List of Latin Phrases / F

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Initial F.


Fabula docet.
"The fable teaches." - The moral of the story is ...
Fabula quanta fui.
“How much conversation have I become!” - Horace, epodes 11.8


“Empty chatter!” - quote from the works of the Roman poet Terenz
Fabula Nova Crystallis
"New History of the Crystal" - umbrella term of the Final Fantasy XIII compilation


Fac simile.
“Do it similarly!” - A facsimile is a faithful copy or reproduction of an original. The word fax is an abbreviation of telefax, which in turn is an abbreviation of telefacsimile , i.e. a remote image copy .
Fac totum.
“Do everything!” - factotum is a term that emerged in the 17th century for a person who performs a variety of tasks in a household or school. Such a person is also called the "girl for everything" today.


Faciam eos in gentem unum.
“I will make them one people.” - Slogan on British coins after the union of the crowns in 1603
Faciam ut mei memineris.
“I will make you remember me.” - Plautus , Persa IV.3–24; Motto of Russian hooligans


Facie great
"At first sight": After the first impression.


Facies Hippocratica
" Hippocratic Face " - face of a dying man with a pointed nose, sunken eyes, pale skin and cold sweat on the forehead, which was described in detail by Hippocrates of Kos , the most famous doctor of ancient times.


Facio liberos ex liberis libris libraque.
"I make children free with books and a scale." - Motto of St. John's College ( Annapolis / Santa Fe )
Facio ut des.
“I do so that you can give (something).” - Contract form of Roman law.


“It does.” “It results.” - A conclusion is an evaluative summary in which a result is usually presented and conclusions can be drawn from it.
Facit indignatio versum.
“Indignation forges the verse.” - Juvenal , Saturae 1.79.
What is meant is: the conditions that can be observed are so outrageous that the verses of satirical poetry, “even if nature refuses it” (“si natura negat”), appear automatically.
Facit omnia voluntas.
"The will accomplishes everything."


Fact, non verba
"Actions, not words" - a motto that is often used


Factum (est) illud; fieri infectum non potest.
“It has happened and can no longer be undone.” - Plautus , Aulularia, 174.

Faenum / Fenum

(The form foenum is considered obsolete.)
Faenum had in cornu, longe fugue.
“He has hay on the horn, flee far away!” - Horace , Satires 1,4,34.
This saying alludes to the fact that hay was tied on the horns of mad cattle, probably so that they could not easily impale someone.


Falsa demonstratio non nocet.
"Wrong designation does not harm." - The incorrect designation in an agreement has no consequences if the parties actually agree on the designation object. What is meant applies.


Falsus procurator
“Wrong Representative” - An unauthorized representative
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
"Wrong in one thing, wrong in everything" - Roman legal principle


Fama crescit eundo.
“The rumor grows as it goes.” - The rumor ( personalized as goddess Fama ) grows as it spreads.
According to Virgil Aeneid 4.173-5:

Extemplo Libyae magnas it Fama per urbes,
Fama, malum qua non aliud velocius ullum;
mobilitate viget, viresque adquirit eundo,

Fama immediately strides through Libya's mighty cities,
Fama, an evil that has never been conquered by others in the course of the course,
enjoys mobility and increases in strength as it progresses.

Fama makes ...
"The rumor is about ..."
Fama nihil est celerius.
"Nothing is faster than a rumor."
Fama post cineres maior venit.
“Fame grows after the ashes” or “after all, fame grows when we become ashes.” Ovid


Familia supra omnia
“The family above all” - a family motto that is often used


Fas est et from hoste doceri.
“It is also right to be taught by the enemy.” - Ovid , Metamorphosen 4,428


Favete linguis!
"Guard your tongues!"
Ensure the validity of the cult acts by being silent! A herald with this reputation commanded silence on religious occasions . The saying occurs in Horace , Cicero and Ovid .


Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes.
"I've done what I could, may those who are able do it better."


Fecisti patriam diversis de gentibus unam.
“You made a single fatherland out of different peoples.” - Rutilius Claudius Namatianus in praise of the emperor Augustus


Fele comprehensa, saltant mures in mensa.
“If the cat is out of the house, the mice dance on the table.” - actually: After the cat has been caught, the mice dance on the table.


