List of streets and squares in Flensburg / A

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Surname background coordinate sign
Abbot Nicholas Path Named after the abbot Nikolaus, actually Nils Sæmundarson, who lived in the 12th century. The buildings in the street were built around 2002. Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

Abbot Nikolaus path sign Flensburg.jpg
Adelbyer Kirchenweg
Adelby Kirkevej
The way from Jürgensby to the Johanniskirche in Flensburg-Adelby - In the past, the route was one of the main routes to the church. The street begins at the Bismarckstraße at the Palast-Theater and runs to the southeast. It crosses Glücksburger Straße and continues towards Adelby. The Trögelsbyer Weg meets them shortly before the Osttangente . Also in this area, the Lustgarten field path , which comes from the Holländerhof , a workshop for disabled people , meets the Kirchenweg and ends there. The Adelbyer Kirchenweg also divides at the Osttangente . The part for the cars was branched off with the construction of the Osttangente and now continues to the Osttangente. The part for the pedestrians continues the historical course of the route. The path ends over a bridge at the Adelbyer Johanniskirche . Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24943)

Adelbyer Street
Road to Adelby - For a long time Adelbyer Straße was one of the main routes to Adelby and now ends at the Holländerhof , a workshop for disabled people , which used to lead eastwards, where nowadays there is only a dirt road that is just before the pedestrian bridge there meets the Adelbyer Kirchweg and ends there. Lage ,Sandberg / Jürgensby(ZIP 24943)

Adelbyer way Located on Adelbyer Strasse leading to Adelby . Lage ,Sandberg(zip code 24943)

Street at Adelbylund . The Low German word "Heck" means fence or hedge . A field gate is said to have been there in the past. Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24943)

Straßenschider Lundlücke, Adelbylund and Kappelner Straße.JPG
Actually a field name . "Kamp" comes from the Latin "campus" and means field. Compare with the foreign word commonly used today : campus . Lage ,Jürgensby24943(zip code)

The road runs through the Adelbylund area to Adelby . Lund means grove . Lage ,Sandberg(zip code 24943)

* Adelby Tastruper Way The road led from Adelby to Tastrup . It was apparently renamed Ringstrasse in 1975 . See there . Location ,Tarup
"Toft" means something like "field". In Flensburg there are other streets with the word Toft in their name, for example Munketoft. The Flenstoft farm was also the predecessor of the Duburg . Lage ,Sandberg(zip code 24943)

Adolf Menzel Way
Adolf Menzels Vej
Named after the painter, draftsman and illustrator Adolph von Menzel (1815–1905). Lage ,Fruerlund(zip code 24943)

Maple trees are said to have stood there. Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

Albert Schweitzer Hof
Albert Schweitzers Gård
Named after Albert Schweitzer , a Franco-German doctor, Protestant theologian, organist, philosopher and pacifist who lived from 1875 to 1965. Lage ,Friesischer Berg(ZIP 24937)

Named after the island of Alsen at the end of the Flensburg Fjord . - A street legend connects Alsen with Flensburg: once a man from Tandslet auf Alsen traveled to Flensburg, where, after arriving, he restlessly paced back and forth on the street. After a while, someone from Flensburg approached him and asked him why he was walking back and forth all the time. The man from Tandslet told him that the day before he had dreamed of finding a treasure on the street in Flensburg . But now that he has arrived in Flensburg, he doesn't really know how to find the treasure. The man from Flensburg started to laugh and said: "So now I would have to travel to Tandslet, because I dreamed that a treasure was buried there during the night." The man from Tandslet, laughed at, immediately left the city and went back to Tandslet and strangely found the treasure there on the street. - The most important place in Als is not Tandslet, but Sønderborg , with which Flensburg is constantly building new relationships as well as maintaining old ones. Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

Named after the Alster river in the south of Schleswig-Holstein near Hamburg . Lage ,Fruerlund(zip code 24943)

Old nursery Before the residential complex was built there was a nursery at Kiefernweg 120 . Around 2013 it was a political goal of the Flensburg City Hall to increase the population of the city to over 100,000. In particular in the popular Mürwik district , the city tried to develop building land. The residential complex of the old nursery was built by 2020. Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

