List of right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi incidents in the FPÖ

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The list of right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi incidents in the FPÖ lists incidents of right-wing extremism and neo-Nazism in the period after 1945 , which deal with people who were functionaries of the Austrian Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) at the time of the incident . Unless otherwise stated, the " Date " column in the table reflects the time the incident became known to the media. The list of the Mauthausen Committee Austria , which has published a brochure with the title " Individual cases and serial offenders ", serves as the basis .


date incident Involved Reactions (if known) supporting documents
1986 The editor of the FPÖ weekly newspaper Kärntner Nachrichten , Andreas Mölzer , appears as an author in the publication NHB-report of the right-wing National Democratic University Association (NHB). Andreas Mölzer
1990 Governor of Carinthia and FPÖ party chairman Jörg Haider is the keynote speaker in front of “old comrades” such as the SS on Ulrichsberg near Klagenfurt. Jörg Haider
1993 The sociologist and right-wing extremist author Robert Hepp from Germany gives a lecture at the Freedom Education Center of the FPÖ. Freedom educational work of the FPÖ
1990s The former 3rd President of the National Council, Martin Graf, is a member of the Vienna Academic Fraternity Olympia, which the DÖW classifies as right-wing extremist . Martin Graf
2006 Federal Councilor John Gudenus questioned the existence of gas chambers in the Third Reich and had also played down the conditions in the Mauthausen concentration camp during the Nazi era . John Gudenus Because Nazi Offenses sentenced to one year conditional imprisonment.
May 6, 2006 At a special party conference, FPÖ district councilor Walter Sucher, old man of the Olympia fraternity and chairman of the ring of popular associations , demonstratively greeted his party colleagues with “ Heil ” at the end . Walter Seeker The case provoked criticism from the SPÖ, ÖVP and the Greens, FPÖ General Secretary Harald Vilimsky, however, locates the statements as "more than artificial excitement". The public prosecutor's office started an ex officio investigation.
August 29, 2006 The former Vienna FPÖ District Councilor Wolfgang F. sent around 300 self-burned CDs. In it, he repeated his theses, which denied the gas chambers and other Nazi crimes and questioned the number of victims of the Holocaust, for which he had already been sentenced to a partial prison term in 2003. Wolfgang F. Due to the rapid relapse, the court also revoked his two-year sentence, which was then suspended. He was later sentenced by the Supreme Court to 18 months of unconditional imprisonment.
November 7, 2006 The member of the National Council, Wolfgang Zanger (FPÖ), caused a stir with his statement "Of course there were good sides to the Nazi regime, only we all no longer hear them" . Wolfgang Zanger FPÖ party leader Heinz-Christian Strache made it clear that Zanger would have had "a head wash" because of his statement . Zanger made a clarification and distanced himself from the Nazi era. Strache: "We take note of the apology, such a statement must never occur again."
2006 At the constituent meeting of the National Council after the 2006 election, all mandataries of the Freedom Party wore the cornflower . Of the cornflower, already at the time of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy as a symbol flower of the Pan-German movement of Georg von Schönerer the traditional insignia of the "third camp" was created by the illegal Nazis in Austria in the period 1933-1938 because of the swastika chosen -Verbotes as a substitute symbol . FPÖ National Council Club
September 19, 2008 A delegation of the FPÖ led by General Secretary Harald Vilimsky and the EU MP Andreas Mölzer is taking part in a European “anti-Islamization congress ” in Cologne , which was organized by the extreme right-wing pro-Cologne citizens' movement . Federal party chairman Heinz-Christian Strache does not participate physically, but emphasizes in his greeting message, which is accessible on the Internet, that he supports the intention of the congress and the organizers of “Pro Köln” “wholeheartedly”. Harald Vilimsky , Andreas Mölzer , Heinz-Christian Strache u. a.
April 20, 2014 The FPÖ member of the state parliament, Martin Huber, writes on Facebook: "Congratulations to those who have their birthday today". This was condemned as a renewed activity on the occasion of Hitler's 125th birthday Martin Huber Even his former party, the FPÖ, found an allusion to Hitler's birthday and expelled him from the party. Huber was sentenced to twelve months in prison.
26th September 2017 Following tips from blogger Markus Wilhelm , Nazi devotional items were found in the Innsbruck pharmacy of FPÖ state board member Martin Hochstöger , which he put on display there. Martin Hochstöger Hochstöger put his functions in the FPÖ Tyrol down and was the national party chairman Markus Abwerzger from the party excluded . Immediately afterwards, the public prosecutor's office started investigations into a possible violation of the National Socialist Prohibition Act. The investigation was closed in December 2017.
