List of streets in Essen-Leithe

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The list of streets in Essen-Leithe describes the street system in the Essen district of Leithe with the corresponding historical references.

Introduction and overview

In Essen-Leithe, 6841 inhabitants (March 31, 2020) live on an area of ​​3.79 km². Leithe has the postcode district 45307.

On May 9, 1894, street naming was introduced in Leithe by a resolution of the municipality of Kray-Leithe. However, the inclusion of the original house numbering in the street naming system did not follow until November 1, 1898. In 1935, when the Saarland came back to the German Reich , streets after people or places from the Saar area were named as street name group in the miners' settlement on the Brüninghofer Höhe . The Meistersinger street name group was created for the construction of the Isinger Feld residential area in 1965 .

The district
boundary runs clockwise in the north as follows: It is formed in the north-west by the Essen - Bochum railway line , which crosses Rodenseelstraße to the east. Shortly thereafter, the district boundary leads north over Munscheidstrasse, crosses Bundesautobahn 40 and Ottostrasse, continues to the west and north around the Volksgarten and then follows the old freight railway line to the east to Halterner Strasse. From there the border runs in a southerly direction to the south of the Im Helf street, where it forms the city boundary to Bochum . Then it leads as the district boundary to Freisenbruch south of the residential area Isinger Feld on the street Nottebaumskamp. Then it branches off to the north and leads west of the allotment garden, crossing Meistersingerstraße and on over the street Schreibzeile onto Wattenscheider Straße and the adjoining railway line.

There are 50 designated traffic areas in Kray, including no square . These streets are only partially located in the district:
Grimbergstrasse, Meistersingerstrasse, Munscheidstrasse, Nottebaumskamp, ​​Ottostrasse, Rodenseelstrasse, Wattenscheider Strasse, Zu den Brembergskotten

Run through the Kray district

List of streets

The following table gives an overview of the streets and paths in the district with corresponding information.

  • Name : current name of the street.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
    The length information contained in the overview are rounded overview values ​​that were determined in Google Earth using the local scale. They are used for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    The addition (in the district) indicates that the length of the street section within the district is that the street continues into neighboring districts.
    The addition (without side streets) indicates the length of the "main street" in the case of branched streets.
  • Derivation : origin or reference of the name
  • Date of designation : first official designation
  • Notes : additional information
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object
Surname Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Derivation Date of designation Remarks image
Adlerstrasse 810 Adler Aktiengesellschaft für Bergbau March 24, 1925 In 1921, the Zeche Centrum belonging to the Rheinische Stahlwerke was acquired by Adler Aktiengesellschaft für Bergbau. Adlerstraße is located in the area of ​​mine 4/6 of this mine, which was closed at the end of the 1920s. The Adlerstraße leads in a southern arch from the Lahnbeckestraße and back again.
At the Isinger Bach 350
(without a cul-de-sac)
Isinger Bach, waters Apr 20, 2004 The street Am Isinger Bach is a southern cul-de-sac from Wattenscheider Straße and is located near the eponymous Isinger Bach.
On the Lehmberg 190 Lehmberg, field name May 22, 1946 In the land register of 1668 it says: The Laemberg belongs to Hofe Schulte Brüning, closing on the Laembecke with 15  acres .
The street Am Lehmberg, which was previously called Lilienstraße , runs from Volksgartenweg in an easterly direction to the underpass of the Essen - Bochum railway line .
In the Kirchenland 410 Kirchenland, field name Feb. 2, 1959 The land register from 1668 states that Heinrich Schulte farms land on the Kirchenland in Altengrimberg. The name comes from the fact that the church in neighboring Wattenscheid had owned land here for centuries and was still the owner of several pieces of land in the parish of Kirchenland in 1866.
The street Auf'm Kirchenland connects the Lange Straße with the Elsterbuschstraße.
Beckmesserstrasse 230 Sixtus Beckmesser , Mastersinger June 3, 1965 The Meistersinger Sixtus Beckmesser lived in Nuremberg , one of the centers of the Meistersinger guilds, between around 1500 and 1539.
