Jazz Campus en Clunisois

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Jazz Campus en Clunisois is a jazz festival that has been held in Cluny, Burgundy ( Saône-et-Loire ) since 1977 .

The Jazz Campus en Clunisois festival has been held in the small town of Cluny between Lyon and Dijon since 1977 and offers a jazz program as well as workshops and jam sessions for one week each August . The organizer is the L'association Jazz Campus en Clunisois . The association was formed around the founder and artistic-educational director of the Cluny Jazz Festival , the bass player and music teacher Didier Levallet . The sponsoring association has many members: professional and amateur musicians, members of the public living in the south of Burgundy and in the urban area of ​​Clunys, and actors of regional social and cultural life.

The Henri Texier Sand Quintet at the Jazz Campus en Clunisois 2019 festival

In 2017, Jazz Campus en Clunisois took place on eight days with 57 artists and at eight venues in and around Cluny, in the Théâtre Les Arts, in the Abbey of Cluny ( Le Farinier des Moines ) and in the nearby communities of Matour , Dompierre-les -Ormes and La Vineuse sur Fregande . Here talked Denis Badault , Céline Bonacina , Vincent Courtois , Fidel Fourneyron , Simon Goubert and Jean-Philippe Viret workshops from. On the various stages, u. a. Joachim Florent , Anne Paceo , Circles ( Christophe Panzani , Leila Martial , Tony Paeleman ), Dominique Pifarély , Sophia Domancich & Jean-Philippe Viret and the formation Peuple Etincelle (with François Corneloup , Michael Geyre , Fabrice Vieira , Eric Duboscq , Fawzi Berge ) on.

The following year, musicians such as Celine Bonacina , Jean-Marc Larché and Yves Rousseau , Christophe Monniot and Didier Ithursarry , Roberto Negro , Didier Petit and Sylvain Rifflet played in Cluny . In 2019 u. a. Kamilya Jubran / Sarah Murcia , Elodie Pasquier , Xavier Desandre Navarre , Laurent Dehors , Géraldine Keller & Christelle Sery , an improvisation trio with Sophie Agnel , John Edwards and Steve Noble , as well as Stéphane Kerecki and the Henri Texier Sand Quintet.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Festival Jazz campus en Clunisois 2017 - La programmation. Jazz Campus en Clunisois, March 2, 2017, accessed September 1, 2019 (French).
  2. Festival Jazz campus en Clunisois 2019 - La programmation
  3. Festival Jazz campus en Clunisois 2018 - La programmation
  4. ^ Clôture de jazz campus avec le quintet d'Henri Texie. Le JSL, August 25, 2017, accessed September 1, 2019 (French).