Felicior Augusto, Melior Traiano.
“Be happier than Augustus and better than Trajan.” - Ritual acclamation of the late Roman emperors


Felix Austria
"Happy Austria" - The phrase is used today to express that Austrians have a tendency towards a cheerful way of life. It comes from a hexameter , which has been used to characterize the marriage policy of the Habsburgs since the 17th century : "Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube." ("Others may wage wars, you, happy Austria, marry.")
Felix culpa
“Happy guilt” - thought that the sinner is in a happier state through the death of Jesus and thus through redemption than before sin. The whole sentence reads: ". Felix culpa, quae Talem ac tantum meruit habere Redemptorem" ( ". Happy fault, that has earned such and so great a Redeemer") The phrase comes from the Exsultet , a song of praise in the Easter Vigil of Churches roman rite.
Felix et faustum sit lumen.
"Happiness and salvation be the light to you."
Death of Dido
Felix, hay, nimium felix!
“Happy, oh overjoyed!”: With these words Dido complains in the Aeneid (4.657) that she would have been happy had she never met Aeneas .
Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.
“Happy who could get to the bottom of things.” - Virgil , Georgica 2,490, there possibly related to Lucretius and his work “De rerum natura”.


Felo de se
"Evildoer against himself": suicide .


Femina sexu, ingenio vir.
"A woman of gender, a man in mental strength."

Feras / Fero

Feras, non culpes, quod mutare non potes.
"Bear, do not complain , what you cannot change."
Quote from the works of the poet Publilius.
Fero relatum.
"I deliver what has been brought to me."
Often used to deny responsibility. See Relata refero .

Ferro / Ferrum

Ferro ignique
"With fire and iron": With fire and sword.
Ferrum natare doces.
"You teach iron to swim."
Ferrum tuum in igne est.
"Your iron is in the fire."


Fertilior seges est alienis semper in agris / vicinumque pecus grandius uber habet.
“The seed is always more productive in foreign fields / and the neighboring cattle have the larger udder.” - A distich from Ovid , ars amatoria (1,349 f).


Festina lente.
"Haste makes waste." - According to Suetonius favorite saying of the Emperor Augustus , who quoted this sentence but preferably Greek: Σπεῦδε βραδέως. - Speude bradeos.
The whole sentence is as follows: “ Σπεῦδε βραδέως · ἀσφαλὴς γάρ ἐστ᾿ ἀμείνων ἢ θρασὺς στρατηλάτης. “( Speũde bradéōs; asphalḗs gár est 'ameínōn ḗ thrasýs stratēlátēs. ) - “ Hurry up slowly! A cautious general is better than a daring military leader. "


Festinare nocet, nocet et cunctatio saepe; / tempore quaeque suo qui facit, Ilse sapit.
“Hurrying is harmful, and hesitation is often harmful; it is wise who does everything in good time. "
Festinare opus est.
"You need to hurry."


Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus
"Justice should be done and the world perish over it."
First evidence from the 16th century, Hadrian VI. who, with this maxim, ordered the proceedings against a noble murderer to be continued. The original meaning is: Justice must be realized, even if the world (in the sense of: big world, arrogance, arrogance) perishes. The misunderstanding of the sentence that is common today goes back to Luther's translation: "Let what is right be done and the world should pass over there."
Coat of arms of the English family Drew (with the variant coelum  - with ligature œ - instead of caelum )
Fiat iustitia, ruat caelum
"Justice shall be done when the sky falls."
The exact origin of the saying is unclear and is often referred to in English-speaking countries with an event from Seneca's De Ira Book 1, Chapter XVIII called Piso's justice . equated via a consul Piso (usually Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso , but also Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus ), but in which this phrase does not appear. Fiat iustitia, ruat caelum. describes in this context what is worded as a just but morally reprehensible act:
Piso sentenced a man to death for murder in a circumstantial trial. Shortly before his execution, however, the alleged victim appeared and the centurion executing the sentence brought both of them to Piso again for clarification. He then sentenced all three to death: the alleged murderer because he received a legally valid death sentence, the centurion because he did not fulfill his duty, and the alleged victim because he was responsible for the deaths of two innocents.
Fiat lux (et facta est lux)
“Let there be light! (And there was light.) “: From Genesis , is also used as a motto at UC Berkeley .
FAO logo: Fiat panis
Fiat panis.
"Let there be bread." - Motto of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Fiat voluntas Tua.
"Thy will be done.": Request from the Lord's Prayer, which is supplemented by "sicut in caelo, et in terra" ("As in heaven on earth.") .


Fide, sed cui, vide.
"Trust, but whom, look." - "Trust, see whom."


Fidei Defensor
“Defender of the Faith” - Title given to Henry VIII of England by Pope Leo X on October 17, 1521, when he was still loyal to Rome. Part of the British royal statute to this day. Inscription on all British coins, usually abbreviated “Fid Def” or “fd”. Compare Defensor Fidei .