Old Frösleer way
Gammel Frøslevvej
Way to Fröslee , which continues the route from Frösleerweg through Harrislee . Lage ,Harrislee(ZIP 24955)

Old Husum way
Gammel Husumvej
Old road to Husum which is attested in 1722. There is also a legend about the road between Flensburg and Husum . - Robbers had stretched a thread of thread over the path that drew a bell in a cave when travelers passed by. A little beggar girl whom they had with them and had to buy everything for them sat down one Saturday at a stone near a field and complained of her need. As it finally revealed everything to the stone, the field workers who were nearby also heard it. On Saturday, on the return to the cave, the little beggar girl sprinkled grains and thus marked the way for them. - Similar stories of robbers have been handed down in other areas. Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

Old copper mill path
Gammel Kobbermøllevej
Way to water life and copper mill . Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

Old ox path
Gammel Oksevej
Old part of the Ochsenweg . Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

Gammel Fruerlundgård
See Fruerlundhof Lage ,Fruerlund(zip code 24943)

The street sign of Alt-Fruerlundhof (Flensburg January 2015), picture 02.jpg
Named after the Jeseníky Mountains in Czech Silesia and North Moravia . - With the end of the Second World War , many refugees and displaced persons came to Flensburg . The city grew. Many street names in Flensburg are reminiscent of the old home of immigrants, including this one. Lage ,Fruerlund(zip code 24943)

Altvaterweg, street sign, Flensburg.jpg
At the Anger See Anger Lage ,Fruerlund(zip code 24943)

On the farm
Ved Bondegården
Named after a farm that stood there. Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

Street sign Am Bauernhof (Flensburg 2014) .JPG
At the federal station
Ved Banegården
Street at the Flensburg train station . Lage ,Südstadt(zip code 24937)

At the keep
A street name with reference to Duburg . Reminiscent of the castle tower of Duburg who but a piece of the north stand, but you could probably see from there once. Lage ,Neustadt(zip code 24939)

Street sign Am Burgfried (Flensburg), picture 002.JPG
At the Dammhof
Ved Damgården
Dam indicates a reservoir . The name means farm at the reservoir; see. Dammhof area . The street used to be called "Strohsack". Incidentally, the Dammhofpforte once stood in the street . Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24937)

Sign of the street Am Dammhof (former name Strohsack), different picture.JPG
On the field See Feldrain Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

On the fjord slope Road that runs along one of the steep slopes of the Flensburg Fjord . Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

On the fjord bank A road on the Flensburg Fjord that leads from Sonwik to Kielseng . Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

Street sign Am Fördeufer (Flensburg-Mürwik 2014-11-17) .jpg
At the Fördewald
Ved Fjordskoven
In 1976 the new building area there was named Am Fördewald . The area and the road are near the aforementioned forest. See Glücksburger Wald . Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

Road sign Am Fördewald (Flensburg-Mürwik May 2016), picture 02.jpg
At the peace hill
Ved Fredshøjen
It is part of the federal highway 199 and acts as the main thoroughfare of the city district Friedenshügel . It is located on the eponymous burial mound Friedenshügel . Lage ,Friesischer Berg(zip code 24941)

Street sign Am Friedenshügel (Flensburg) .JPG
On the golden rain
Ved Guldregnen
There is golden rain . In 1992 the gold rain settlement was established there . The neighboring streets a little further to the north were also named after tree species, for example the pine tree path . Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

Street sign Am Goldregen (Flensburg 2014) .jpg
At the industrial port
Ved Industrihavnen
Named January 28, 1961; See Flensburger Hafen # industrial port . Lage ,Fruerlund(zip code 24937)

Street signs Am Industriehafen, Kielseng etc (Flensburg) .JPG
At the sewer shed
Ved canal curet
In 1886 the director of the Flensburg-Erkensunder-Dampfschiffsgesellschaft, Friedrich Mommse Bruhn , had the steamship canal built by the Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft . Bruhn had recognized that steamships could cross the Eider Canal within 16 hours. In comparison, cargo sailors needed three to four days. The so-called “canal shed” was also built at the tip of the harbor to store the freight for the then newly established Flensburg-Hamburg line. Until 1895, the year the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal was completed , the Canal made considerable profits in general cargo traffic between Flensburg and Hamburg. Subsequently, on behalf of Bruhn, the steamships Canal II, Canal III and Canal IV ran through the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal for years. Canal IV was eventually withdrawn from the small fleet and sank in a heavy storm off Schleimünde in 1924 . Canal II and Canal III were scrapped on the Elbe in 1934. On March 13, 1984, the canal shed was finally torn down. Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24937)

