Georg Reinhold von Thadden

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Reinhold von Thadden, oil painting in the National Museum Stettin, 1766.
Reinhold von Thadden

Georg Reinhold von Thadden (born October 2, 1712 in Balau East Prussia , † December 8, 1784 at Gut Babenz near Rosenberg ) was a Prussian lieutenant general , chief of infantry regiment No. 4 and governor of the fortress Glatz .


His parents were the heir to Nesnechow Martin Reinhold von Thadden and his wife Esther von Leyden (* 1688).

Thadden joined the Cadet Corps in 1726 and was inducted into Infantry Regiment No. 29 as an ensign on May 20, 1735 . 1740 became the second lieutenant and adjutant general of lieutenant general Borcke , the head of the regiment at the time. In the same year he was part of a unit that was sent to the city of Maaseik to fight the local army unrest. In 1741 he came to the large military camp in Brandenburg. In the First Silesian War he fought in the Battle of Chotusitz . On January 18, 1742 he was promoted directly to captain in Pioneer Regiment No. 49 , where he got his own company . In 1746 he was a volunteer with the French army with Captain von Floris to observe the campaign in Flanders . He was found at the sieges of Brussels , Mons , Charleroi and Namur as well as at the battle of Roucoux . On September 14, 1752 he was promoted to major .

During the Seven Years' War Thadden was first in the army under Schwerin and with her in the battle of Prague . During the following siege of Prague he moved from Jung-Bunzlau to Landeshut under Lieutenant General Johann Christian von Brandeis . From there he and his comrades were to escort a flour transport to Zittau . But on the night of July 22nd to 23rd, the convoy was intercepted by the Austrians and destroyed. He was then transferred to the army under von Bevern in Lausitz . When the Duke moved to Silesia, Thadden was sent to Liegnitz on September 8th with the 1st Battalion of Regiment No. 49 (now under Diericke ) . Lieutenant General von Brandes sent the battalion to the fortress of Neisse as security. Thadden himself went to Brieg, which was trapped by General Drašković after the battle of Breslau . He tried to put the fortress in a state ready for defense. After the successful Battle of Leuthen he was sent to Breslau by King Friedrich II to support the engineer Johann Friedrich von Balbi in the siege. After the fortress surrendered, he was sent to Liegnitz to support the siege troops under Moritz von Anhalt-Dessau . After the fortress fell, he built the entrenchments at Landeshut to support the subsequent siege of Schweidnitz.

He was then transferred back to the "Diericke" corps to defend the Glatz fortress. But when Russian troops advanced into Pomerania and the Mark Brandenburg, he was transferred to Küstrin with the regiment . He was then transferred to the " Dohna " corps , with which he went to the battle of Zorndorf . There he was seriously injured. At the beginning of 1759 it was restored, Thadden came back to the Corps "Diericke", which besieged the Peenemünder Schanze with twelve battalions and successfully took it. After that he became supreme commander of Küstrin. At the end of the year he was called to Berlin, where he received 600 recruits, whom he led to Groß-Glogau and took over the position of commandant there. In 1760 he was promoted to brigadier. Prince Heinrich sent him with five battalions to Neumark to protect the province against General Tottleben . After the battle of Liegnitz he joined the " Goltz " corps in Silesia. He sent him with three battalions and cavalry to Upper Silesia to demand food and recruits. There he became major general and was appointed chief of regiment No. 4 . Then he came to the " Württemberg " corps to help defend Kolberg. In 1762 he found himself during the siege of Schweidnitz and was stationed in the mountains there after the conquest, the regiment then came to winter quarters in Jauer . After the Treaty of Hubertusburg , the regiment was garrisoned in Prussia.

In 1774 he was appointed lieutenant general and governor of Glatz . There he took over Regiment No. 33 . In the War of the Bavarian Succession he was in the king's army. In September 1784 he said goodbye because of an illness. He went to his estate in Babenz in West Prussia. There he died of dropsy of the breast on December 8, 1784 .


Christiane Juliane von Folgersberg, oil painting in the National Museum of Stettin, around 1750

He was married to Christiane Juliane von Folgersberg († 1792) since June 1, 1746. She was the widow of the merchant Christian Friedrich Krügelstein. With Thadden she had two sons who died shortly after birth. His Reddestow cousins became his heirs.