Beckmesserstrasse is located in the Isinger Feld residential area and is a southern cul-de-sac from Meistersingerstrasse.
Behaimring 260 Michael Beheim , writer, mastersinger June 3, 1965 The Behaimring is located to the south in the residential area of ​​Isinger Feld and forms a southern curve from Meistersingerstraße and back onto it.
Brüninghofer Weg 610 Brüning, court name Jan 15, 1936 The Schulte Brüning farm is mentioned in a document as early as 1327. It was a fiefdom of Deutz Abbey . In the land registry of 1668, Wilhelm Schulte zu Brüningh and the 66  acre farm are mentioned. The feudal chamber of Deutz Abbey is mentioned as the owner. In 1776 the Schulte Johann Heinrich Brüning was enfeoffed with the estate after Johan Werner Gisbert Freiherr von Dobbe had previously waived a renewed enfeoff. From this point on, the estate was called the common fiefdom or feudo promisco. In 1787 the lending of Schulten Brüning was renewed by the Deutz Abbey. Theodor Schulte Brüning is mentioned as the owner in the mother role of 1866. In 1896 his son Heinrich sold the farm to the industrialist and councilor Wilhelm Munscheid , who sold the property to the Kray municipality , which opened the Kray Volksgarten here in 1913 .
The Brüninghofer Weg, which was previously called Wilhelmstrasse in the southern part and Alfredstrasse from 1920 and Brüningstrasse in the northern part , leads from the Sulzbachtal street in a north-westerly direction under the Essen - Bochum railway to Munscheidstrasse.
Centrumstrasse 800 Colliery Center July 10, 1981 The Centrumstrasse, which was previously called Schacht Centrum , is an eastern cul-de-sac of the Adlerstrasse. It is located on the former site of the Zeche Centrum, which was closed in 1929.
Dudweilerstrasse 310 Dudweiler , district of Saarbrücken Nov 14, 1935 In 1935, when Saarland came back to the German Reich , streets in the miners' settlement on Brüninghofer Höhe were named after people or places from the Saar area.
The Dudweilerstraße connects the Parkweg with the Volksgartenweg.
Eißlingerhang 110 Ulrich Eißlinger, Mastersinger June 3, 1965 Ulrich Eißlinger (* unknown; † unknown) was a Mastersinger in the 16th century.
The Eißlingerhang is located in the residential area Isinger Feld and is a western dead end of Meistersingerstraße.
Elsterbuschstrasse 420 Elsterbusch, field name May 11, 1903 The field name was originally Esterbusch and means: eastern bush. In the land registry of 1668 it is mentioned that Diethrich Grahman leased a morning from the pastor to Steel on Esterbusch . At a time that was no longer comprehensible, it became Elsterbusch, because in the parenting role of 1827 the name already appears in the latter form.
Elsterbuschstraße branches off southeast of Grimbergstraße, leads to the street Auf'm Kirchland and ends southeast as a dead end. It once led further to the southeast, crossed Ottostraße and ran to Lentorfstraße, where it has been called Tiemannleite since 1935 .
Franz-Xaver-Weg 80 Franz Xavier , missionary, saint March 31, 1955 The Franz-Xaver-Weg is a southern cul-de-sac of the Korumhöhe street.
Frauenlobstraße 130 Heinrich von Meißen, called Frauenlob , poet and master singer June 3, 1965 Frauenlobstraße is located in the residential area of ​​Isinger Feld and is an eastern cul-de-sac from Meistersingerstraße.
Grimbergstrasse 800
(in the district)
Grimberg, Lehngut May 3, 1903 The former princely-eating fiefdom of Grimberg belonged to a Monst family until 1402. It passed into the possession of the Nesselrode family through the von Schell, Scobbe, Knipping, Plettenberg and Ovelacker families. In the land register of 1668, Heinrich Schulte zum Altengrimberg and the 89  acre farm are mentioned. In 1795 the entire Schulte farmer and the Herrestorff family appear as landlords in Cologne. In 1801 Maria Agnes Schulte Grimberg, nee Grosfeld, bought the farm with a feudal consensus from Franz v. Herwegh on. At the same time she transferred it to her son Heinrich. In the mother role of 1866 the economist Philipp Theodor Grimberg zu Leythe is named as the owner. In 1914 the farm went to the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG .
Grimbergstraße leads from Lange Straße in a westerly direction to the junction with Elsterbuschstraße, from where it continues in Kray .
Halterner Strasse 1070 Haltern am See Nov. 27, 1933 Halterner Strasse leads from the Gelsenkirchen-Süd junction of federal motorway 40 in a northerly direction as federal road 227 in Gelsenkirchen , where it is called Hattinger Strasse.
Hans-Sachs-Strasse 170 Hans Sachs , shoemaker, poet, master singer, playwright. June 3, 1965 Hans-Sachs-Straße is located in the residential area of ​​Isinger Feld and is an eastern cul-de-sac of Meistersingerstraße.
Hochfeldstrasse 990 Located at the height of the Isinger field May 3, 1903 Hochfeldstraße branches off in the residential area of ​​Isinger Feld north of Meistersingerstraße and leads in a north-easterly direction onto Rodenseelstraße. Until about 1965, when the residential area Isinger Feld was built, Hochfeldstraße continued in a south-westerly direction via today's Nottebaumskamp street , which until then only bore this name in neighboring Steele .
Homburg way 150 Homburg , district town in Saarland March 20, 1968 The Homburger Weg, which was part of the Parkweg until 1968 , connects Dudweilerstraße with Parkweg in a northerly corner.
In Beckmannsfeld 420
(in the district)
Beckmannsfeld, field belonging to the Beckmann farm July 12, 1929 The Bekmann farm in Kray was owned by the so-called Münsterkirchenfabrik in Essen. The first documentary mention was made in 1473. In the land register of 1668, Dietherich Beckmann and the 35-  acre farm are named. In 1795 you can find the entire farmer Beckmann.
The street Im Beckmannsfeld, which was originally called Bachstraße , comes from the neighboring Kray and ends as a dead end for motor vehicles in front of an allotment garden in Leithe. The Im Beckmannsfeld path continues as a footpath to the Nottebaumskamp street; in this area the route was previously called Isingstrasse .
In the help 1290 Help, corridor and farm name May 26, 1939 The name of the Flur Helf can be seen in connection with the once nearby Hellweg . The Helfshof is mentioned in 1514 as Hove tom Heylwege to Staleyken.
The street Im Helf, which was previously called Bergstraße , Feldstraße and Helfshöge , leads from Rodenseelstraße in an easterly direction around the Adler industrial park and meets Lahnbeckestraße.
Im Helf, Hof Köllmann
Kemnastraße 70
(in the district)
Kemna, court name Sep 18 1974 The Schulte Kemna farm was first mentioned in a document in 1379. The owner at the time, the knight Diedrich von Leithe, pledged the farm to his brother Evert at Haus Baldeney . The farm remained in the possession of the von Leithe and von Stecke families at Haus Baldeney until 1545. Lutgart von Stecke later gave it to her sister Anna, married to Bertram I. von Nesselrode, treasurer of the Duchies of Jülich and Berg at Haus Herten . After being passed on to the von Nesselrode family , the farm was sold in 1754 by Imperial Count Johann Wilhelm von Nesselrode, with all rights, to Johan Schulte zu Kemna and his wife Christina. However, they could not hold the court and sold it to Lieutenant General Friedrich Freiherr von Wenige in Sevinghausen in June 1773 , but retained a lifelong right of use for themselves and their descendants. In 1840 a lawsuit was decided in favor of the Kemnas between Freiherr von Wenige zu Beck and the Schulte Kemna family because of the inheritance of the lease right.
Kemnastraße branches off to the east of Halterner Straße and continues in Bochum - Wattenscheid .