Street sign Am Kanalschuppen (Flensburg) .JPG
At the Katharinenhof
Ved Katharinegården
Located at Katharinenhof (Harrislee) . Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

At the ball
Ved Knolden
The street in the Mürwik district got its name in 1936. The Low German word “Knüll” means a “hill”, “pile of earth” or just a molehill . In the Mürwik district, other streets were also named in Low German - the Twedter Plack or the street “Am Soot” (see below). Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

At the salmon stream
Ved Laksebækken
Located on the salmon stream . Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

At Lautrupsbach
Ved Lautrupsbækken
The nearby brook was named after the Lautrup millers who owned the water mill there. The street is on the aforementioned Lautrupsbach . Lage ,Fruerlund(zip code 24937)

* At the locomotive shed
Ved Remisen
Until October 2016 there was a large, old locomotive shed on the so-called Gleisdreieck of the Weiche district . The official street name “Am Lok-Schuppen” is said to have been canceled before the locomotive shed was demolished. The building of an association called “Working for the Environment eV” apparently had the address “Am Lok-Schuppen 3” ( location ) until its dissolution in 2017 . Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

At the pleasure garden The street was next to an inn, the so-called Lustgarten . The neighboring street is called Lustgartenweg . Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24943)

At the Magdalenenhof
Ved Magdalenegården
Located in the Magdalenenhof area and the farm of the same name there . Location ,Westliche Höhe(zip code 24941)

Street sign Am Magdalenenhof (Flensburg April 2018) .jpg
At the Margarethenhof See Margarethenhof (Flensburg) Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24937)

At the Moorbach
Ved Mosebækken
Refers to the salmon stream. Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

* At the mosquito pond
Ved Myggedammen
After the pond of the same name there in the forest near Weiche . The street name was canceled in 1970. Her new name is Hirschbogen (see also there). Location ,switch
At the mill pond The street is reminiscent of the mill pond. Lage ,Sandberg(ZIP 24937)

At the mill pond (street sign, Flensburg), picture 001.JPG
At the north gate
Ved Nørreport
Street at the Nordertor . On the one hand, the street continues the course of Duburger Straße (see there ) on the north side of the Nordertor and, on the other hand, connects Norderstraße with the ship bridge on the south side of the Nordertor . Apparently no house numbers were assigned to the street. Location ,Flensburg city center(zip code 24939)

Flensburg Am Nordertor 0243.jpg
At the ox market
Ved Oksetorvet
At one end of the street is the Exe , where the ox market was. At the other end is the new Ochsenmarkt district center. Lage ,Friesischer Berg(ZIP 24937)

Street sign Am Ochsenmarkt (Flensburg), picture 002.JPG
At the Osterfeld The hiking trail leads from Kauslunder Straße to Osterholzer Weg . To the west of the said hiking trail is Kauslund-Osterfeld, consisting of the following streets: Ina-Carstensen-Straße , Marie-Rasch-Straße , Greta-Korn-Straße , Anna-Hansen-Straße (see above), Christine-Christiansen-Straße and the Käte-Petersen-Weg . Lage ,Engelsby(ZIP 24943)

At the Baltic Sea
Ved Østersøbadet
Street at the Baltic seaside resort . Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

Street sign Am Ostseebad with a sign to the parking lot (Flensburg) .JPG
At the horse water
Ved Hestevandet
There used to be a pond there where horses could be watered. Today the Flensburg town hall stands there Location ,Flensburg city center / Friesischer Berg(zip code 24937)

Street sign Am Pferdewasser, the street at Flensburg City Hall (Flensburg 2014-10-28) .jpg
Amrumer Strasse
Named after the island of Amrum in the North Sea . Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

At the saddle place
Ved Sadelpladsen
There, at Twedter Mark , there used to be the riding stables of the Mürwik Naval School . Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

Street signs Twedter Mark and Am Sattelplatz.JPG
At the castle wall
Ved Slotsvolden
Street name with reference to Duburg . Lage ,Neustadt(zip code 24939)

