List of streets and places in Flensburg / J

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Surname background coordinate sign
Jacob Hansen's Vej
Was a merchant. He was the founder of the Flensburg Beautification Association . Lage ,Friesischer Berg / Weiche(ZIP 24941)

Jacob-Nöbbe-Bogen Named after Jacob Nöbbe . Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

Leads to Jägerslust in the Schäferhaus Foundation Land . Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

Named after Friedrich Ludwig Jahn . Lage ,Fruerlund(zip code 24943)

Street sign Jahnstraße (Flensburg 2015) .jpg
* Millennium Avenue Kastanienallee laid out in 2001 on the Ringstrasse , but in the following years it was converted into an avenue with mixed trees due to the bacterium Pseudomonas . It runs along the ring road; begins around 1950 at the sports club Adelby and ends around the street Sünderup (village) . Location ,Tarup
Street sign Millennium Allee, Kastanienallee Ringstrasse (Flensburg) .JPG
Jakob-Röschmann-Weg Named after Jakob Röschmann . Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

Jarplunder way
Away from Kleintastrup towards Jarplund . Lage ,Südstadt(zip code 24941)

Jens Dues Gade
Street name with reference to Duburg . Lage ,Neustadt(zip code 24939)

Jens-Due-Weg Street name with reference to Duburg . Lage ,Neustadt(zip code 24939)

Street sign Jens-Due-Straße (Flensburg), picture 003.JPG
Johannes Mejer Way The application submitted by the FDP "RV-37/2014 1st amendment" provided in 2014 that the street in Weiche should be named "Goldener Scheckenfalter-Savanne". The reason was: “The golden piebald butterfly (Euphydryas aurinia) is a butterfly that, according to the press, has been lost to us for about 70 years. The Foundation for Nature Conservation Schleswig-Holstein has now ensured that this species of butterfly would feel at home again in Flensburg, if it still existed here. The city of Flensburg, whose wildlife benefits significantly from the effects of the development measures, should honor this commitment by naming a street. [...] In the garden city of Weiche , several streets have already been named after butterfly species, for example Kohlweißlingsweg or Bläulingsweg. Unfortunately, so far only streets have been named after butterfly species that actually occur in our region. With the naming after the golden piebald butterfly, a further prerequisite is created so that a possibly returning specimen of this previously lost species feels welcome here. The naming of streets according to terrain features is already common in the named area (e.g. Hagen, Furt). The "Savanne" part of the name honors the merits of those who took the measures to have given the Flensburgers the first savannah in this part of the world. "The application was rejected, the road was officially named after Johannes Mejer and named" Johannes-Mejer-Weg " expelled. The street cannot yet be found on current maps. The street leads off from Jägerweg. Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

Johannes Mejer Weg street sign.jpg
Johann-Holste-Weg Named after the royal clerk Johann Holste, the first owner of the Sünderuphof . Lage ,Tarup(ZIP 24943)

Street sign Johann-Holste-Weg (Flensburg 2014) .JPG
Johann-Holz-Weg Named after the type artist and graphic artist Johann Holtz (* 1875; † 1944), who settled in Flensburg around 1920. (He is not to be confused with Johann Daniel Holz .) Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

Johannisallee begins south of the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences and runs north, where it is crossed by Kanzleistraße. The Johannisallee ends at the Johannistreppe. The avenue was named after the nearby parish of St. Johannis , to which the area belonged. Lage ,Sandberg(ZIP 24937)

Street sign Johannisallee (Flensburg) .JPG
Skt. Hans Kirkeplads
Named after the churchyard of the Johanniskirche . The cemetery around the church was no longer used after 1813. In 1840 it was dissolved. In the period after 1813 the dead were buried in the old cemetery . Little is known about the former cemetery. - In Flensburg there is a legend about the churchyard . A Flensburg graduate lived in a house in the churchyard. On a bright moonlit night, he looked out the window. Then he saw a white figure emerge from one of the nearby graves. He calmed himself down and asked the ghost what was disturbing his tomb. The Spirit replied, “I am of those who are called to warn a gross sinner so that he may repent while the time is right. That night "it was" my turn. " Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24937)

Street sign Johanniskirchhof (Flensburg), picture 001.JPG
Street of the Johannisviertel , obviously named after the Johanniskirche . The street was officially given its name on March 15, 1881. Lage ,Jürgensby(zip code 24937/24939)

John's staircase
The staircase was previously called the witch's staircase, it is not known why. There is no evidence of a connection between the stairs and witches and witch persecution . Nor was there any research into whether the use of the stairs leads to lumbago or whether it alleviates them. The stairs lead up to Sandberg Street. It was expanded in the 1910s. Since then it has been called the St John's Staircase; See Johanniskirche (Flensburg) . Lage ,Sandberg(ZIP 24937)

