Georg Johann Maydell

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Georg Johann Maydell , also Maidel or Maijdell (* 1648 in Etz in Wierland , † 1710 in Reval ) was a Swedish baron and most recently a general of the Swedish army and commander in chief of the Swedish troops in Finland .


Georg Johan Maydell was the son of Otto Johann Maidel . His father died very early and his sister Agneta, wife of Lieutenant General von Löwen, raised him at Lohde Castle in Estonia .

In 1680 he married Hedwig Helene von Taube , daughter of Frommhold Taube von Etz, Fähna and Kohne and the Baroness Margarethe von Löwen, in Estonia. Hedwig Helene Maidel died in 1690 and left him three sons and two daughters.

His second wife was Baron Helene Creutz, daughter of the Swedish Imperial Council and Admiral General Baron Lorenz Creutz. The second marriage was childless. Baroness Helene Maidel died in 1730.

Children from first marriage:

  • Freiin Margarethe Elisabeth von Maydell, (born April 17, 1681, † April 22, 1767 in Roslagen ) wife of Berend Otto Stackelberg auf Hallinap, Swedish field marshal
  • Baron Otto Johann von Maydell, (* April 5, 1682; † unknown) Field Marshal General of the Russian Army
  • Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Maydell, (* unknown; † before 1744) Swedish major and heir of the Etz estate in the parish of Jewe
  • Baron Karl Johann von Maydell, (* unknown; † November 14, 1743 in Reval) lieutenant in the Swedish army
  • Baron Hedwig Helene von Maydell, (* December 1688, † January 14, 1748) married Count Gustav Creutz, Johann Creutz's son, in 1707

Military career

In order to prepare Johann Georg for military service, his guardian sent him in 1658 as a page in the service of the War Council and Field Marshal Baron von Helmfeldt . On January 3, 1661, he entered military service as a musketeer . He was trained in the regiment of Colonel Franz Knorring . The garrison of this regiment was the city of Narva . In July of the same year Maydell was a column leader in Colonel von Gerthen's Skåne regiment. On February 3, 1662 he was seconded as an ensign in the Åbo-län regiment in Finland, which was commanded by the governor of Riga Pehr Sparre . After three more years in this regiment, the young officer asked for permission to continue his training abroad. His goal was to join the regiment of the Spanish Colonel Georg Dauhren , who was on an advertising campaign in the Hanseatic city of Hamburg , in order to take part in the war between Spain and France . On June 6, 1665, he was accepted as an ensign in the colonel's body regiment .

Maydell participated in many battles and sieges of the war in part, was in 1667 to lieutenant commander appointed and a year later the captain . When the Swedish government called its officers and men who were serving abroad back to Sweden, Maydell followed suit. On March 6th, he took his leave of the Spanish-Dutch army with an excellent report.

In Swedish service he was promoted to lieutenant colonel in recognition of his military services . He was assigned to Colonel Sidow's dragoon regiment in Stade . In August Maydell took part in the Battle of Halmstadt . He led a squadron of Skåne riders on the left wing .

In 1677 Maydell took over the defense of the island of Öland and Borgholm Castle during the Northern War . Through his tireless vigilance and brave behavior, he managed to hold the island against the Danish and Holstein troops. After the enemy troops had withdrawn, he paid King Charles XI. personal report. He was very satisfied with the outcome.

In 1678 he was transferred to Livonia with his own troops . The regiment was supposed to advance against the Brandenburg-Prussian army (see sleigh ride across the Curonian Lagoon ), but when the Swedish troops intended for this had already withdrawn on arrival in Reval, the regiment was billeted in Estonia and reduced after the peace agreement in 1680 and dissolved. Maydell was awarded an annual pension by the king for his services until he returned to active service.

On February 8, 1680 Maydell was appointed Colonel and was given command of the Tawastehus-Län Regiment . In this position, he and his descendants were granted the title of baron of the Swedish Empire by the king in 1693 .

The von Maydell family coat of arms awarded by the King of Sweden

In 1696 he managed the city of Helsingfors , today's Helsinki, as governor . Two years later he acquired the Etz estate in Estonia from his brother-in-law Otto Johann Traube for 12,100 Reichsthalers. Shortly after the Great Northern War began , Maydell was named major general.

In 1701 he took part in the Battle of the Daugava . In 1703 Maydell was appointed lieutenant general in Warsaw for his excellent service . Then he was ordered to Finland to protect the Swedish province from the invasion of the Russians. The armed forces he had in Finland were few in number. Nevertheless, it initially withstood the attacks of the Russians and inflicted defeat on them. After losing the Nöteborg and the Nyenschantz , Maydell was no longer able to hold the southern province of Ingermanland . As a result of the loss, the Swedish troops withdrew to the Vyborg fortress .

On January 6, 1706 he was appointed general of the infantry . After the Russians marched across the Finnish border in 1706 and defeated the Swedish troops at Systerbäck , Maydell successfully defended the Vyborg fortress against the Tsar's troops.

On January 2, 1707, Maydell, now 59, asked to retire from active military service. The request was "most graciously" granted by the king. He then retired to his country estate in Estonia. He died in Reval in 1710.



  • Defense of the island of Öland and Borgholm Castle






Individual evidence

  1. ^ Baron Karl Anton von Maydell, p. 239
  2. a b c d Baron Karl Anton von Maydell, p. 257
  3. ^ Baron Karl Anton von Maydell, p. 261
  4. a b Baron Karl Anton von Maydell, p. 262
  5. Maidel, Georg Johann . In: John Rosén, Theodor Westrin (ed.): Nordisk familjebok konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi . 1st edition. tape 10 : Lloyd military colonies . Gernandts boktryckeri, Stockholm 1886, Sp. 642 (Swedish, ).
  6. Maidel, Georg Johann . In: John Rosén, Theodor Westrin (ed.): Nordisk familjebok konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi . 1st edition. tape 10 : Lloyd military colonies . Gernandts boktryckeri, Stockholm 1886, Sp. 642 (Swedish, ).