Fides Graeca
"Greek fidelity" - unreliability
Fides obligate fidem.
"Trust creates trust."
Fides Punica
“Punic loyalty” - The Punic were considered unreliable allies.


Fidus agates
"The faithful Achates" - Achates was the best friend and companion of the Trojan hero Aeneas and also his armor.


Fili mi, si te iactaverint peccatores, ne adquiescas.
“My son, if sinners urge you, do not agree”: Proverbs of Solomon (1, 10).


Filia sub tilia nectit subtilia fila.
“The daughter ties fine threads under the linden tree.”: Latin tongue twister .


Filii dei sumus.
“We are children of God.” - 1. John ( 1 Jn 3 :VUL ).


“And to the Son” - This addition to the Nicene-Constantinople Creed of 381 is a statement in the paragraph about the Holy Spirit :
"Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, qui ex Patre Filioque procedit ..."
"And (we believe) in the Holy Spirit, who is Lord and gives life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son , ..."


Filius mantellatus
“Mantelkind” - child legitimized by subsequent marriage.


Finem vitae specta.
“Look at the end of life!” - This maxim is derived from the Greek saying “ ὅρα τέλος μακροῦ βίου ” ( hóra télos Makroũ bíou ) of the sage Solon . Another Latin version is:
"Specta finem longae vitae." - "Pay attention to the end of a long life."


Finis cantici
"The end of the song"
Finis coronat opus.
“The end crowns the work.” - This quote from the Heroides (2, 85) by the poet Ovid is the motto of many American schools and the island state of the Seychelles today .
Finis Germaniae
“The end of Germany” - With these words, Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg commented on the unrestricted submarine war in World War I , which in his opinion meant the United States of America's safe entry into the war and the end of Germany .
Dietrich Monten : Finis Poloniae (1831)
Finis Poloniae
“The end of Poland” - This saying was put into the mouth of the Polish general Tadeusz Kościuszko , who got stuck in a sand hill on the run in 1794; there the Cossacks shot the horse under his body and wounded the back of the head. When he was brought to the camp, he delivered his saber and shouted:
"Finis regni Poloniae." - "End of the Kingdom of Poland."
Kościuszko later denied this.


( Fiscus originally meant woven basket .)

Fiscus non erubescit.
“The tax authorities don't blush.” - The tax authorities collect their taxes everywhere. According to Cicero, taxes from disreputable income are no less welcome. Immoral prostitution and punishable income are also taxed. Compare also Pecunia non olet .
Fiscus semper solvendo est.
The phrase “The state is always solvent” is a maxim of Roman law. Meaning: The state does not have to provide security, it cannot fall victim to bankruptcy.


fixa vincta
"Rivet and nail-proof" - everything that is attached to a building by the locksmith with iron, with the exception of what the landlord has attached himself


Atilla as God's scourge
Flagellum dei
"Scourge of God": Name for Attila the Hun .


Flagror, non consumor.
"I am burned, but I do not burn.": Huguenot motto .


Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
"If I cannot bend the upper ones (the gods of heaven), I will move the (the) underworld."
"If I don't touch the heavenly ones, I want to revolt Acheron's flood." (Translation after Wilhelm Hertzberg , 1859, edited by E. Gottwein)
"If the upper ones stay motionless to me, I will storm into the Acheron!" ( Johann Heinrich Voss , 1875)
"If I cannot move the heavenly ones, then I will set the underworld in turmoil!" ( Gerhard Fink , 2005)
Quote from the Aeneid of the poet Virgil (VII, 312). The goddess Juno , both vengeful and impotent adversary of Aeneas , seeks support from the powers of the underworld in her lament and calls on the fury Allecto .
Sigmund Freud put this quote as a motto in front of his dream interpretation , published in 1899 . In Freud's quotation, the Acheron stands for the unconscious that “lies” under the ego, so to speak.


Flectus, non fractus
“Bent, not broken” - a saying often used as a funerary inscription


Flet victus, victor interiit.
"The vanquished cries, (but) the victor has perished."
A Greek verse translated into Latin by Erasmus of Rotterdam in this wording.


“May it bloom!”: Vivat, crescat, floreat.


flos campi
“Flower of the field” - In the Vulgate (see Hld 2,1  VUL ) name for the rose of Sharon, which is often mentioned in poetry and music .


City arms of Paris
Fluctuat, nec mergitur.
"It sways, but does not go under." - Since 1853 the emblem of the city of Paris , originally the Parisian merchant ship. This phrase is also the motto of Albert Messiah's textbook on quantum mechanics .


Fluctus ad litora urgent.
"The tide is pushing towards the coast."
Fluctus excitare in simpulo
"To excite a flood in a clay pot" - Cf. the German phrase "storm in a water glass" .