Klüvershang 360
(without side streets)
Klüver, court name March 3, 1953 The Klüver court was a lower court of the Leither Hof Schulte-Herveling, which belonged to the Deutz Abbey . Colon Klüwer is mentioned in a deed of foundation dated September 27, 1492. In 1613 the Abbot von Deutz transferred the Hervelinghof, and with it the Klüwer farm, with all its accessories to Wilhelm von Nesselrode . In the land register of 1668, Rudolff Klufer and the 25  acre courtyard are named. The half-builder Klüver is mentioned in 1795, whereby the landlord was the Hofrat von Cocy in Essen. Heinrich Klüwer sold the farm in 1911 to the industrialist and local councilor in Kray , Wilhelm Munscheid . In 1916 the farm went to the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG . The barns of the yard were laid down, the house built in 1903 was preserved.
The Klüwershang branches off to the east of Lentorfstrasse and ends in a ring.
Korumhöhe 290 Michael Felix Korum , Bishop of Trier Nov 14, 1935 The street Korumhöhe, which was previously called Kirchstraße and Mathiasstraße , connects Wendelinstraße with Sulzbachtal street. St. Joseph, Korumhöhe
Lahnbeckestrasse 1380 Lahnbecke, water and field name May 11, 1903 In the land register of 1668 Wilhelm Schulte zu Brüningh is named as the owner of 15  acres of field land the Laemberg auff die Laenbecke.
Lahnbeckestraße leads from Rodenseelstraße in an easterly direction to the city limits of Bochum - Wattenscheid .
Long street 1340 Lange, court name May 11, 1903 1773 acquired the Kolone Grimberg called Lange for 4000 Taler the Essen feud that after the fire control list of county Mark was one of 1664 the family of the Leyten to Laer. In 1693 it went to a Grollmann family. It is called the Pfächtiger Lange with two fireplaces. In 1798 the last loan to Johann Theodor Grimberg called Lange took place. The owner Theodor Lange in Leithe is mentioned in the mother role of 1866. In 1903 the street was correctly spelled Langestrasse. Probably in ignorance of the meaning, the separate spelling was introduced at some point.
Lange Straße leads from Elsterbuschstraße in a north-easterly direction onto Halterner Straße.
Lentorfstrasse 700 Lentorf, name of a farm group May 11, 1903 The Lentorf farm group was located in the former peasantry of Leithe. In the chain book of 1332 it is mentioned that mansus to Lenderinctope in parochia Steele is subject to a charge to Oberhof Eickenscheidt.
Lentorfstraße leads from the southern end of the park path in a north-easterly direction to the Klüwershang street and ends shortly afterwards as a dead end.
Litterode 220
(without side streets)
On the Litte, field name Nov 12, 1934 The field name Auf der Litte is mentioned in the mother role of 1827.
The street Litterode connects the street Korumhöhe with the Rudolfstraße in an eastern corner.
Meistersingerstrasse 1150
(in the district)
Mastersingers June 3, 1965 Coming from Kray , Meistersingerstraße leads in a south-westerly arch through the residential area of ​​Isinger Feld and ends as an eastern cul-de-sac after the junction with Hochfeldstraße. Hof Schulte Ising, Meistersingerstrasse
Merziger Aue 140 Merzig , city in Saarland Nov 14, 1935 In 1935, when Saarland came back to the German Reich , streets in the miners' settlement on Brüninghofer Höhe were named after people or places from the Saar area.
The street Merziger Aue, which was previously called Fliederstraße , branches off south of the street Am Lehmberg and ends in a western direction as a dead end.
Munscheidstrasse 470
(in the district)
Wilhelm Munscheid , industrialist, councilor May 11, 1903 Wilhelm Munscheid was born on February 15, 1839 in Weitmar (since 1926 part of Bochum ) and was a manufacturer at the Gelsenkirchen cast steel and iron works, formerly Munscheid & Co. He contributed to the development of Leithe and acquired the courtyards Brüning, Grahmann and Klüver . He also acquired land for building roads and paths, for schools and churches and made them available free of charge. The construction of the Volksgarten also goes back to Munscheid, who was a member of the Kray-Leither municipal council for many years. Wilhelm Munscheid died on December 8, 1913 in Düsseldorf. Coming
from Kray , Munscheidstrasse leads north-east onto Tiermannleite.
