Kamenica nad Cirochou

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Kamenica nad Cirochou
coat of arms map
Coat of arms of Kamenica nad Cirochou
Kamenica nad Cirochou (Slovakia)
Kamenica nad Cirochou
Kamenica nad Cirochou
Basic data
State : Slovakia
Kraj : Prešovský kraj
Okres : Humenné
Region : Horný Zemplín
Area : 17.65 km²
Residents : 2,316 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 131 inhabitants per km²
Height : 178  m nm
Postal code : 067 83
Telephone code : 0 57
Geographic location : 48 ° 56 '  N , 22 ° 0'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 55 '57 "  N , 21 ° 59' 57"  E
License plate : HE
Kód obce : 520331
Community type : local community
Administration (as of November 2019)
Mayor : Monika Hamaďaková
Address: Obecný úrad Kamenica nad Cirochou
Humenská 555
06783 Kamenica nad Cirochou
Website: www.kamenicanadcirochou.sk
Statistics information on statistics.sk

Kamenica nad Cirochou (up to 1927 Slovak "Kamenica"; Hungarian Nagykemence ) is with 2300 inhabitants after the district town Humenné the largest municipality in the Okres Humenné in eastern Slovakia .

Roman Catholic Church of St. Stephen in Kamenica nad Cirochou

The community east of Humenné is located in the agriculturally intensively used Cirocha Valley. To the southeast rises the Vihorlat Mountains ( Vihorlatské vrchy ) with the eponymous 1076 m high Vihorlat . Part of the district of Kamenica is part of a military restricted area that covers the entire western part of the mountains. For the military training area ( Vojenský obvod Valaškovce ) established here in 1937 , the municipality of Valaškovce , which then had 49 houses, was razed.

The trunk road 74 from Humenné via Snina to the Ukrainian border (crossing Ubľa ) leads through Kamenica nad Cirochou, as does the parallel railway line Humenné - Snina - Stakčín . Thanks to the convenient transport connections, many residents of the community commute to the nearby industrial town of Humenné.

Kamenica nad Cirochou is surrounded by the neighboring communities of Rovné in the north, Modra nad Cirochou in the east, Kamienka in the south, Hažín nad Cirochou in the west and Lackovce in the northwest.

The place was first mentioned in writing in 1451. The church was built in 1782.

Almost exclusively Slovaks live in Kamenica nad Cirochou . 92% of the population profess the Roman Catholic Church , 5% are Greek Catholic Christians.

supporting documents

  1. MOŠ statistics portal  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.statistics.sk  

Web links

Commons : Kamenica nad Cirochou  - collection of images