Johan Thomas Lundbye Way The street was not named after the Danish painter Johan Thomas Lundbye , but after the Danish engineer Johan Thomas Lundbye (* 1874, † 1951). Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

John Brinkmann Way
John Brinckmans Vej
Named after John Brinckman . Location ,Westliche Höhe(zip code 24939)

Jordberg The street between Nordstraße (B 199) and Hesttof was given its name in 2007 and takes up a historical field name that was already used at this point. The name of the street comes from Danish , just like the name of the neighboring street Hestoft . In Danish, “Jord” means soil or earth. There is also a street with the same name in Uelsby . The road was laid out during the last construction phase of the nearby east bypass (completed in 2006). The elevation on which the name is based was retained despite the construction work. Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

Joseph-Haydn-Strasse Named on September 27, 1962 after Joseph Haydn . The street is in the western part of the Engelsby district . Since many of the streets there bear the names of well-known composers, this area is also called the musicians' quarter . Lage ,Engelsby(ZIP 24943)

In addition to Hamburg (see Jungfernstieg ) and other port cities, Flensburg also has a street with this name. The street can be used as a small walk to the convent garden . Lage ,Sandberg(ZIP 24937)

Street sign Jungfernstieg (Flensburg) .JPG
Junker Hulvej
The street name, which was witnessed for the first time since 1823, possibly related to a Junker of the Middle Ages there at the ravine , which for Duburgareal leads, lived (see. Eddeboe on the Junker place , yard Flenstoft and Duburg ). Alternatively, it is just another street name with a simple reference to Duburg . The local Junkerhohlweg barracks was named according to the street name. Lage ,Neustadt(zip code 24939)

Road sign Junkerhohlweg (Flensburg), picture 001.JPG
Jupiter way
There are several streets in the area named after planets; see. Jupiter , which is why the neighborhood there was named Star District . Lage ,Engelsby(ZIP 24943)

Jürgensgaarder Strasse
See Jürgensgaard Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24943)

Street sign Jürgensgaarder Strasse (Flensburg 2014) .JPG
The street is in Juergensby . Nowadays there is the senior citizens' residence Jürgenshof at the address Bachstrasse 6. Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24943)

  1. Flensburger Tageblatt : Flensburg Ringstrasse: The Millennium Allee was , from: October 4, 2017; Retrieved on: October 4, 2017
  2. The Duburg, fortress and castle on the western level ( memento of the original from June 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Pages 7 and 10 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. The Duburg, fortress and castle on the western level ( memento of the original from June 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Pages 7 and 10 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. RV-37/2014 1st amendment ( memento of the original from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (on the FDP website) or public meeting documents (updated: May 22, 2014) (6,150 kB), page 132 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Flensburger Tageblatt : Oeversee: New home for three leaded glass windows , from: July 18, 2017; accessed on: November 18, 2019
  6. Flensburger Tageblatt : Schleichwege: Flensburg's well hidden avenue , from May 17, 2014; Retrieved on: March 4, 2015
  7. ^ Dieter Pust : Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, article: Johanniskirchhof
  8. The legend was first recorded in 1929. In this it says “on” that means “at the churchyard”, which obviously means the Johanniskirchhof. In the year of the recording, the Nikolaikirchhof and the Marienkirchhof (which were located in the city area) had been paved for a long time and were therefore no longer recognizable as cemeteries. In addition, there were no houses at the said church yards at that time, so that at the time of recording only the Johanniskirchhof with its preserved lawns could be named with certainty.
  9. Gustav Friedrich Meyer : Schleswig-Holsteiner sagas, Jena 1929 or Gundula Hubrich-Messow: sagas and fairy tales from Flensburg. Husum 1992, p. 14
  10. Cf. Stadtarchiv Flensburg : Expansion of the "Hexentreppe" (between Sandberg and Teichstrasse) intus: 2 plans
  11. Resolution proposal . Environment and Planning Committee on February 6, 2007. Council meeting on February 15, 2007. Street names , accessed: January 20, 2019
  12. The road can therefore not be found on the old road maps before the construction of the Osttangente.
  13. Resolution proposal . Environment and Planning Committee on February 6, 2007. Council meeting on February 15, 2007. Street names , accessed: January 20, 2019
  14. Flensburg, district - Engelsby ( Memento from November 18, 2010 in the Internet Archive ); Retrieved February 18, 2015
  15. ^ Lutz Wilde : Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany, cultural monuments in Schleswig-Holstein . Volume 2, Flensburg, page 332
  16. The Duburg, fortress and castle on the western level ( memento of the original from June 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Pages 7 and 10 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  17. ^ Andreas Oeding, Broder Schwensen, Michael Sturm: Flexikon . 2009, article: Jürgenshof
  18. The local. Jürgenshof Seniorenresidenz GmbH. Bachstrasse 6 24943 Flensburg - Jürgensby , accessed on: November 24, 2019