Munscheidstrasse 17
(in the district)
Notte tree, family and field name before 1897 The Nottebaum family, whose origins lie on the Nottebaum farm in Rhynern , has been documented in Steele since 1713 . This Nottebaum farm was a lower farm of the Essen Oberhof Eving. In 1795 Jacob Nottebaum is named as the landlord and the property as treatment goods, as well as the lordship of the princely abbey to eat. In 1805 Jacob Nottebaum was also treated with the Kahrmannshove in Steele. The Steeler orphanage had a Johann Nottebaum as rentmaster around 1830. Coming
from Steele , the Nottebaumskamp leads in a north-easterly direction to the Behaimring. Until about 1965, when the Isinger Feld residential area was built, the Nottebaumskamp street in Leithe was part of the Hochfeldstraße continuing to the northeast .
Ortelweg 60 Ortel, a mastersinger June 3, 1965 Ortelweg is located in the residential area of ​​Isinger Feld and forms a western cul-de-sac of Meistersingerstrasse.
Ottostrasse 1050
(in the district)
Otto Eickenscheidt, farmer and politician Jan. 2, 1901 Otto Eickenscheidt was born on April 5, 1839 in Kray and married in 1864 at Hof Hövelmann in Leithe . In Leithe he became community leader. For several years he was the first honorary councilor of the Wattenscheid office . There he founded the Wattenscheider farmers 'association and later became chairman of the Westphalian farmers' association . Otto Eickenscheidt died on April 24, 1891 in Wolbeck .
Ottostraße runs from Halterner Straße in a westerly direction to the north, parallel to federal motorway 40 and runs south-west of the Krayer Volksgarten and then on to Kray .
Ottweilerweg 170 Ottweiler , city in Saarland Jan 15, 1936 In 1935, when Saarland came back to the German Reich , streets in the miners' settlement on Brüninghofer Höhe were named after people or places from the Saar area.
The Ottweilerweg, previously called Asternstraße , connects Lentorfstraße with St.-Ingbert-Höhe.
Park path 280 Location at the Volksgarten Kray Dec 14, 1948 The name comes from its direct location at the Krayer Volksgarten, because its southern part borders the Parkweg to the west. With the expansion of the federal motorway 40 in the 1950s / 1960s, this part was separated from the rest of the Volksgarten.
The Parkweg connects Munscheidstrasse with Lentorfstrasse. Until March 2, 1968, today's Homburger Weg belonged to the Parkweg.
Pleskengarten 310 Plesken, name of a kott Nov 14, 1935 In the land register of 1668 it says: Henrich auff Pießken. At the same time the house is standing and belonging to Tiemannshoff, who has done a small garden of his land with Tyman and names it there.
Pleskengarten street, which was previously called Gartenstraße , connects Brüninghofer Weg with Tiemannleite street.
Rodenseelstrasse 1180
(in the district)
Rodenseel, farm group Jan. 12, 1934 The Rodenseel farm group consisted of five farms, with the southernmost of these farms being referred to as Hof Rodenseel in a document from 1027. Presumably it is the later Schäpershof in Leithe , with which Johan Schulte zu Wyssthoven and his wife Giertgen and their descendants were enfeoffed in 1569. The name Rodenseel first appears in 890 as Hrodingseli. In the chain book of 1332 the mansus Henrici to Rodenzele and the mansus Noldekini to Nederen Rodenzele are mentioned, which belonged to the Oberhof Eickenscheidt. The Essen feudal protocols show that Pilgrim received de hove to Rodensele from Leiten.
The Rodenseelstraße leads from Freisenbruch in a northerly direction to the Essen - Bochum railway line and from there to Kray . In this area it was previously called Haferfeldstrasse .
Rudolfstrasse 160 Rudolf Dreiner, council member 19 Sep 1920 Rudolf Dreiner was born on April 23, 1879 in Lope in the Wipperfürth district . He was a master hairdresser and a member of the council of the Kray-Leithe mayor. Dreiner died on April 21, 1947 in Tüschen near Velbert .
