Larry Morgan

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Larry Morgan ( 1896 - 1965 ) was an American politician . Between 1945 and 1947, as President of the State Senate, he was the de facto lieutenant governor of the state of Tennessee , even if this office was not formally introduced until 1951.

The sources on Larry Morgan are very poor. What is certain is that he lived in Tennessee at least for a time and was a member of the Democratic Party . He served two non-contiguous terms in the Senate of Tennessee, where he was President between 1945 and 1947. In that capacity, he was Deputy Governor Jim Nance McCord . He thus actually held the office of lieutenant governor. This post was or is constitutionally anchored in most other states; in Tennessee this has only been the case since 1951. Then his track is lost again. Neither his place of birth nor his place of death have been recorded.

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