List of castles, palaces, residences and fortified sites in the Feldkirchen district

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This list names the castles , palaces , residences and fortified sites in the Feldkirchen district in Carinthia .

Explanation of the list

  • Name: Name of the plant.
  • Parish: Shows the parish in which the building is located.
  • Location: Shows the geographic coordinates.
  • Type: The type of building is specified, such as castle, fortress, palace, manor, fortified church, rampart.
  • History: historical outline
  • Condition: Description of the current condition or use.
  • Image: Displays a picture of the building if possible.
  • Monument protection: leads to an entry in the list of monuments.


local community
image Monument protection
Albeck Castle (Neualbeck) Albeck location lock Erected around 1700, building material partly taken from the castle. Restored from 1987 after its decline in the 20th century. renovated Albeck Castle 01.jpg 34153f1
Alt-Albeck Castle (Halbegg) Albeck location Castle mentioned from 1155; Decay presumably from the beginning of the 18th century. ruin Sirnitz Castle ruins Alt-Albeck 16072013 943.jpg 93206f1
Nursing home Albeck Albeck location Raised hide Burgrave seat, erected as a four-storey tower-like building. In ruins until the 2nd half of the 20th century. got lost
Althungersbach Castle (Klein-Gradenegg) St. Urban location Castle Called 1238. small remains of the wall Kleingradenegg ruins 02.jpg No
Bamberg Amthof Feldkirchen location lock The tower named in 1422 was expanded into Amthof in the second half of the 15th century. Renovation / new building at the end of the 17th century. Around 1900 expansion (rental apartments) by two wings; from around 1950 retirement home. revitalized around 1990. received modified / expanded; used as an administration building. Feldkirchen Amthofgasse 5 Bambergische Stadtburg City Museum 24072015 6122.jpg 32414f1
Bach Castle St. Urban location lock already mentioned as a ministerial seat at the end of the 12th century. In 1596 a castle was built instead of a castle. 1890 Fire in the south wing, which was then partially canceled (including the castle chapel). largely preserved (the main entrance area of ​​the castle goes back to the castle); inhabited. Sankt Urban Castle Bach 09.jpg 34816f1
Biberstein Castle (Piberstein) Himmelberg location lock Mentioned at the end of the 14th century; remodeled in the 16th and 17th centuries. receive; inhabited. Himmelberg castle Biberstein 20062007 01.jpg 34279f1
Burgstall (near Gnesau) Gnesau Location [10] Burgstall Kohla, who did not examine the facility in more detail, "suspected" a "prehistoric settlement". Next to the farm name Burgstaller. got lost. No
Dietrichstein Castle Feldkirchen location Castle probably built in the 11th century. Destroyed at the end of the 15th century. decay; small remains of walls, ramparts and moats have been preserved. Dietrichstein ruins.jpg No
Dietrichstein Castle Feldkirchen location lock The castle's former dairy was expanded at the beginning of the 16th century. preserved, inhabited. Feldkirchen Dietrichstein 1 North view of the castle 13042017 7497.jpg 34896f1
Turm an der Eben (Tower of Permann) Albeck approx. Location? [14] tower 1300 tower on the Eben mentioned as destroyed; 1326 Tower of the Permann mentioned. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Edengschlössl Himmelberg location minor wall and rampart remains No
Farcha (Farcheneggerhof) Feldkirchen in Carinthia location grange Well known from the 12th century. received rebuilt. No
Roman fortifications near Feldkirchen Feldkirchen in Carinthia Location? [18] Festivals Roman fortification strongly sloping edge recognizable No
Feldkirchen fortified church Feldkirchen location Fortified church Church with well-fortified cemetery wall and four defensive towers, laid out from 1476 (after the Turkish invasion), but captured by Hungary in 1490. a defense tower received; Remains of a fortified upper floor above the choir. Feldkirchen Kirchgasse cemetery formerly fortified tower urn hall 15092015 7410.jpg 34236f1
Burgstall Friedlach Glanegg location Burgstall Burgstall protected by moats recognizable. No
Friedlach fortified church Glanegg location Fortified church Romanesque church extended Gothic; Ring wall, tower with loopholes. Church preserved, fortifications largely lost. Friedlach church and rectory.jpg 61710f1
Glabegg Castle Steuerberg approx. Location [23] Castle completely dilapidated. No
Glanegg Castle (Vorderglanegg) Glanegg location Castle mentioned from 1121; expanded as a castle in the 16th century. Decay since the middle of the 19th century. ruin Glanegg Mautbruecken 1 Glanegg castle ruins, SO view 29122016 4762.jpg 34301f1
