Hieronymus Hartwig Moller (Mayor)

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Hieronymus Hartwig Moller (born July 14, 1641 in Hamburg ; † December 6, 1702 there ) was a German lawyer , councilor and mayor of Hamburg.

Origin and family

Moller came from the Hamburg Hanseatic family Moller vom Baum . To distinguish it from other families of the same name, this family named itself after the pod tree in their arms of the tree .

Moller's parents were the Hamburg council syndicate Johann Moller († 1672) and his second wife Cäcilia von Spreckelsen, daughter of Hartwig von Spreckelsen. The Hamburg mayor Barthold Moller (1605–1667) was his uncle.

In 1673, Moller married Anna Margaretha Schmidt († 1691), daughter of the Jurate to Sankt Petri Johann Schmidt. Of his seven children, Hartwig Johann Moller (1677–1732) became Hamburg senior secretary and councilor.


Moller attended the Academic Gymnasium in Hamburg and in 1660 the Gymnasium illustrious in Bremen . From 1662 he studied law under Johannes Friedrich Böckelmann (1633–1681) at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . He later went to the University of Strasbourg and graduated in 1665 with a degree in both rights. After completing his studies, he toured Germany , France , Italy , Belgium , the Netherlands and England for four years .

In 1669 he returned to Hamburg and settled here as a lawyer . On June 2, 1670, he came into the possession of the family vicarie . In 1677 he became a judge at the Hamburg Lower Court , in 1678 also President and in 1679 actuary at the Lower Court . On May 2nd, 1682 he was elected councilor and was from 1688 to 1694 bailiff in Ritzebüttel . Back in Hamburg he was elected mayor on March 10, 1697 for the late Johann Schulte (1621–1697). Moller died of consumption in 1702 at the age of 61 .


Moller's term of office fell during a troubled time in which the Hamburg citizenship and the council were in constant disagreement. As councilor, Moller took part in the legation to Berlin in 1685 during the riots surrounding Hieronymus Snitger (1648–1686) and Cord Jastram (1634–1686). This embassy was supposed to ask Elector Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg (1620–1688) to help mediate between Hamburg and Duke Georg Wilhelm von Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Celle . The elector then sent his councilor Friedrich von Canitz (1654–1699) to Hamburg to mediate. In 1685, Moller traveled to the imperial court in Vienna on the same matter . Here he and the subsequent mayor of Hamburg Johann Diedrich Schaffshausen (1643–1697 ) were publicly insulted and attacked by the Cellischer Hofrat and envoy Asche Christoph von Marenholtz (1645–1713). Marenholtz then fell out of favor with Emperor Leopold I (1640–1705) and had to end his diplomatic career. Moller and Schaffshausen only returned to Hamburg when Denmark attacked Hamburg on August 26, 1686, but this attack could be repulsed with the support of the Cellern, and after the troublemakers Snitger and Jastram had been executed.

Works (selection)

  • Disputatio Iuridica Prima Continens Fundamenta ac Celebriores Quaestiones ex singulis Titulis priorum Librorum Pandectarum . Wyngaerden, Heidelberg 1663 ( online at Google Books).
  • Dissertation juridica 5ta continens fundamenta et praecipuas questiones ex parte tertia Pandectarum, praes. Joh. Frid. Böckelmanno . Heidelberg 1664.
  • Disputatio inauguralis de jure retentionis . Walter, Heidelberg 1665 ( online at Google Books).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Albert Fabricius : Memoriarum Hamburgensium . Volume Secundum. Christian Liebezeit, Hamburg 1710, p. 626 ( digitized from Google Books).
  2. cf. on this: Wilhelm Sillem : Cordt Jastram and Hieronymus Snitger . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie . tape 50 . Leipzig 1905, p. 634–642 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).