January 23, 2018 In the state election campaign in Lower Austria in 2018, a 300-page songbook by the fraternity of Germania zu Wiener Neustadt was published, which contained the following line, among other things: “The Jew Ben Gurion stepped into their midst: 'Step on the gas, you old Germans, we'll make the seventh million . '" Udo Landbauer FPÖ top candidate and member of Germania, Udo Landbauer , protested that he did not know anything about the texts, but resigned from all political functions. After the investigations of the Wiener Neustadt public prosecutor's office into Nazi re-engagement against four people who were responsible for the compilation and illustration of the seized songbooks of the Wiener Neustadt fraternity had been discontinued in August, Landbauer returned to Wiener Neustadt local politics as a councilor in February 2019 . He took over the role of executive chairman of the FPÖ state parliament club. In September 2018, Landbauer was also appointed executive state party chairman.
23 March 2018 Six people shared pictures with neo-Nazi content in two WhatsApp groups. Two of them were FPÖ municipal councilors, the state party confirmed. During the interrogation, those affected confessed to having sent pictures showing Adolf Hitler with relevant sayings. Two FPÖ municipal councils State guards and police officers carried out a raid in the Upper Austrian municipality of Suben. The affected FPÖ municipal councils resigned from the party on the same day and, according to the state party, anticipated an exclusion.
May 8, 2018 On the anniversary of the liberation from National Socialism , the green member of the Salzburg state parliament, Simon Hofbauer, made public that the regional chairman of the Ring Freedom Youth (RFJ) and FP local chief of the Lofer community , Markus Hüttenmeyer, posted the NSDAP's instruction book from 1934 Political Primer on Facebook in 2009 . Guidelines for the political and ideological training of the Nazi cadre Hansjörg Männel quoted with " For us National Socialists, the commitment to a world view must never become a phrase " and described himself as a National Socialist. Markus Hüttenmeyer The FPÖ confirmed the facts. On the day of the announcement, Hüttenmeyer resigned from his functions, but did not make a statement.
2nd July 2018 A 42-year-old cadre soldier in the armed forces and a functionary in the free armed forces union is burdened by several recruits. He is said to have told anti-Semitic “jokes”, when he was on a mission in Burgenland, he gave orders not to be squeamish with refugees, whom he referred to several times as “pigs” and who, among other things, mistreated them with kicks and slaps in the face with a flashlight . He is also said to have forced refugees to kneel down and verbally scared and threatened them. FPÖ union functionary The armed forces had filed a complaint and suspended the man. He later resigned from the army entirely. On July 2, he was on trial in Feldkirch for re-activating the Nazis, inciting hatred, torturing a prisoner and making dangerous threats. He was partially confessed and was sentenced to two and a half years in prison, ten months of which was conditional. On their Facebook page of the FPÖ Armed Forces Union, he is still listed as a functionary at the end of November, almost five months after the verdict.
July 24, 2018 A deputy head of the local FPÖ party in a Pinzgau community called the French national soccer team "Congo monkeys" on Facebook after the World Cup victory. He had previously threatened to “buff the face” of “smart people” defending the EU. He was then given a second chance from the party. FPÖ community functionary At the end of July he resigned from all political offices on the advice of the state party. " He has drawn the consequences and without delay declared his resignation, " said the liberal state press spokesman Dom Kamper.
15th August 2018 A councilor of the FPÖ in Amstetten commented on the posting of a party friend about an ÖBB advertisement with the words: “ I will definitely not extend my ÖBB Vorteilscard, but instead use the Westbahn. That's not normal! 2 supposed fagots in my baby and one of them a negro. I hate it… “The Federal Railways subject shows two men with a baby. One of the two is dark-skinned. FPÖ city council The posting was defended by the FPÖ Amstetten under the pretext of freedom of expression. In court, the politician agreed to take part in the “Dialog instead of hatred” project run by the Neustart association and donate € 1,500 to a non-profit organization instead of being punished.
September 12, 2018 The government proposes the lawyer and former colleague of Martin Graf, Hubert Keyl, as administrative judge. The court is also responsible for asylum appeals. Keyl and his wife had connections to the neo-Nazi Gottfried Küssel, who had been convicted several times, and Keyl had also referred to the resistance fighter Franz Jägerstätter as a "traitor" in the FPÖ-related weekly newspaper "Zur Zeit". Hubert Keyl and Norbert Hofer Keyl finally withdraws his application, but becomes a cabinet employee of FPÖ Transport Minister Norbert Hofer and department head in the Ministry of Transport.
17th September 2018 “Protect your race, it is the blood of your ancestors!” Read a post on the official Facebook page of the FPÖ Vöcklamarkt . It showed a sepia-colored photo of a woman with a blond plait holding a bunch of grain in her arms. The motif of the “good German woman” is reminiscent of the national socialist imagery.