Street sign Am Schloßwall (Flensburg), picture 002.JPG
At the Schützenhof
Ved Skyttegården
The St. Nikolai Rifle Guild had a shooting range there. The street got its official name in 1950. Location ,Westliche Höhe(zip code 24939)

Street sign at Schützenhof (Flensburg 2014) .JPG
Refers to obviously to the bird species; see. Blackbird ; see also: Drosselweg. There is no particular background. Around 2019 Amselstraße was extended towards the Schwarzenbachtal residential area . Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

At the transmitter
Ved broadcasters
The Flensburg transmitter used to be located there . Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24943)

Street sign of the street Am Sender in Flensburg, image 2.JPG
At the soot
Ved Brønden
The street got its name in 1957. The word Soot, Sood, Sod or Sott has different meanings. On the one hand it can mean "well" (cf. Sood ) and on the other hand it can also mean "soot". Whether a well, a spring or something like a "coal mountain" or a "soot-throwing chimney" ever stood in the area is apparently not known. In Low German , the chimney sweep is also called "Sottje". And since it is well known that it brings luck , it also means: “De hett aver Sott hatt” ( High German : He had Sott) when someone was “lucky”. Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

At the Sophienhof
Ved Sophiegården
On November 11, 1942, the National Socialist Lord Mayor Ernst Kracht determined the street name "Am Sophienhof". See for more: Sophienhof (Flensburg) ; The street "Am Sophienhof" is not on the streets Sophienstrasse and Kleine Sophienstrasse . These two streets also have a completely different naming background. Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

Information sign Sophienhof and street sign Am Sophienhof (Flensburg), picture 003.JPG
At the pond
Ved dams
In the area of ​​the street there was originally a pond. The street got its name in 1966. Lage ,Tarup(ZIP 24943)

At the Vogelherd
Ved Slaggarnet
Vogelherd used to be called trapping sites where different birds were caught. It is recorded from the Flensburg area that the bailiff Kay von Ahlefeld had such a bird hearth built near Harrislee in 1631 . The street “Am Vogelherd”, however, is in a completely different place in the city. It did not get its official name until 1937, which is why the street name may not be particularly meaningful due to the lack of a background. Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24943)

At the Volkspark
Ved Folkeparken
Street at the Volkspark Lage ,Fruerlund(zip code 24943)

Street sign Am Volkspark.JPG
At the water tower Street at the Mürwiker water tower which was set up in the course of the new building there from 2015. In the year mentioned, the self-help construction association started building new apartments on the 30,000 m² area there; it was previously withdrawn from the Volkspark site . The companies Höft, Bauplan Nord and WOGE Kiel were involved in this development. Lage ,Fruerlund(zip code 24943)

At the mountain mill
Ved Bjergmøllen
The mountain mill is on the way . Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

At the Friedenskirche The street is at the Friedenskirche. Location ,turnout(zip code 24941)

Street sign An der Friedenskriche (Flensburg-Weiche 2014-08-13) .jpg
At the Johannismühle
Ved Johannesmøllen
The St. Johannismühle is on the road . Lage ,Sandberg(zip code 24943)

At the Marienau
Ved Marieåen
Located on the Marienau stream . Lage ,Friesischer Berg(zip code 24941)

At the riding arena
Ved Ridebanen
In the 19th century there was a riding school in the area of ​​property number 17. Among other things, ring riding was held on this riding arena . The street got its name in said century. Lage ,Friesischer Berg(ZIP 24937)

At the Schleswag Apparently reminiscent of Schleswig-Holsteinische Stromversorgungs AG ( Schleswag ). The road marks the border to Jarplund-Weding . Incidentally, the Jarplunder Au or Scherrebek crosses the course of the road and therefore flows under it towards the center of Flensburg . Location , Weding
Angelburger Strasse
also: Angelburgerstrasse
Fishing arcade
Street, the western part of which led from Friesland (cf. Friesische Straße ) to the east to fishing . The eastern part was formerly called Große Johannisstraße and is already included in the fishing region. Location ,Flensburg city center / Jürgensby(zip code 24937)

Street sign Hafermarkt and Angelburger Strasse.JPG
Angelsunder way
Named after the parcel there. The jug that used to be there was also called "Angelsund". Lage ,Sandberg(zip code 24943)

