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Langhalsen ( group of houses )
cadastral municipality Langhalsen
Langhalsen (Austria)
Red pog.svg
Basic data
Pole. District , state Rohrbach  (RO), Upper Austria
Judicial district Rohrbach
Pole. local community Altenfelden
Coordinates 48 ° 29 '29 "  N , 13 ° 59' 33"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 29 '29 "  N , 13 ° 59' 33"  E
height 525  m above sea level A.
Residents of the village 28 (January 1, 2020)
Building status 17 (2001)
Area  d. KG 5.58 km²
Post Code 4120 Neufelden
Statistical identification
Locality code 10838
Cadastral parish number 47211
Counting district / district Altenfelden area (41304 001)
1951 stock reduced by power plant; District also in Gem. Neufelden
Source: STAT : Ortsverzeichnis ; BEV : GEONAM ; DORIS


Langhalsen is a place in the Mühlviertel in Upper Austria as well as a locality and cadastral community of the market community Altenfelden and a locality of the market community Neufelden in the Rohrbach district .

Formerly located around Langhalsen Castle , the place sank in the Neufelden der Große Mühl reservoir . In their place, the newly created group of houses on the lake was called "Langhalsen".


Langhalsen ( Scattered Houses )
Basic data
Pole. District , state Rohrbachf8 , Upper Austria
Judicial district Rohrbach
Pole. local community Neufelden   ( KG  Neufelden )
Coordinates 48 ° 29 '16.4 "  N , 13 ° 59' 47.6"  E
height 455  m above sea level A.
Residents of the village 27 (January 1, 2020)
Building status 8 (2001)
Post Code 4120 Neufelden
Statistical identification
Locality code 11021
Counting district / district Neufelden (41321 000)
Adr. Langhalsner Straße, Feuchtenbachweg ; Districts also in Gem. Altenfelden
Source: STAT : Ortsverzeichnis ; BEV : GEONAM ; DORIS


The place is located about 9½ kilometers south of Rohrbach , 7 kilometers from the Danube, north of Neufelden and just under 2 kilometers east of Altenfelden . It is located in Zentralmühlviertler highlands directly right of the Great Muehl on the 450- 525  m above sea level. A. Height.

The Langhalsen location today includes addresses about one kilometer in length, from the loop of the river Große Mühl to the northwest, around 25 buildings with about 60 inhabitants, most of them in the Altenfeldner part.

The districts of Unterfeuchtenbach , Oberfeuchtenbach , Starling and Fraunschlag towards the north also belong to the cadastral municipality of Langhalsen von Altenfelden, which has 557.67  hectares .

Neighboring towns and cities:
Unterfeuchtenbach  (O, Gem. Altenfelden) Pürnstein  (O, Gem. Neufelden)
Neighboring communities
Altenfelden  (O, Gem. Altenfelden) Neufelden  (O, Gem. Neufelden) Plankenberg  (O, Neufelden district)


The L1523 Langhalsener Straße runs through the village  from Neufelden to the B127  Rohrbacher Straße near Liebenstein . In the village, the L1524 Pürnsteinstraße goes  off, which leads along the Mühl to Pürnstein and there over the river and back to Erdmannsdorf (L1521  Blankenberger Straße).


The place is already documented in 1412, a "Heinrich der Schurff sat in the haws zu Langenhals" is mentioned.

Weir of the reservoir from the water side

The place belonging to the municipality of Altenfelden ( 48 ° 29 ′ 20.0 ″  N , 013 ° 59 ′ 56.0 ″  E ) was inhabited until 1923. As a result, however, this was relocated, as the reservoir for the Partenstein storage power plant was built by the Upper Austrian Power Plant AG at this point . From the place where Langhalsen Castle and a castle brewery also stood, only a house from 1800 that stood outside the flooded area remained. In 1924 the castle was blown up. After 1951 new settlements arose at the reservoir. ! 548.4888895513.9988895

The former Langhalsen Castle was built by Zacharias Mariophilus in the 17th century. At that time Langhalsen had 170 residents. In 1716 Mariophilus built a chapel in fulfillment of a pledge. In 1718, however, the castle was sold and changed hands several times over the centuries. The former bag factory (which produced the material for flour sieves ) had existed since the 18th century. A canvas bleaching was created at the same time and was used by Emperor Charles VI. privileged in 1722.


  • Johann Reitshamer: The little church of Langhalsen, parish Neufelden. In: Christian art sheets . Volume 65, Linz 1924, pp. 112-115.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Langhalsen ( Memento of the original from December 15, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , in doris.ooe.gv.at> Digital Upper Austrian Culture Atlas (DOKA)> Architectural Monuments ; Description according to grave owner. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / doris.ooe.gv.at
  2. . Cf. Journal 32 ° 48 ° Linz , Francisco-Josephinische Landesaufnahme , 1893 ( Urmappe as Layer online from DORIS, various maps topics Urmappe quality esp. Kulturatlas ; also jpg , lazarus.elte.hu; at 48 ° 30 'N, 31 ° 40 ′ E Ferro-Meridian - upper sheet margin middle left)
  3. ^ Fritz Bertlwieser: Mills - hammers - saws - Upper Mühlviertel, Bohemian Forest, Bavarian Forest. Haslach 1999, p. 244.
  4. ^ Johann Reitshamer: The little church of Langhalsen, parish Neufelden. In: Christian art sheets . Volume 65, Linz 1924, pp. 112-115.
  5. Beuteltuchfabrik on Elexikon, accessed on January 29th of 2010.
  6. ^ Benedikt Pillwein: History, geography and statistics of the Archduchy above the Enns. Page 271.

Web links