Bernd Babisch, FPÖ functionary from Pinkafeld , commented on the incident with the words: “ And where is the problem? In any serious breeding of animals, care is taken that nothing is mixed up. "

FPÖ Vöcklamarkt and Bernd Babisch The Pinkafelder FPÖ boss Christoph Theiler distanced himself from Babisch. On September 19, Bernd Babisch resigned from his municipal council function and left the FPÖ.
October 6, 2018 Two high-ranking employees in the cabinet of the FPÖ Defense Minister Mario Kunasek attract attention through postings in which one of the two employees describes himself as a “decent German”, although he is Austrian, and right-wing extremist conspiracy theories are spread. Mario Kunasek and his cabinet Kunasek stood behind his cabinet staff, there were no disciplinary measures.
4th November 2018 In a WhatsApp group, messages, photos and links were shared which, in addition to “inappropriate satire related to Nazi”, also suggested suspicion of the glorification of Nazi ideas. A message for April 20th (Hitler's birthday) with the wording “Today is a national holiday” was also found in the mobile phone communication. Sieg Heil! ”As well as Nazi porn. One of the accused ran for local council elections for the FPÖ, but is no longer supposed to be a member of the party. FPÖ municipal council candidate The Salzburg public prosecutor's office investigated six people. " Our client is no longer a member of the FPÖ, " explains FPÖ state party secretary Andreas Hochwimmer, whose office is defending the man.
5th November 2018 In the run-up to his appearance at the parliamentary committee of inquiry into the BVT affair , research by STANDARD showed that Peter Goldgruber , Secretary General in the Ministry of the Interior, interacted with anti-Semitic platforms and groups on Facebook. He was in the group "Ken FM only for system critics". Peter Goldgruber Goldgruber states that he became aware of Ken FM because it “brought interesting documentations about the Thoma company from Salzburg, which builds special wooden houses”.
November 6, 2018 Konrad Weiß, a press spokesman for Heinz-Christian Strache, is announced as a speaker at the so-called autumn academy of the right-wing extremist platform Institute for State Policy . Weiß also publishes regularly in publications by IFS founder Götz Kubitschek. Konrad Weiß and Heinz-Christian Strache After the meeting in mid-November, another spokesman for Straches said that after all, Weiss was not there because he was unable to attend.
November 11, 2018 The FPÖ municipal councilor Salvatore Angelo Raineri from Kleinzell claims with a post on Facebook that the term Nazi was invented by Jews 2000 years ago and means "holy persons chosen by God". According to the posting by the FPÖ functionary, "Jesus of Nazareth" should be understood as "Jesus, the Nazi admirer". Salvatore Angelo Raineri FPÖ district chairman Christian Hafenecker said that for him this was a “completely inappropriate and satirical text”. Since Raineri posted this on November 11th, Hafenecker also consider the beginning of carnival as a reason for the entry to be possible. He will look for a "serious conversation" with Raineri.
November 12, 2018 The Viennese FPÖ members of the regional parliament Wolfgang Jung and Johann Herzogan take part in an honorary event for the Nazi pilot Walter Nowotny. Nowotny was considered an ardent supporter of Hitler, he was mystified as an "aviator hero". Wolfgang Jung and Johann Herzogan
November 14, 2018 In a Facebook video of the FPÖ, which wants to advertise the introduction of a photo on the e-card, a racist story is told about "Ali" and "Mustafa". The two are deprecated with fez and mustache. FPÖ federal party After an outcry, Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache (FPÖ) stated that “quality assurance” had failed; the employee receives a "dark yellow card".
15th November 2018 The third President of the National Council, Anneliese Kitzmüller (FPÖ), invites the “ Lords of Darkness ” folklore group to parliament. Its members displayed tattoos on Facebook that reminded of forbidden Nazi symbols and wrote that they would “acquire a gun” after Alexander Van der Bellen's election victory. Anneliese Kitzmüller