Rudolfstraße, which was previously called Schulstraße , connects the Korumhöhe street with the Brüninghofer Weg.
Rüenkermesweg 100 Rüenkermes, field name Nov 29, 1967 Rüe means male, dog. In the land registry of 1668 Dietherich Beckmann is named as the owner of four acres of land ahn der Hundts Kermeß. The Rüdenkirnsfeld is mentioned in the mother role of 1927. In the vernacular, Hundtskermeß became the name Rüenkermes.
The Rüenkermesweg is a western dead end of the Wendelinstraße.
Writing line 80 Relation to the neighboring school June 3, 1935 The street name refers to the Christophorus Elementary School to the west, where the elementary school students learn to write.
The street Schreibzeile is a southern cul-de-sac from Wattenscheider Strasse. In its entire course it forms the border with the neighboring district of Kray .
St.-Ingbert-Höhe 110 St. Ingbert , city in Saarland Nov 14, 1935 In 1935, when Saarland came back to the German Reich , streets in the miners' settlement on Brüninghofer Höhe were named after people or places from the Saar area.
The St.-Ingbert-Höhe street leads from the Am Lehmber street in a north-easterly direction to the Ottweilerweg and then ends as a dead end.
Stolzingweg 160 Stolzing, a mastersinger June 3, 1965 The Stolzingweg is a northern cul-de-sac from Frauenlobstraße.
Sulzbachtal 640 Sulzbach , right tributary of the Saar Nov 14, 1935 Since the former George Street , previously part of the Lahn Beckestraße was and before Heinrichstraße said, lay in the valley of the Lahn Becke, it was decided at the renaming in 1935 to designate Sulzbachtal, because in 1935, when the Saarland at the back German Empire came were named after people or places from the Saar area in the miners' settlement on the Brüninghofer Höhe streets.
The Sulzbachtal road, which was extended on December 14, 1976 from Brüninghofer Weg west to Rodenseelstrasse, with the course of Lahnbeckestrasse being relocated to the south, has since led from the Essen - Bochum railway in a south-westerly direction to Rodenseelstrasse.
Tiemannleite 220 Tiemann, court name Nov 14, 1935 The Tiemannhof was a princely food item that had to be paid for in the Oberhof Eickenscheidt. In the land register of 1668, Wilhelm Tymann and the 29  acre courtyard are named. The half-peasant is mentioned in 1795. The last person to be treated was Jörgen Siepmann called Tymann on May 10, 1786. For the second hand, Anna Catharina Grahmann (married to Bernhard Tiemann) was last treated on April 5, 1785. After their death, the couple Theodor Graeve and Anna Maria Tiemann followed on October 15, 1827, who relieved all of the farm's fiscal burdens and thus became unrestricted owners. In the mother role from 1866, Theodor Gaewe jun. called Thiemann called. In 1911 the farm was transferred to Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG .
The street Tiemannleite is a northern cul-de-sac from Lentorfstrasse. Before that, it was the southern extension of Elsterbuschstrasse , which is now structurally separated from Tiemannleite by the federal motorway 40 .
Volksgartenweg 300 Location near the Krayer Volksgarten May 22, 1946 The Volksgartenweg, named after the Volksgarten opened in 1913, originally called Goethestrasse north of Lentorfstrasse and Goethestrasse south of this Rosenstrasse , and from 1935 onwards Röchlingstrasse throughout its course , now runs from the federal autobahn 40 in a south-easterly direction to Merziger Aue.
Wackenberg 290 Survey in Saarbrücken Jan. 14, 1935 In 1935, when Saarland came back to the German Reich , streets in the miners' settlement on Brüninghofer Höhe were named after people or places from the Saar area. The Wackenberg in Saarbrücken is a survey on which on January 6, 1935 around 300,000 Saarlanders made a declaration of their Germanness. The Saar vote took place on the following Sunday, with a large majority opting to remain in Germany.
The street Wackenberg, which was previously called Karlstraße and Lindenstraße , connects the Brüninghofer Weg with the Sulzbachtal street parallel to the Essen - Bochum railway line .