Anna-Hansen-Strasse Named after Anna Hansen (1878–1966), who put herself in the service of the emerging women's movement and became the first female city councilor in Flensburg. For decades she played a leading role in the city's strongly socially oriented women's movement. The neighboring streets of Kauslund were named like these after socially and politically committed women. Lage ,Engelsby(ZIP 24943)

The background of the street naming is uncertain. Further north near Klues there is said to have been a hermitage or chapel in the Middle Ages, which was called to St. Annen . - According to a local family tradition, the daughter of the white baker Christian Carl Tychsen (* 1801; † 1871) is the namesake of the street. Said daughter, Anna Tychsen (* 1834; † around 1925) married a Husum businessman named Topf in 1859, from whom she was divorced in 1865. In 1865 Anna Topf ran a “Dutch goods and cleaning company” on Norderstrasse . From 1890 Anna Top ran an embroidery business. The concrete name of the street has been documented since 1882. Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

The street and the Mürwiker St. Ansgar Church located there were named in 1957 after Ansgar , the archbishop of Hamburg and Bremen and missionary bishop for Scandinavia . Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

Apenrader Chaussee
Åbenrå Landevej
Road towards Aabenraa Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

Apenrader Strasse
Road towards Aabenraa Lage ,Nordstadt(zip code 24939)

* Apple farm Farm on Trögelsbyer Weg (see there ). Even if the name of the farm is occasionally used as the street name when addressing postcards, the name is not official. The houses there belong to Trögelsbyer Weg. Location ,Engelsby
Named after Ernst Moritz Arndt . Lage ,Fruerlund(zip code 24943)

The road commemorates the "transition of the Prussian troops at Arnkiel" during the German-Danish War in 1864. - The Arnkiel peninsula is located in the north of the Danish island of Alsen . The Prussian troops crossed there on June 29, 1864 from Sundewitt to Alsen, thus avoiding the crossing near Sonderburg and from this situation brought about the final decision. The "Arnkiel Memorial" erected in memory of Arnkiel afterwards was blown up by Danes after the surrender in 1945 . - The naming of the street has nothing to do with the recently created Arnkielpark near Oeversee . Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24943)

Asmus-Jepsen-Weg Flensburg victims of the Nazi naval justice. Shortly before the end of the Second World War , on May 6, 1945, Asmus Jepsen was executed as a deserter there on the Twedter Feld shooting range (see special area Mürwik and Dönitz government ). Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

Road sign Asmus-Jepsen-Weg (Flensburg 2014-11-17), picture 02.jpg
On the campus This is where the Flensburg campus is located with the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences and the European University of Flensburg . Lage ,Sandberg(zip code 24943)

On the field
På brands
The street on the east side of the city, in the Mürwik district , received its official name in 1959. The city of Flensburg had a large, undeveloped urban field in the Middle Ages and for a long time afterwards on the west side. The Mürwik area was not incorporated into the municipality until 1910, so that it did not belong to the aforementioned city field. The street name is a field name , which apparently refers to some former, vacant field in this area of ​​Mürwik. At the time of incorporation, the Mürwiker area was still largely rural. Several farms were still in operation. Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

On the Löwenberg The street near the Löwenberg area received its official name in 1997. Lage ,Sandberg(zip code 24943)

On the sander See Sander . A road that was probably built in Weiche around 2010 . Location ,turnout(zip code)

In the village paddock The old field name refers to a paddock in a village . The street got its official name after the construction of the surrounding Sünderuper development area in 2001. Lage ,Tarup(ZIP 24943)

Street sign Auf der Dorfkoppel 2-12 (Flensburg) .jpg
On the courtyard meadow The old field name obviously refers to a meadow that belonged to a courtyard . The street, which officially got its name in 2004, is located south of Sünderuphof . Lage ,Tarup(ZIP 24943)

On the pier Street on a pier near Sonwik , which was previously called Württembergbrücke (see SMS Württemberg (1878) ) and today leads to the newly built water houses there. Lage ,Mürwik(ZIP 24944)

Street sign Auf der Mole (Flensburg-Mürwik 2015) .jpg
Named after Augusta von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach . Lage ,Jürgensby(ZIP 24937)