February 25, 2019 According to the organization SOS Mitmensch , the liberal EU top candidate Harald Vilimsky commissioned "large-scale advertisements" with which the "right-wing extremist scene in Austria" was financed. Vilimsky used the EU funds of his group to co-finance the “right-wing extremist magazine” Info . Harald Vilimsky
4th March 2019 André Taschner flew in 2011 because of neo-Nazi contacts by emergency ordinance from the Styrian FPÖ. Now he is a co-opted member of the federal board of the RFJ . André Taschner and the RFJ The chairman of the RFJ thinks that one should "let history rest for once".
March 11, 2019 The FPÖ MPs Edith Mühlberghuber and Peter Gerstner are members of the closed Facebook group “German Reich”, in which anti-Semitic, revisionist and national socialism glorifying content is shared. Edith Mühlberghuber and Peter Gerstner
5th April 2019 The third President of the National Council Anneliese Kitzmüller (FPÖ) makes Dimitrij Grieb her office manager. Its name appeared in 2014 as the originator of a protocol of the right-wing extremist "Junge Landsmannschaft Ostdeutschland". Anneliese Kitzmüller and Dimitrij Grieb
April 18, 2019 In Wels, which is governed by the FPÖ, an employee of the “Ordnungswache” trades in NS devotional items . He previously ran for the FPÖ union faction. Candidate of the FPÖ union faction After the newspaper report, the employee is fired.
April 22, 2019 The blue vice-mayor of Braunau , Christian Schilcher, compares people with rats in a poem in a party sheet and writes about "sewer background". Christian Schilcher Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) calls for the FPÖ Upper Austria to distance itself. The author initially only apologizes and says that he did not want to "offend" anyone. The next day he resigns.
June 24, 2019 The FPÖ Tulln puts Andreas Bors on its list of candidates for the National Council election. In 2014 a photo was published showing Bors in a Nazi salute pose. That is why he renounced his Federal Council mandate in 2017. Andreas Bors and the FPÖ Tulln
August 1, 2019 The Carinthian FPÖ chairman Gernot Darmann demands that drug dealers in prisons should clean their cells "with the toothbrush". Gernot Darmann Critics felt reminded of the Nazi terror after the so-called “Anschluss” in 1938, when Jews were forced to clean streets and sidewalks with toothbrushes. The press spokesman of the Carinthian FPÖ chairman Gernot Darmann attaches importance to the statement that "Darmann always rejected the Nazi regime of terror out of deep conviction" and the quotation mentioned in the article was dropped during a press conference about the escalating drug problem in Carinthia.
September 30, 2019 Wolfgang Zanger is a member of the Pennales Corps Austria connection to Knittelfeld . It is known that there is a text in a songbook of the connection that contains, among other things, a "Heil Hitler" passage. In other passages of the text it says, among other things: “ Polish girls are forbidden / Jews are taboo / climbing a mare / the veterinarian does not allow them. "," The French came from afar with art glass brushes in their trousers, Germanic peoples from far-off Bavaria with hack crosses (sic) on their eggs "and:" The Nazi heaven, which remains free from racial frenzy, is relieved. "

Zanger declared that he had found the songbook in his possession, but it was no longer available at the fraternity's headquarters.

Wolfgang Zanger While the MP initially announced that he would “never” be ashamed of this, the FPÖ sent a broadcast on Thursday: Zanger rejects “any form of racism, National Socialism and anti-Semitism,” it said.

Zanger said he received the songbook as a gift in 2005 from an older member of his fraternity. "Since then it has been with me at home, dusty, unread and not used," says Zanger. He will not distance himself from it because he has not written it. But he doesn't want to give the book away either, "because the person who gave it to me at the time is worth something to me."

All other parties in Styria reacted in horror to the affair.

