Metz cantons

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The Metz cantons are French constituencies in the arrondissement of Metz , in the Moselle department and in the Grand Est region . Overall, the city of Metz is divided into four cantons.

The cantons each consist of a part of the city of Metz.

The cantons in Metz are together 42.00 km² and had 123,776 inhabitants (as of 1999).

 Canton   Residents   Representative in the General Council   Code Insee 
Metz-Ville-1 32,836 Dominique Gros (since 1998) 5717
Metz-Ville-2 44,835 Denis Jacquat (since 2011) 5718
Metz-Ville-3 39.211 Nathalie Griesbeck (since 1988) 5719
Metz-Ville-4 Invalid metadata key 5746 Jean-Michel Toulouze (since 2008) 5746

Population development

1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2004
102,771 107,537 111,869 114,232 119,594 123.776 124,300