Heinrich Brand

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Heinrich Brand (also Heinz Brand ; born July 9, 1887 in Wesel ; † January 28, 1971 ) was a high-ranking Prussian ministerial official and regional president of the Hohenzollernsche Land in Sigmaringen during the Weimar Republic . After the Second World War, he was briefly head of the Federal Press Office in 1950 and then district president in Aachen .


Brand grew up in Neuss . After graduating from the Quirinus grammar school in Neuss , he studied law with a focus on constitutional and administrative law. From 1911 he was a court trainee. During the First World War he did military service. Then he entered the Prussian administrative service. From 1920 he was first a government assessor at the Düsseldorf District Government , then moved to the Prussian Ministry of the Interior. He soon rose there: in 1921 he was appointed to the government council, in 1923 to ministerial councilor, in 1926 to ministerial director and in 1927 to ministerial director.

As a close associate of Interior Minister Carl Severing , Brand and Fritz Mooshake were responsible for personnel issues. Brand took over this task in 1924. At the administrative level, he made a significant contribution to the democratization of the Prussian administration during the Weimar Republic. He was also responsible for the entire general and internal administration of Prussia. In addition, Brand was a member of the Reich Disciplinary Chamber in Berlin I. From 1927 he was deputy Prussian representative at the Reichsrat .

Brand belonged to the Center Party . Due to conflicts with the chairman of the center faction in the Prussian state parliament, Joseph Hess , he lost his influential position in the ministry in 1931. Instead, he became the district president in the Sigmaringen administrative district, which was part of Prussia .

After the beginning of the National Socialist rule , Brand was removed from his office. He then resigned from the administration and worked in the private sector until 1945.

In 1950, Brand was a permanent state secretary and head of the Federal Press Office. At his own request, he moved to the office of regional president of Aachen in December of the same year. Brand held this post until 1955.

He was a member of the Catholic student association KDStV Staufia Bonn and later a member of 17 other associations in the Cartell Association of Catholic German Student Associations (CV).


  • Protocols of the Prussian State Ministry, Vol. 12 / II p. 532
  • Munzinger: Internationales Biographisches Archiv 20/1971 from May 10, 1971
  • Society for Student History and Student Customs V. (Ed.), CV-Handbuch, 3rd edition, Regensburg, 2000, ISBN 3922485111 , p. 534.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Data in the Baden-Württemberg State Archives