The State Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Fight against Terrorism in Styria has started investigations against unknown persons because of the possible violation of the Prohibition Act.

5th May 2020 In a broadcast on COVID-19 tests in an asylum seekers' home, Vienna's FPÖ boss Dominik Nepp speaks of an " asylum virus " Dominik Nepp The SPÖ and the Greens sharply criticize the content of the FPÖ broadcast: “ This is the most disgusting racist rubbish. This is to be checked according to § 283 StGB hate speech. “A statement of the facts had been brought to the public prosecutor's office.
June 1, 2020 According to reports in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Heinz-Christian Strache is said to have written a handwritten, anti-Semitic dedication in a book about " Jewish Confessions from All Times and Countries " in 1992 . In it he describes Jews as " our opponents " and " lust for power ". According to one expert, it was "almost certainly" Strache himself who wrote the anti-Semitic remarks. HC Strache Strache announced that he could neither remember the book nor such a dedication.
July 26, 2020 The Styrian FPÖ vice club chairman circulated a video of himself on Facebook in which he insulted Roma and Sinti in antigypsyism . Stefan Hermann
4th August 2020 The Ternitz FPÖ city councilor Erwin Scherz publishes a photo of himself with a Reichsadler T-shirt. FPÖ City Councilor Erwin Scherz Scherz announced that he did not know "that the eagle was a Nazi symbol". In addition, he did not look at what was on the T-shirt. There were no consequences for the city council.

