Gerlach von Erbach

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Erbacher coat of arms based on Scheibler's book of arms

Gerlach von Erbach (* in the 13th century; † December 18, 1332 ) was canon and provost in Speyer and elected bishop of Worms .


He came from the old noble family of the Erbach taverns and was the son of Eberhard V. von Erbach-Erbach and his wife Agnes Reiz von Breuberg , a sister of Gerlach von Breuberg († 1306).


First documented in 1303, Gerlach von Erbach appears in 1323 and 1324 as Worms and Speyer canons, as well as archdeacon and monastery propst to St. All Saints' Day . As such, the Worms Cathedral Chapter elected him Bishop of Worms in 1329, without knowing that Pope John XXII. Salmann Cleman had already appointed it.

Gerlach von Erbach tried to enforce his claims, was recognized by the Mainz archbishopric administrator Balduin of Luxembourg , made the ceremonial entry into Worms and received the regalia from Emperor Ludwig IV . A schism developed that did not end with his death in December 1332. The Chapter was found only in 1341 under the threat of an interdict and an outlaw willing to recognize Salmann Cleman as pastors. Gerlach's successor as Provost Speyer was his brother Engelhard von Erbach († 1346)

It is said that Gerlach von Erbach kept strict church discipline, which brought him into conflict with the secular part of the diocesan clergy.

According to the handbook of Baden-Württemberg history , he was murdered. He was buried in Worms Cathedral , in front of the Martin Altar; his epitaph bore the inscription: "... elected and confirmed Bishop of Worms" . The Mainz or Speyer canon and monastery founder Konrad von Hirschhorn († 1413) was his great-nephew.

Gerlach von Erbach is entered in the younger Seelbuch of the Speyer Cathedral on December 17th with a memorial for the year .


  • Konrad von Busch and Franz Xaver Glasschröder : Choir Rule and Younger Sea Book of the old Speyer Cathedral Chapter , Speyer, Historischer Verein der Pfalz, 1923, pages 666 and 667 (with biographical information on the person)
  • Gustav Simon: The history of the dynasts and counts of Erbach and their country , pp. 278–279, Frankfurt am Main, 1858; (Digital scan)
  • Wilhelm Christoph Friedrich Arnold : Constitutional history of the German free cities following the constitutional history of the city of Worms , 2nd volume, pp. 312–313, Gotha, 1854; (Digital scan)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Burkard Keilmann: Gerlach Schenk von Erbach († 1332). In: The Bishops of the Holy Roman Empire 1198 to 1448. A biographical lexicon , ed. by Erwin Gatz , Berlin 2000, p. 872 f.
  2. ^ Johann Samuel Publication : Allgemeine Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste , 1st section, 35th part, Brockhaus Verlag, Leipzig, 1841, p. 236; (Digital scan)
  3. Meinrad Schaab , Hansmartin Schwarzmaier (ed.) U. a .: Handbook of Baden-Württemberg History . Volume 2: The Territories in the Old Kingdom. Edited on behalf of the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg . Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-608-91466-8 , p. 509 (digital scan) .