Karl Friedrich Ludwig von Hahn

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Karl Friedrich Ludwig von Hahn (born December 8, 1795 in Breslau , † March 23, 1865 in Berlin ) was a Prussian infantry general .



His parents were the Prussian lieutenant colonel Gustav Christoph Leopold von Hahn (1756-1822) and his wife Friederike Sophie, née Lehmann (1773-1819). His father was the chief of the garrison company in the 20th Infantry Regiment.

Military career

On May 1, 1805, Hahn joined the Fusilier Battalion No. 10 of the Prussian Army as a private corporal . Due to the defeat of Prussia in the fourth coalition war against France, he was made inactive in 1807. On September 1, 1809, he joined the Silesian Artillery Battalion as a gunner and was promoted to secondary lieutenant by mid-November 1811 . During the Wars of Liberation , he fought in the battles near Dresden , Kulm , Laon , Paris and the blockade of Erfurt and in the battles near Issy, Oulchy and Claye .

On June 19, 1815, he was promoted to Prime Lieutenant and as such, Hahn joined the Brandenburg Artillery Brigade on May 23, 1816 . On March 30, 1817 he became captain and on October 10, 1817 adjutant of the General Inspection of the Artillery and a member of the Artillery Examination Commission. With a patent dated February 20, 1830, Hahn was promoted to major on February 15, 1830 and appointed department commander in the 5th Artillery Brigade . On December 7, 1831, he was transferred to the Guards Artillery Brigade . Two years later he was sent to Russia with a personal recommendation to inspect the artillery there. Hahn received the Order of Saint Anna II Class and for the report in 1834 the Order of the Red Eagle IV Class and on November 26, 1834 the Order of Saint Stanislaus II Class. On January 29, 1835 Hahn became a member of the examination commission of the prime lieutenants of the artillery and in mid-September 1835 he rose to the position of first adjutant of the general inspection of the artillery. On September 30, 1835, he also received the diamonds for the Order of St. Anne II. Class.

In 1839 he also received the Turkish Order of Valor and the Knight's Cross of the Guelph Order . On September 10, 1840 Hahn was promoted to lieutenant colonel, on June 5, 1841 he became chief of the staff of the General Inspection of the Artillery, but remained assigned to the Artillery Guard. Shortly afterwards - on July 3, 1841 - he became secretary of the examination committee for military science and technical subjects. On March 28, 1843 he was promoted to colonel and on August 22, 1843 he was also a wing adjutant of King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. On March 27, 1847, he became a brigadier of the Guards Artillery Brigade. From July 29, 1848 he was Chief of Staff at the High Command in the Marche and in this capacity Hahn advanced to major general on September 11, 1848 .

On March 16, 1849, he came to General von Prittwitz in Schleswig as Chief of Staff of the Federal Army , took part in the campaign against Dänemarkt and received the swords for the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class with oak leaves, for his work. On October 4, 1849, he was appointed inspector of the 2nd Artillery Inspection, but remained stationed on the Holstein-Lauenburg border. On October 16, 1849 Hahn received the command of the troops stationed in the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein . On September 26, 1850 Hahn came to Berlin as commandant, for which he received an allowance of 1200 thalers from October 17, 1850. But on November 4, 1851, he was transferred to Mainz as commandant and at the same time took over the leadership of the occupying brigade there. On March 22, 1853 he was promoted to lieutenant general and on March 30, 1854 appointed inspector general of the artillery. On May 25, 1854, Hahn received the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous . On July 22, 1854, he was appointed second curator of the Artillery and Engineering School . He received other medals, such as the Grand Cross of the Order of Knights of Avis , on December 22, 1855 he was made Knight of the Order of St. John , on June 26, 1856 he was awarded the Russian Order of St. Anne 1st Class, and on August 25, 1857 the diamonds. On December 24, 1857, he received the Order of the Red Eagle, 1st class with swords on the ring, and on June 15, 1858, he received permission to carry the saber awarded by Grand Duke Michael . On December 7, 1858 he was placed à la suite of the Guards Artillery Regiment and promoted to General of the Infantry on May 31, 1859. Hahn was awarded the diamonds for the Order of the Red Eagle, 1st class. Furthermore, on August 28, 1860, he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Guelph Order, the Order of the Zähringer Löwen , on October 21, 1860 the Grand Cross of the Albrecht Order , and on November 3 , 1860 the Grand Cross of Honor of the Oldenburg House and Merit Order , on November 8, 1860 the Grand Cross of the Austrian Leopold Order , on April 11, 1861 the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown , on June 8, 1861 the Grand Cross of the Wilhelm Order , on August 24, 1861 the Grand Cross of the Military and Civil Service Order of Adolf of Nassau with swords.

On October 18, 1861 he was appointed chief of the East Prussian Artillery Brigade and received the Grand Cross of the Red Eagle Order with Swords on the Ring and on March 17, 1863 he was made a Knight of the Black Eagle Order. On December 20, 1864, Hahn was put up for disposal with a pension .

He died on March 23, 1865 at the age of 69 in Berlin. He was buried in the cemetery of the Dorotheenstädtische and Friedrichswerder parishes on Chausseestrasse . The grave has not been preserved.


Hahn married Adelheid Christiane Pauline Elise Bertram in 1821. The marriage resulted in the son Karl Leopold August (* / † 1822) and the daughter Frederike Pauline (1823-1857), who married Hans Raban Wilhelm von Blixen in 1855 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende : Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 98.