  1. Der Ochsenweg , accessed on: March 2, 2015
  2. Flensburger Tageblatt : Gartenstadt: Crèche places for the youngest , from: March 4, 2010, accessed on: March 2, 2015
  3. Wolfgang Lindow: Low German-High German dictionary. 5th edition. 1998, entry: Heck
  4. Flensburger Tageblatt : Flensburg's residential quarters: Sünderup: Die Dorf-Oase , from: August 13, 2011; Retrieved on: October 17, 2015
  5. Gerret Liebing Schlaber: From the country to the district. Flensburg's Stadtfeld and the incorporated villages in pictures and words approx. 1860–1930. Flensburg 2009. page 116
  6. Cf. Dieter Pust: Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: Adelbytoft and Munketoft
  7. Cf. Gundula Hubrich-Messow: Sagen und Märchen aus Flensburg , Husum 1992, page 37
  8. Flensburger Tageblatt : Housing in Flensburg: On the way to 100,000 - from Flensdorf to Flensstadt , from: July 13, 2018; accessed on: October 15, 2018
  9. Flensburger Tageblatt : Project 100,000 residents: Flensburg doubts the census , from: October 15, 2013; accessed on: October 15, 2018
  10. ^ Karl Müllenhoff : Legends, fairy tales and songs of the duchies of Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg, number 37.2. Annotation in the form of a robber story as well as: Legends, fairy tales and songs of the duchies of Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg, number 324. The robber's treasure
  11. a b The Duburg, fortress and castle on the western level. Retrieved February 10, 2020 . , Pages 7 and 10
  12. See Flensburger Tageblatt : aerial photo series: Fördewald: Am Grünen und im Stillen , dated: August 27, 2011, accessed on: February 25, 2014
  13. ^ Andreas Oeding, Broder Schwensen, Michael Sturm: Flexikon. 725 aha experiences from Flensburg! , Flensburg 2009, article: Goldregensiedlung
  14. ^ Writings of the Society for Flensburg City History (ed.): Flensburg in history and present . Flensburg 1972, page 433
  15. ^ Dieter Pust: Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: Am Kanalschuppen
  16. ^ Dieter Pust: Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: Am Kanalschuppen
  17. Flensburger Tageblatt : Historischer Hafenblick: The east bank before the next change , from: April 6, 2013; accessed on: November 10, 2018
  18. ^ Dieter Pust: Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: Am Knüll
  19. Wolfgang Lindow: Low German-High German dictionary. 5th edition. 1998, entry: Knüll
  20. ^ Dieter Pust: Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: Am Knüll
  21. ^ Eva Siebenherz: E-Book 2016 , accessed on: November 10, 2018
  22. Flensburger Tageblatt : "Working for the Environment": Flensburg Association before the end: Heavy blow for 1 euro jobbers , from: December 30, 2014; accessed on: November 10, 2018
  23. Flensburger Tageblatt : Out for the environmental association in Flensburg: Last swan song: Afdu says Bye-bye , from: January 8, 2017; accessed on: November 10, 2018
  24. Work for the Environment eV in Flensburg, Am Lokschuppen 3 , accessed on: November 10, 2018
  25. Former postcode according to Woxikon. Postcodes Flensburg-Weiche , accessed on: 10 November 2018
  26. Flensburger Tageblatt : Two courtyards - grown into a district , dated: July 30, 2011; Retrieved on: March 2, 2015
  27. Naming of streets in the residential area “Kauslund-Osterfeld” (development plan no. 232) , p. 5
  28. ^ Writings of the Society for Flensburg City History (ed.): Flensburg in history and present . Flensburg 1972, page 433
  29. ^ Dieter Pust: Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: Kanonenberg
  30. New street names in the Schwarzenbachtal residential area , from: July 3, 2019; accessed on: October 30, 2019
  31. Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 3-925856-50-1 , article: Am Soot
  32. March and Fjord. Sood , dated November 24, 2003; Retrieved on: April 8, 2018
  33. Duden. Spelling, orthography. Entry: Sott , accessed: April 8, 2018
  34. March and Fjord. Sood , dated November 24, 2003; Retrieved on: April 8, 2018
  35. ^ Andreas Oeding, Broder Schwensen, Michael Sturm: Flexikon. 725 aha experiences from Flensburg! , Flensburg 2009, article: Brunnen
  36. Die Welt : Auf ein (Platt-) Wort , from: January 4, 2010; Retrieved on: April 8, 2018