Glanegg, western part Glanegg location Festivals? possibly to be identified with the Hinterglanegg mentioned in 1374 next to Vorderglanegg, which in literature is equated with the tower ob Glanegg in Rothendorf? fortified dome, minor remains of the wall Hill west of Glanegg Castle 03.jpg No
Tower above Glanegg Glanegg approx. Location [27] Festivals Mentioned in 1374. No
Gnesau fortified church Gnesau location Fortified church Gothic fortified church. Upper storey and loopholes in church. Remains of the fortified cemetery wall have been preserved; Worn battlements. Gnesau Parish Church of St. Leonhard and Wehrkirchhof 09122015 9398.jpg 61793f1
Gradisch Castle Feldkirchen location Castle (former castle?) Castle built in the 16th century with an older core; unsure whether the previous building was a castle ( Paradeis ?). receive; inhabited. Feldkirchen Gradisch 1 Gradisch Castle 11062006 444.JPG 34215f1
Burgstall Gradischnig (Hochegg; near Himmelberg) Himmelberg location Burgstall fabulous castle. Kohla provided a plan sketch of trenches and fortification tracks / remains of the tower; which seem to have been destroyed by construction over the past few decades. recently destroyed. No
Greifenthurn Castle (Greifenstein, Freyenthurn) Feldkirchen location lock 16th century construction. preserved, inhabited. Feldkirchen Gurktaler Straße 37 Greifenthurn Castle, S-View 14072015 5770.jpg 34216f1
Wall system Grilz Himmelberg Location? Rampart few prehistoric finds. No
Hafnerburg (main castle) St. Urban location Part of a triplet castle mentioned as early as the 10th century; probably destroyed in 1292. 1490 only "old castle stable". small remains of the main castle can be seen. No
Hafnerburg (middle) St. Urban location Part of a triplet castle mentioned as early as the 10th century; probably destroyed in 1292. completely dilapidated. No
Hafnerburg (eastern) St. Urban location Part of a triplet castle mentioned as early as the 10th century; probably destroyed in 1292. completely dilapidated. No
Upper Himmelberg Castle Himmelberg location Castle Romanesque castle. abandoned around 1400. Keep blown up in 1963. Part of a double castle No
Lower Himmelberg Castle Himmelberg location Part of a double castle expired No
Kalsberg Castle (Chalbersperch) Albeck approx. location Castle Mentioned 12th to 15th centuries. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Karlstein Castle Feldkirchen in Carinthia Location [41] Castle Mentioned 13th to 14th century. around 1600 called "desolate castle". decay; impressive moats and ramparts as well as small remains of the wall have been preserved. No
Burgstall tickling Steuerberg location Burgstall fabulous castle stable No
Klammstein Castle (Clamenstein, Clausenstein) Steindorf am Ossiacher See approx. Location? [44] Castle mentioned as a ruin in the 17th century. lost No
Fortified church in Kleingradenegg St. Urban location Fortified church Stormed by Turks in 1476. Remains of the door broken open by the Turks exhibited in the vestibule. Kleingradenegg ruins 02.jpg 62282f1
Krahberg (Krahkogel, Tscherneitschkogel) Feldkirchen in Carinthia location Rampart Late Hallstatt finds (excavations 1960/62). extensive ramparts and steps. No
Lang Castle Feldkirchen location lock Mentioned as an estate in 1501. Burned down in 1810, then new building on older remains (cellar vault from the 16th century). next to it an older tower. receive; inhabited. Feldkirchen Lang.jpg 34229f1
Lantschnig ramparts Feldkirchen in Carinthia approx. location Rampart prehistoric? No
Liebharten Castle (Liepharten) Steuerberg approx. location Castle already ruin in the 17th century lost No
Fortified church of Maria Feicht Glanegg location Fortified church Church fortified in 1492. Fixing gone. Glanegg Maria Feicht Filialkirche hl Maria 16082015 6714.jpg 67960f1
Marienhof Palace Feldkirchen in Carinthia location castle-like construction castle-like construction; built for children's home. receive; inhabited. Feldkirchen Rabensdorf 33 Marienhof 07032015 0322.jpg No
Toll bridges Glanegg approx. location grange small castle-like building. recently abandoned EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Ossiach military monastery Ossiach location Military pen Stift founded in 1028; conquered by the Turks in 1484; then rebuilt and fastened. only small remains of the fortifications (wall around church, corner tower with loopholes) are preserved. Stiftskirche Ossiach July 2018 15.jpg 34699 96305f1
Poitschach Castle Feldkirchen location grange Trade headquarters; Erected in 1715. preserved, inhabited. Feldkirchen Poitschach 1 Poitschach Castle 14072015 5779.jpg 34716f1
Pollenitzen ramparts Feldkirchen location Rampart Wall system recognizable No