Foetor ex ore
Medical term for bad breath


Folia ficus
“ Fig leaf ” - The leaf of the fig tree is used in the imagination of the Old Testament to overcome feelings of shame by covering one's own nakedness.


"On sheet" - in old texts still common today instead of a page reference: f. 26r (read: folio 26 recto ) means “sheet 26, front side”, f. 26v ( folio 26 verso ) means "sheet 26, back".
Also an old book format .

Fons / Fontes

Fons et origo
"Source and Origin"
Fontes ipsi sitiunt.
“Even the springs are thirsty.”: During a major drought. In this case, however, Cicero writes to his brother (Ad Quintum fratrem. 3,1,11) that his own literary streak has also dried up.

Formica / Formicae

Formica vobis exemplo sit.
"The ant should be a role model for you."
Formicae semitam canere
“Describing the path of the ant”: Describing something down to the smallest detail.


Formosa facies muta commendatio est.
"A beautiful face is a silent recommendation.": Quotation from the works of the poet Publilius Syrus .


Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit.
“Perhaps one day it will be a pleasure to remember it too.” Virgil , Aeneid 1, 203


Fortes fortuna adiuvat .
"Luck helps the able." - The saying is used by Terence in the comedy Phormio (v. 203) and is called an old proverb by Cicero in Tusculanae disputationes (II, 4, 11). It is said to go back to the Greek poet Simonides von Keos , as Claudianus states in his Epistola ad Probinum (Ep. 4,9): “ Fors iuvat audentes. "(" Happiness helps the brave. ")


Oxford city coat of arms with tape
Fortis cadere, cedere non potest.
"The brave can fall, don't give way.": Roman proverb.
Fortis est veritas
“The truth is strong.” - Oxford city ​​motto


Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo
“Strong in the matter, mild in the method” - this motto of the Jesuit Claudio Acquaviva is also cited as Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re .


Fortuna iuvat audacem.
“Luck helps the daring.” - Happiness is with the brave.
Fortuna utaris et prudentia.
"Use your luck and your wits." - Game formula on the roulette jets of the Lower Saxony casinos by Sebastian Peetz .
Fortuna vitrea est, tum cum splendet, frangitur.
"Happiness is transparent, when it shines, it breaks." - Quote from the works of the poet Publilius Syrus


Fortunato omne solum patria est.
"To the happy person, every soil is fatherland."

Fuimus / Fuit

Fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium et ingens / gloria Teucrorum.
"We were Trojans, there was Troy and the tremendous glory of the Teukrer.": Quote from the Aeneid by the poet Virgil . Also quoted with "Fuit Ilium, fuimus Troiani."
Fuit Troy
“Troy was!”: That was it!


Fulmen est, ubi cum potestate habitat iracundia.
“A flash of lightning arises where power resides in anger.”: Quotation from the works of the poet Publilius Syrus .
Fulmen in clausula
“Flash at the end”: At the end of a speech.


Furor fit laesa saepius patientia.
"Patience that is often hurt turns into anger."
Furor poeticus
"Poetic Enthusiasm"
Furor principum
"Delusion of the princes": Caesar delusion .
Furor Teutonicus
"Teutonic horror": The expression is usually attributed to the Roman poet Lucan, in whose work Bellum civile / Pharsalia it appears for the first time. He was referring to an alleged character trait of the Germanic tribe of the Teutons .


Fur enim semper moram facere videtur ( Fur semper in mora ).
“A thief is obviously always in default.” - A thief does not have to be reminded in order to be obliged to return the goods. He is liable for things taken from the moment of theft.


Furtum domesticum
"Servant theft" - A theft committed by servants from the employer .
Furtumque non facies.
“And you shall not steal.” - Seventh commandment .

Individual evidence

  2. ^ Wilhelm Willige / Niklas Holzberg, Publius Ovidius Naso Letters from Exile . Artemis Verlag Munich and Zurich, 1990.
  3. Epistulae ex Ponto 4,16,3
  4. ^ Jon R. Stone: The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations . Routledge NY . 2005. Retrieved November 13, 2012.
  5. Luther's works, Weimar edition, vol. 40, p. 138, line 7 f
  6. Similar reproduction attributed to Ferdinand I in Beer, Johann Christoph: Der Durchleuchtsten Erz-Herzogen zu Oesterreich Leben, Government and Groß-Daten, Nuremberg 1695.
  7. ^ E. Cobham Brewer: Piso's Justice . In: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable . 1894 ( online ).
  8. Genesis 3 : 7
  9. Claudio Aquaviva, Industriae ad curandos animae morbos (2.4)