Warning light 170 Warndt , Saarland forest area Nov 14, 1935 In 1935, when Saarland came back to the German Reich , streets in the miners' settlement on Brüninghofer Höhe were named after people or places from the Saar area. The warning line is named after the forest area west of Saarbrücken .
The street Warndtleite, which was previously called Uhlandstraße , connects the street Pleskengarten with the Lentorfstraße.
Wattenscheider Strasse 850
(in the district)
Formerly an independent town of Wattenscheid Apr 7, 1914 Before the expansion of the Ruhr Schnellweg , Wattenscheider Straße was part of the connection to Wattenscheid. The city of Wattenscheid, which has been independent since 1926, was incorporated into Bochum in 1975 .
Wattenscheider Straße leads from Rodenseelstraße in a westerly direction in the Kray district .
Wendelinstrasse 390 Wendelin , saint, patron saint of the Saar region Jan 15, 1936 In 1935, when Saarland came back to the German Reich , streets in the miners' settlement on Brüninghofer Höhe were named after people or places from the Saar area.
Wendelinstraße leads from Rodenseelstraße in a north-easterly direction to Brüninghofer Weg.
To the Brembergskotten 80
(in the district)
Bremberg, name of a kott July 12, 1929 The small and large Brembergskotten probably originally belonged to the Horst family . In 1667 Hugo von Schüren zu Horst sold the Brengenberg estate with its fish pond and the Köttgen lying there to the Essen historian Hiltrop. From him both Kotten went to a family Rodtberg. In 1732 the Catholic pastorate in Steele bought the Kotten in favor of the Pastor-Melchior-Schmit'schen Anniversarienstiftung. The Aufsitzer Laurenz Helf called Bremberg and the Löher Bremberg are mentioned in 1795. In 1832 the married couple Heinrich Kost gen. Bremberg and Gertrud Fegeler leased the two cottages. This relationship was converted into long lease in 1847.
The street to the Brembergskotten is an eastern dead end of the Brembergstrasse in the neighboring district of Kray and ends in Leithe.

List of former street names

The list of former street names does not claim to be complete.

Surname from to renamed to (current) Derivation Remarks
Alfredstrasse 19 Sep 1920 Jan 15, 1936 →  Brüninghofer Weg The southern part of the Brüninghofer Weg was called Wilhelmstraße from 1901 and then Alfredstraße, the northern part was previously called Brüningstraße .
Astern Street around 1921 Jan 15, 1936 →  Ottweilerweg Asters , botany, composites
Mountain road May 11, 1903 May 2, 1924 →  In the help The Bergstrasse was named Feldstrasse from 1924 , the name Helfshöhe from 1937 and has been called Im Helf since 1939.
Brüningstrasse May 11, 1903 Jan 15, 1936 →  Brüninghofer Weg Brüning, court name The northern part of the Brüninghofer Weg was previously called Brüningstrasse, the southern part Alfredstrasse .
Dortmunder Strasse Feb 10, 1931 after 1970 →  Federal motorway 40 Road towards Dortmund The Dortmunder Straße was laid out around 1928 east of today's junction 26 Essen-Frillendorf. It was named on February 10, 1931, after the western part to Huttrop had been completed. It then carried this name from Frillendorf in a north-easterly direction through Kray and Leithe to Wattenscheid . After 1970 the street name was canceled after the street had been assigned to Bundesstrasse 1 . On January 1, 1977 the road was upgraded to the A 430 and in April 1992 it was finally part of the Federal Motorway 40 .
Feldstrasse May 2, 1924 Nov 20, 1937 →  In the help The Bergstraße was previously called Bergstraße , from 1937 the name Helfshöhe and has been called Im Helf since 1939.
Lilac Street Aug 4, 1920 Nov 14, 1935 →  Merziger Aue Lilac , botany, olive tree
gardenstreet June 16, 1911 Nov 14, 1935 →  Pleskengarten
Georgstrasse 19 Sep 1920 Nov 14, 1935 →  Sulzbachtal Georgstraße was previously called Heinrichstraße and has been called Sulzbachtal since 1935.