See also

Web links


  • Jens Mecklenburg (Hrsg.): Handbook of German Right-Wing Extremism (= Antifa Edition ). Elefanten-Press, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-88520-585-8 .
  • Bernd Wagner (Hrsg.): Handbook for right-wing extremism: networks, parties, organizations, ideology centers, media (=  rororo current . 13425). Rowohlt, Reinbek near Hamburg 1994, ISBN 3-499-13425-X .
  • Brigitte Bailer , Karin Liebhart : Women and right-wing extremism in Austria . In: Eva Kreisky , Birgit Sauer (ed.): Gender and obstinacy. Feminist Research in Political Science . Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 1998, ISBN 3-205-98621-0 .
  • Carina Klammer: Imaginations of Doom. On the construction of anti-Muslim external images in the context of the FPÖ's identity policy . LIT-Verlag, Vienna / Berlin / Münster 2013 (= series: Sociology, Volume 81), ISBN 978-3-643-50520-0 .
  • Oliver Geden: Discourse strategies in right-wing populism. Freedom Party of Austria and Swiss People's Party between opposition and government participation . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2006. ISBN 3-531-15127-4 .
  • Stephan Grigat (Ed.): AfD & FPÖ. Anti-Semitism, ethnic nationalism and gender images . Nomos, Baden-Baden 2017, ISBN 978-3-8487-3805-2 .
  • Kurt Richard Luther: The Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) and the Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) . In: Herbert Dachs et al. (Ed.): Politics in Austria. The manual. Manz: Vienna 2006, 364–388.
  • Britta Obszerninks: Neighbors on the right edge: Republicans and Freedom Party of Austria in comparison . Munster 1999.
  • Kurt Piringer: The story of the freedom. Contribution of the Third Force to Austrian politics . Vienna 1982.
  • Viktor Reimann : The Third Power in Austria . Molden, Vienna 1980, ISBN 3-217-00552-X .
  • Sebastian Reinfeldt : Not-we and they-there. Studies on right-wing populism . Braumüller: Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-7003-1312-8 .
  • Margit Reiter : The alumni. National Socialism and the Beginnings of the FPÖ . Wallstein: Göttingen 2019, ISBN 978-3-8353-3515-8 .
  • Hans-Henning Scharsach : Silent seizure of power. Hofer, Strache and the fraternities . Kremayr & Scheriau , Vienna 2017, ISBN 978-3-218-01084-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. Brochure "Individual Cases and Serial Offenders" | Mauthausen Committee Austria. Retrieved June 2, 2020 .
  2. a b Jens Mecklenburg (Ed.): Handbuch deutscher Right Extremismus (= Antifa Edition ). Elefanten-Press, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-88520-585-8 , p. 470.
  3. Bernd Wagner (Ed.): Handbook right-wing extremism: networks, parties, organizations, ideology centers, media (=  rororo aktuell . 13425). Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1994, ISBN 3-499-13425-X , p. 242.
  4. ^ Heribert Schiedel, Martin Tröger: To the German national corporations in Austria. In: Retrieved April 24, 2020 .
  5. Wayback Machine. February 1, 2012, accessed April 24, 2020 .
  6. Wayback Machine. April 2, 2015, accessed April 24, 2020 .
  7. Re-activation: penalty for ex-FP district council in Vienna significantly reduced - Retrieved April 24, 2020 (Austrian German).
  8. Strache sends a message of greeting to the Anti-Islamization Congress - Retrieved April 24, 2020 (Austrian German).
  9. ^ FPÖ supports anti-Islamization congress in Cologne. Retrieved April 26, 2020 .
  10. ^ DerStandard: Ex-FPÖ politician found guilty of postings on Hitler's birthday
  11. Tyrolean FPÖ excludes functionaries because of Nazi devotional objects , Die Presse , September 27, 2017
  12. Politics in the back room: The FPÖ functionary and his Nazi devotional items , , September 26, 2017, queried on September 26, 2017
  13. Tyrolean FPÖ functionary Hochstöger because of Nazi devotional items in the criticism , Der Standard , September 26, 2017, queried on September 26, 2017
  14. ^ Nazi devotional items: Hochstöger excluded from FPÖ , , September 27, 2017
  15. ^ Hochstöger case: Investigation initiated on ORF on September 27, 2017, accessed on September 28, 2017
  16. Courier: Blue comebacks after brown burps
  17. Radio Taiwan International: 展示 納粹 物件 奧地利 自由 黨 開除 主管
  18. [1]
  19. "We'll make the seventh million". Retrieved April 26, 2020 .
  20. ↑ 08/31/2018 at 3:35 pm by Elisabeth Postl: Udo Landbauer: “As a young person, you are prone to stupid things”. August 31, 2018, accessed April 24, 2020 .
  21. Retrieved April 26, 2020 (Austrian German).
  22. ORF: Salzburg Today on May 9, 2018
  23. ^ DiePresse: FPÖ politician resigns after Nazi posting
  24. derStandard: Individual case: Salzburg RFJ boss came out as a "National Socialist"
  25. Kronen Zeitung: FPÖ politician resigns after Nazi posting, May 9, 2018
  26. Today: FPÖ politician called himself "National Socialist", May 9, 2018
  27. OE24: FPÖ politician: Nazi posting on Facebook
  28. Salzburg FPÖ politician causes excitement with Nazi posting
  29. ^ Süddeutsche Zeitung: Government Camp Austria. A scandal every week. (December 18, 2018)
  30. Ex-soldier sentenced to two and a half years in prison. July 2, 2018, accessed April 26, 2020 .
  31. FPÖ politician resigned from the party after posting racist "Congo monkeys" - Retrieved April 26, 2020 (Austrian German).
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  34. Retrieved April 26, 2020 (Austrian German).
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  37. FPÖ judge candidate Keyl now head of department in the Ministry of Transport - Retrieved April 26, 2020 (Austrian German).
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  40. Kunasek's employees and "sick brains" - Retrieved April 26, 2020 (Austrian German).
  41. Posting election fraud: Kunasek sees no reason for consequences - Retrieved April 26, 2020 (Austrian German).
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  43. "Today is a national holiday. Sieg Heil! ”- Salzburg Window. July 7, 2019, accessed April 26, 2020 .
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  48. Kleinzeller FPÖ municipal council: "Jesus was a Nazi admirer". Retrieved April 26, 2020 .
  49. For FPÖ municipal council, the term Nazi stands for "holy person" - Retrieved April 26, 2020 (Austrian German).
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  66. Bastian Obermayer, Leila Al-Serori, Frederik Obermaier, Oliver Das Gupta, Peter Münch: Strache's anti-Semitic dedication emerged. Retrieved June 2, 2020 .
  67. DerStandard: Handwritten anti-Semitic dedication by Strache surfaced
  68. ^ Report on suspicion of incitement to hatred against Styrian FPÖ Vice Hermann. In: July 29, 2020, accessed August 4, 2020.
  69. ^ Reichsadler-Shirt from FPÖ City Council is making waves. July 14, 2020, accessed August 4, 2020 .
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