Pollnig Castle (Glantschachhof) Glanegg location ruin in the 19th century. abandoned in the 20th century. EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Pregrad Castle Feldkirchen location Castle First mentioned in 1174; It does not expire until around 1700. ruin Pregrad.JPG 9204f1
Prägrad Castle Feldkirchen location grange built in the 17th century as the castle's nursing home; Removed in 1967. got lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Radmarsdorf Castle (Radmannsdorf, Rabensdorf) Feldkirchen approx. Location? lock 1460 named Hof; Moated castle at the end of the 17th century. run down, rebuilt several times. completely rebuilt partially preserved. No
Amthof Reichenau Reichenau approx. Location? [63] lock Destroyed by the Turks in 1480. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Rottendorf fortified church Feldkirchen in Carinthia location Fortified church Church built in the early 15th century; rebuilt after destruction at the end of the 15th century. Fortification largely lost. Feldkirchen Rottendorf Filialkirche hll Wolfgang and Magdalena SW-View 13042017 4990.jpg 94045f1
Fortified church of St. Gandolf Glanegg location Fortified church Church built in the 14th century, expanded in the 15th century. Fortification largely lost. Glanegg St Gandolf rectory and parish church hl Gandolf 16082015 1432.jpg 63017f1
Fortified church of St. Nikolai Feldkirchen location Fortified church Fortified church built in the 14th century. Defensive wall partially preserved. Feldkirchen Sankt Nikolai Parish Church of Saint Nicholas 01012008 02.jpg 94047f1
Fortified church of St. Ulrich Feldkirchen location Fortified church Church since 12th century; fortified against the Turks in the 15th century, conquered by Hungarians. only remnants of the fortifications have been preserved. Feldkirchen Sankt Ulrich Parish Church of St. Ulrich South-View 11042016 2992.jpg 63245f1
Sirnitz fortified church Albeck location Fortified church Early Gothic fortified church, built around 1300. Fortification largely lost. Albeck Sirnitz Parish Church of Saint Nicholas Christopherus 23072008 32.jpg 128634f1
Stapferturm (Stapherturn, Stafflerturm) Feldkirchen location tower medieval ruin Stapferturm 3.jpg 34228f1
Stattenberg Castle (Ststättenberg) St. Urban location Castle Romanesque castle; no documentary mention is known. ruin Stattenberg castle ruins 08.jpg No
Steuerberg Castle (Marbauerschloss, Dovernik) Steuerberg location Castle Castle mentioned in 1160; in the 15th / 16th Century expanded like a castle. Part of it was inhabited until the 19th century. ruin Steuerberg Castle Chapel 4.jpg 71744f1
Wall system near Steuerberg Steuerberg location Rampart Rampart Fortification nw v Ruin Steuerberg 01.jpg No
Stocklitz fortified church Feldkirchen in Carinthia location Fortified church small Romanesque-Gothic fortified church Fixing lost during renovation. Feldkirchen Stocklitz Filialkirche hl Leonhard SW-View 21062017 9711.jpg 67930f1
Defense church Tauchendorf Glanegg location Fortified church small Gothic fortified church; The cemetery fortifications were dismantled during renovation in the 18th century. Fixing gone. Glanegg Tauchendorf Filialkirche Heiliger Michael 14102011 722.jpg 67962f1
Tevinia Castle Steindorf am Ossiacher See location Castle Called the castle from the middle of the 12th century. Destroyed in 1293; rebuilt. The castle fell into disrepair in the 17th century. expired Steindorf Tiffen Castle ruins Tevinia Bastion 10042013 377.jpg 94715f1
Tiffen fortified church Steindorf am Ossiacher See location Fortified church Romanesque church; fortified in the 15th century. Fastening remains preserved. Steindorf am Ossiacher See Tiffen parish church and former rectory 20042016 1623.jpg 63446 94733 94728f1
Tiffen Castle (Gschlosser Hube) Steindorf am Ossiacher See location grange former Meierhof of the castle; Erected in the 15th century, expanded in the 16th century. receive; inhabited. Steindorf am Ossiacher See Tiffen 30 Gschlosser Hube former castle 20042016 1662.jpg 43929f1
southern Türkenschanze Albeck location Rampart According to legend, it was used in Turkish wars (15th century). Wall system visible No
Urbanerberg Castle St. Urban Location? [80] fabulous castle expired No
Fort near the Urschwirt Himmelberg location fabulous fort No
Wachsenberg fortified church Steuerberg location Fortified church Gothic fortified church from 15th century (tower older) Steuerberg Wachsenberg Parish Church of Saint Andreas 14102011 441.jpg 94887f1
Weinwirth residence Steindorf am Ossiacher See location grange basically from the 15th century; rebuilt several times. preserved; inhabited. Steindorf Tiffen 16 Weinwirth Residence 10042013 222.jpg 48556f1


  • Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified sites. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973.


