Ladislaus Hartl

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Ladislaus Hartl (born June 20, 1915 in Dirnfellern , Bohemia , † January 14, 2004 ) was an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ) and textile worker. He was mayor of Ebensee , from 1955 to 1971 a member of the Upper Austrian state parliament and from 1961 to 1967 its second president.


Hartl was born in Dirnfellern, a place in the Gutwasser parish in Bohemia, and moved with his parents to Ebensee. He worked as a weaving worker and became a works council at the Ebensee spinning and weaving mill. He worked between October 23, 1955 and 1969 as mayor of the municipality of Ebensee and resigned from office after 14 years in disagreement with the local SPÖ functionaries. In addition to his office as mayor, Hartl was a member of the Upper Austrian state parliament between November 19, 1955 and October 18, 1971, and its second president from November 16, 1961 to November 16, 1967.



  • Harry Slapnicka : Upper Austria - The political leadership from 1945 (= contributions to the contemporary history of Upper Austria. 12). Oöla, Linz 1989, ISBN 3-90031-347-4 , p. 96 f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF; 6.9 MB)