technology and the associated rapidly expanding cellular pathology . Thus, at the beginning of his activity, topics of pathological anatomy such as the then current sarcoma research on the eye predominated . In particular, through his connections with the Robert Koch Institute , connections between immunology and eye diseases were added to his research, which he underlined histologically . One of his main topics was the effects of tuberculous diseases on the eye. In addition, glaucoma and papillae were his areas of work.

Schieck was a prolific academic writer. He wrote ten books and about sixty other scientific articles, which he often illustrated himself.

In 1919 Schieck published the first edition of his textbook “Outline of Ophthalmology for Students” in Julius Springer Verlag , which, under the name “Der kleine Schieck”, enjoyed great popularity for decades alongside the textbook by Theodor Axenfeld . Schieck supervised his textbook up to the 10th edition. With the 11th edition (1949) it was published by Ernst Engelking under the title “F. Schieck's Outline of Ophthalmology ”continued. From the 15th edition (1968), edited by Wolfgang Leydhecker under the title "Ophthalmology", Schieck was named as the founder. The current editions (currently 30th edition, edited by Franz Grehn , 2008) no longer contain this notice.

His most extensive and scientifically most important publication is the seven-volume “Kurzes Handbuch der Ophthalmologie”, which Schieck published in 1930/32 together with the Jena eye professor Arthur Brückner .

Since 1912 Schieck was co-editor of the " Zeitschrift für Augenheilkunde ", which was merged with the " Ophthalmologica " in 1938 . In 1914 he founded the " Zentralblatt for the entire ophthalmology and its border areas " with.


Schieck joined the Stahlhelm in 1933 , which was transferred to the SA as SA-Reserve-I, in 1935 he left. In 1934 he became a member of the NSDAP . This makes him an exception in his generation of professors in ophthalmology. Other sources claim a contrary attitude towards the Nazi regime, which would have resulted in a refusal to extend his term of office beyond the age limit. His brother Walther Schieck was a liberal politician of the DVP and 1930–1933 Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony .


  • Clinical and experimental studies on the effect of tuberculin on iris tuberculosis. Habilitation . In: Archives for Ophthalmology. Volume L (2), 1900, pp. 247-359. (New edition: Nabu Press 2010, ISBN 978-1-143-52623-7 )
  • Melanosarcoma as the only form of sarcoma in the uveal tract. Bergmann Publishing House, Wiesbaden 1906.
  • The genesis of the papillae. Bergmann Publishing House, Wiesbaden 1910.
  • Immunity research in the service of ophthalmology. Bergmann Publishing House, Wiesbaden 1914.
  • Outline of ophthalmology for students. Julius Springer Verlag, Berlin 1919.
  • Short manual of ophthalmology. Volume I-VII, Julius Springer Verlag, Berlin 1930/32.
  • Tubercular infection and eye disorders. Joh.Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig 1932.
  • The essence of the papillae. (= Library of the ophthalmologist. Issue 12). Ferd. Enke Verlag, Stuttgart 1942.


See also


  • Karl-Heinz Eulner, Rudolf Sachsenweger: Ophthalmology at the University of Halle. In: Scientific journal of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Mathematical-Natural Science Series VII / 3, 1958, p. 408ff.
  • Heinz Fischer: History of ophthalmology in Würzburg since 1855. Dissertation. Wuerzburg 1968.
  • Manfred Tost: Memories of Franz Schieck. In: Scientific journal of the Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg. XIX / 1970 M, No. 6, pp. 137-162.
  • Leopoldina Archive MM 3372 Schieck

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Karlheinz Manigold: AH Manigold remembers his corps and student days. Memories of corps and student days in the 1930s. In: Tempora mutantur et nos? Festschrift for Walter M. Brod on his 95th birthday. With contributions from friends, companions and contemporaries. (= From Würzburg's city and university history. 2). Edited by Andreas Mettenleiter . Akamedon, Pfaffenhofen 2007, ISBN 978-3-940072-01-6 , p. 107.
  2. Manfred Tost: Memories of Franz Schieck in the Scientific Newspaper of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg XIX / 1970 M, Issue 6, p. 156.
  3. ^ Richard Kraemer: Würzburg physicians 50 years ago. In: Würzburg medical history reports. Volume 5, 1987, pp. 165-172, here: pp. 170 f.
  5. ^ Jens Martin Rohrbach: Ophthalmology in National Socialism. Schattauer, Stuttgart 2007, p. 69.
  6. Manfred Tost: Memories of Franz Schieck. In: Scientific newspaper of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. XIX / 1970 M, issue 6, p. 149.
  7. ^ Member entry of Franz Schieck at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on October 12, 2012.