  37. Platmakers - Low German Dictionary , entry: Sood; Retrieved on: April 9, 2018
  38. Wolfgang Lindow: Low German-High German dictionary. 5th edition. 1998, entry: Soot, Sood
  39. March and Fjord. Sood , dated November 24, 2003; Retrieved on: April 8, 2018
  40. Platmakers - Low German Dictionary , entry: Sood; Retrieved on: April 9, 2018
  41. Wolfgang Lindow: Low German-High German dictionary. 5th edition. 1998, entry: Sott, Soot
  42. ^ Writings of the Society for Flensburg City History (ed.): Flensburg in history and present . Flensburg 1972, page 434
  43. Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 3-925856-50-1 , article: Am Soot
  44. Die Welt : Auf ein (Platt-) Wort , from: January 4, 2010; Retrieved on: April 8, 2018
  45. Wolfgang Lindow: Low German-High German dictionary. 5th edition. 1998, entry: Sottje
  46. Die Welt : Auf ein (Platt-) Wort , from: January 4, 2010; Retrieved on: April 8, 2018
  47. See Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 3-925856-50-1 , article: Am Teich
  48. See Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 3-925856-50-1 , article: Am Vogelherd
  49. ^ Writings of the Society for Flensburg City History (ed.): Flensburg in history and present . Flensburg 1972, page 434
  50. Information on the new construction projects ( Memento from January 8, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  51. ^ Writings of the Society for Flensburg City History (ed.): Flensburg in history and present . Flensburg 1972, page 434
  52. ^ Dieter Pust: Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: An der Reitbahn
  53. Example of the Scherrebektal landscape design using water and ice in the Flensburg area. - Part 3 , p. 8; accessed on: November 3, 2019
  54. Flensburger Tageblatt : Two courtyards - grown into a district , dated: July 30, 2011; Retrieved on: March 2, 2015
  55. Designation of streets in the residential area “Kauslund-Osterfeld” (development plan no. 232) , p. 3 f.
  56. ^ Writings of the Society for Flensburg City History (ed.): Flensburg in history and present . Flensburg 1972, page 434
  57. Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 3-925856-50-1 , article: Annenstraße
  58. Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 3-925856-50-1 , article: Annenstraße
  59. See Pflegedienstvitalis, Our partners ( Memento from September 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on September 26, 2015
  60. Seniors' facilities and outpatient care services , accessed on September 26, 2015
  61. ^ Writings of the Society for Flensburg City History (ed.): Flensburg in history and present . Flensburg 1972, page 434
  62. Pictures of the Arnkiel monument: Sonderburg, Denmark: Arnkiel monument ; Panorama and: Wikimedia Commons. The Gazebo (1872) b 729.jpg ; Accessed on: April 8, 2018
  63. Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 3-925856-50-1 , article: Arnkielstraße
  64. See Flensburger Tageblatt : aerial photo series: Fördewald: Am Grünen und im Stillen , dated: August 27, 2011, accessed on: February 25, 2014
  65. ^ Dieter Pust: Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: On the field
  66. ^ Writings of the Society for Flensburg City History (ed.): Flensburg in history and present . Flensburg 1972, page 406
  67. A reference to the aforementioned city field was made, for example, in: Dieter Pust: Flensburger street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: On the field
  68. ^ Writings of the Society for Flensburg City History (ed.): Flensburg in history and present . Flensburg 1972, page 433
  69. ^ Dieter Pust: Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: Auf dem Löwenberg
  70. ^ Dieter Pust: Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: Auf der Dorfkoppel
  71. ^ Dieter Pust: Flensburg street names . Society for Flensburg City History, Flensburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-92585-650-1 , article: On the Hofwiese
  72. Flensburger Tageblatt : Living five meters above the waves , from June 27, 2013; Retrieved on: May 31, 2015
  73. ^ Statutes of the City of Flensburg on the project-related development plan "Sonwik - Alter Naval Base Mürwik" (VEP No. 12). Retrieved February 10, 2020 . , dated: June 14, 2002