  1. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 43.
  2. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 42f.
  3. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 43.
  4. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 43; referred to there as "completely gone today".
  5. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 50ff.
  6. ^ Wilhelm Wadl: The Amthof in Feldkirchen. in: Carinthia I , vol. 188. History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1998. pp. 321-352.
  7. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 43f.
  8. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 65f.
  9. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 28.
  10. According to Kohla, "2 km west of Gnesau, at the height (Kote 1216)." The coordinates point to a prominent knoll west of Gnesau, right next to the farms (according to the Franziszeischem land register) Unterburgstaller and Oberburgstaller .
  11. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 44f.
  12. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 45.
  13. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 43.
  14. mentioned in a document at Albeck. exact location unknown.
  15. ^ Paul Leber: Archaeological Notes from Carinthia. in: Carinthia I. 142nd year (1952). P. 212ff.
  16. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 49.
  17. ^ A b Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified sites. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 50.
  18. according to Kohla between Lendorf and Ruprecht, above the slate quarry, about 10 x 30 m in size. Identification uncertain; maybe 150 m southwest of the given coordinates?
  19. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. p. 46ff.
  20. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. P. 59f.
  21. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 60.
  22. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 70.
  23. the coordinates point to a place that corresponds to Kohla's description: on the northern slope of the Kitzel (mountain) ... east of the Streuweiler Sallas.
  24. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 57f.
  25. not mentioned in literature
  26. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 58.
  27. According to Kohla "only masonry in the hamlet of Rothenthurn." According to Wiessner, "tower-like construction in remains in the hamlet of Rottendorf". None of this seems to have survived. - see. also Glanegg castle western part .
  28. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 75.
  29. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. pp. 57f.
  30. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 58f.
  31. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. P. 86f.
  32. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 53f.
  33. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 97.
  34. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 64f.
  35. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 64f.
  36. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 64f.
  37. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 65f.
  38. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 65f.
  39. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumably ed., History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. P. 141f.
  40. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 144.
  41. in literature referred to as lost, but clearly recognizable in the area. Only in 2016 was "Discovery" published by Willi Modritsch. Robert Graimann: Lost castle appeared after 700 years. in: Regionsmagazin - Stadt und Land. Feldkirchen - Nockberge - Ossiacher See. November 2016, p. 32.
  42. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 153.
  43. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 158.
  44. ↑ Mentioned in the 17th century as "ob Sanct Peter", "bei Ossiacher See". According to the addendum at Kohla, it is probably mentioned above Bodensdorf. - Note: Alternatively, considering the place / field names, the question arises whether there could be a connection to the hamlet of Burg and the field name Peterle above St. Urban on Lake Ossiach?
  45. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. p. 92.
  46. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. P. 162ff.
  47. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 75f.
  48. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 178.
  49. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 190.
  50. according to old sources at St. Martin near Steuerberg; later incorrectly described (as also by Kohla) as "at Sternberg". The coordinates refer to the most noticeable knoll in that area - apart from the church.
  51. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 206.
  52. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. pp. 120f.
  53. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 58.
  54. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 237.
  55. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1972. p. 18ff.
  56. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 54.
  57. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 249.
  58. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 250.
  59. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 92f.
  60. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 93.
  61. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 93f.
  62. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 270.
  63. Location unknown. The coordinates refer to a knoll on the outskirts.
  64. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 279.
  65. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 65.
  66. ^ Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia. Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 788.
  67. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 337.
  68. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1972. p. 67ff.
  69. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 294.
  70. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 301.
  71. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 100.
  72. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 101f.
  73. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 310.
  74. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 319.
  75. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 102f.
  76. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. pp. 102f.
  77. ^ H. Wiessner, G. Seebach: Castles and palaces in Carinthia. Klagenfurt - Feldkirchen - Völkermarkt. 2nd ext. Ed., Birken, Vienna 1980. p. 103.
  78. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably ed., History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 245 (“Pirkerhof”).
  79. ^ A b Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified sites. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 341.
  80. Coordinates refer to the artificial structure recognizable in the laser scan on the Urbanerberg.
  81. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 350.
  82. ^ Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia. Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , pp. 955f.