Goethestrasse June 16, 1911 Nov 14, 1935 →  Volksgartenweg Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , poet The part of today's Volksgartenweg north of Lentorfstrasse was called Goethestrasse, the southern part Rosenstrasse . Both became Röchlingstrasse in 1935 and Volksgartenweg in 1946.
Haferfeldstrasse March 11, 1904 Jan. 12, 1934 →  Rodenseelstrasse Oatfield, field name
Heinrichstrasse Feb 21, 1901 19 Sep 1920 →  Sulzbachtal Heinrichstrasse became Georgstrasse in 1920 and has been called Sulzbachtal since 1935.
Helper height Nov 20, 1937 May 26, 1939 →  In the help Help, corridor and farm name The Helfshöhe was previously called Bergstrasse from 1903 and Feldstrasse from 1924 . It has been called Im Helf since 1939.
Isingstrasse before 1907 after 1935 →  In Beckmannsfeld , partly The former Isingstrasse is now a footpath between the Nottebaumskamp street and the dead end for motor vehicles Im Beckmannsfeld, to which this footpath is one.
Karlstrasse Feb 21, 1901 19 Sep 1920 →  Wackenberg Karlstrasse was renamed Lindenstrasse in 1920 . It has been called Wackenberg since 1935.
Kirchstrasse May 11, 1903 19 Sep 1920 →  Korumhöhe adjoining Catholic Church, predecessor of today's St. Joseph Church Kirchstrasse was renamed Mathiasstrasse in 1920 and has been called Korumhöhe since 1935.
Lilienstraße Aug 4, 1920 May 22, 1946 →  On the Lehmberg Lilies , botany, bulb plant
Lindenstrasse 19 Sep 1920 Jan. 14, 1935 →  Wackenberg Linden , tree genus Lindenstrasse was previously called Karlstrasse . It has been called Wackenberg since 1935.
Mathiasstrasse 19 Sep 1920 Nov 14, 1935 →  Korumhöhe Mathiasstraße has been called Kirchstraße since 1903 , was renamed Mathiasstraße in 1920 and has been called Korumhöhe since 1935.
Röchlingstrasse Nov 14, 1935 May 22, 1946 →  Volksgartenweg The part of today's Volksgartenweg south of Lentorfstrasse was called Rosenstrasse , the northern part Goethestrasse . Both became Röchlingstrasse in 1935 and Volksgartenweg in 1946.
Rosenstrasse Aug 4, 1920 Nov 14, 1935 →  Volksgartenweg Roses , botany, flowering plant The part of today's Volksgartenweg south of Lentorfstrasse was called Rosenstrasse, the northern part Goethestrasse . Both became Röchlingstrasse in 1935 and Volksgartenweg in 1946.
Centrum shaft Nov 7, 1980 July 10, 1981 →  Centrumstrasse Colliery Center
Schulstrasse May 11, 1903 19 Sep 1920 →  Rudolfstrasse adjoining school to the north
Uhlandstrasse around 1922 Nov 14, 1935 →  Warning light Ludwig Uhland , poet
Wilhelmstrasse Jan. 21, 1901 19 Sep 1920 →  Brüninghofer Weg Wilhelmstrasse was renamed Alfredstrasse in 1920 and finally Brüninghofer Weg in 1936. It is the southern part of today's Brüninghofer Weg.
Wasserturmstrasse after 1970 canceled, today dirt road Location at the water tower on Isinger Feld The Wasserturmstraße led from the water tower on Hochfeldstraße in an easterly direction onto Rodenseelstraße. Before the construction of today's double tower, there was a raised basin for the Gelsenkirchen waterworks as early as 1894.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the source used is: Erwin Dickhoff: Essener Strasse . Ed .: City of Essen - Historical Association for City and Monastery of Essen. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 .
  2. ^ City of Essen: Population figures. Retrieved May 21, 2020 .
  3. ^ Map of the Essen district , A. Hofacker, Düsseldorf, 1894