Martin Engelhardt

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Martin Engelhardt (born March 15, 1960 in Hanau ) is a German orthopedist , trauma surgeon and chirotherapist specializing in sports traumatology as well as a sports medicine specialist and sports official .


Medical and academic career

After studying medicine at Goethe University Frankfurt , which he began in 1978 and graduated with a license to practice medicine on April 6, 1984 , Martin Engelhardt initially worked as an assistant doctor at the surgical clinic of the Hanau City Hospital . In 1985 he completed his doctorate . In 1987 Engelhardt moved to the Orthopedic University Clinic in Friedrichsheim . In November 1991 he successfully passed his examination to become a specialist in orthopedics , and in August 1992 he received the additional qualification in sports medicine . In December 1996 he completed his advanced training in special orthopedic surgery.

In 1996 Engelhardt became senior physician under Ludwig Zichner in Friedrichsheim . In 1998 Engelhardt qualified as a private lecturer and became Zichner's deputy head physician. In 2001 he acquired the additional qualification in chiropractic therapy . In 2002, Engelhardt moved to the Bielefeld Mitte City Clinic , where he became the chief physician of the Orthopedic Clinic. In September 2005 he passed the examination to become a specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery . In 2006 Engelhardt moved to the Schön Klinik München-Harlaching and took over the “Center for Knee, Hip and Shoulder Surgery, Muscle and Tendon Injuries” as chief physician. In January 2008 Engelhardt moved to the Osnabrück Clinic , where he took over the management of the “Clinic for Orthopedics, Trauma and Hand Surgery” as chief physician.

In 2014 Engelhardt took over an honorary professorship for sports medicine at the University of Osnabrück .

Activities as an athlete and sports official

In terms of sport, Engelhardt was initially active in swimming as a Bundesliga swimmer at the EOSC Offenbach and became interested in the triathlon in the mid-1980s . In the spring of 1985 he founded the Triathlon Association of German Doctors and Pharmacists (TVdÄA) in Großkrotzenburg , which in the following years developed into the most important German triathlon association with up to 400 members. On August 11, 1985, the TVdÄA hosted the first German triathlon championship for doctors and pharmacists , which Engelhardt won. The first triathlon symposium followed a year later with 400 participants. In 1987, Martin Engelhardt replaced the Heigenbrück dentist Joachim Fischer as president of the sporting umbrella organization Deutsche Triathlon Union (DTU) , which had been founded two years earlier . A few weeks later, Engelhardt crossed the finish line as a participant in the Ironman Hawaii in 12:38:59 h in 748th place. In the time of the presidential Engelhardts fell as the recognition of the DTU as exclusive representative Triathlon Sports Association in Germany and the establishment of the International Triathlon Union (ITU) in 1989, the Executive Board Engelhardt belonged in the 1990s. After Engelhardt's disputes both with the ITU President and nationally, for example, with the organization of a world championship originally awarded to Immenstadt in 1999, then to Munich and then withdrawn from the world association, after several years of labor law disputes with the national coach and after the one promoted by Engelhardt exclusion of the then largest national association from the DTU, the West German Triathlon Association (WTV) , renounced Engelhardt 2001 to submit a bid again as DTU President.

In 2006 Engelhardt was in discussion for a position on the DOSB Presidium. 2008 attracted Engelhardt with the release of a memory protocol , in which he Stephan Vuckovic , silver medalist of Sydney 2000 , the Epo-doping suspected attention. A few weeks later he retracted the charge. For example, the fact that Engelhardt had been the medical supervisor of the German Olympic team and at the same time DTU honorary president four years earlier , without intervening against Vuckovic's 2004 Olympic nomination for Athens 2004 , caused a lack of understanding in the scene . A year later, Engelhardt returned to sports politics: two weeks before the election of a new presidium of the Hessian state association, he was confirmed by the resigning state president as his acting successor. This was followed by a legal dispute with the incumbent DTU President Claudia Wisser , whereupon the other German state presidents accused him in an open letter of causing damage to the sports association. In 2011 Engelhardt returned to the head of the German Triathlon Union as a sports official and was re-elected President after a ten-year break. During this time, for example, a strategic reorientation of the DTU fell, but also a renewed attempt to exclude the largest regional association, this time the Bavarian Triathlon Association, and ultimately ambiguous national qualification criteria for Rio 2016 , which led to the DOSB for five den DTU athletes only nominated two German athletes.


Engelhardt is married to a doctor who is a former competitive athlete herself.


  • Chairman of the Orthopedic Sports Traumatology Section of the German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery (DGOOC)
  • Member of the DGOOC Board of Directors
  • President of the Society for Orthopedic Traumatological Sports Medicine from 2000 to 2006
  • Chairman of the supporting association of the scientific institutes of German sport ( IAT Leipzig and FES Berlin )
  • Member of the Medical Expert Commission of the DOSB
  • Editor of the journal "Sportorthopädie-Sporttraumatologie" (Editor in Chief)
  • Editor of the series "Triathlon and Sports Science"
  • Scientific advisory board "Journal for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery", "Journal for Sports Medicine", "Der Orthopäde", "Extracta orthopedica" and "MOT"
  • Senior orthopedist of the German Olympic team
  • President of the German Triathlon Union from 1987 to 2001 and again since 2011

Publications (excerpt)

Triathlon and Duathlon

Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. Quality report Orthozentrum Munich In: Schön Klinik 2006
  2. Profile PD Dr. Martin Engelhardt at the Osnabrück Clinic
  3. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Engelhardt takes on honorary professorship for sports medicine In: University of Osnabrück October 13, 2014
  4. Wolfgang Schillings: Team Player in tunic 2010
  5. a b Pete Smith: Success story goes into a new round In: Ärzte-Zeitung July 10, 2015
  6. Executive Board ( English ) International Triathlon Union . 1999. Archived from the original on February 10, 1999.
  7. ^ Chaos in the re-election of the triathlon president In: Rheinische Post April 28, 2000
  8. Damage limitation In: Süddeutsche Zeitung March 31, 1999 ( available from Genios )
  9. warnings deleted, termination of the national coach invalid In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung January 26, 1999
  10. ^ A duel among triathletes. Federal association threatens state association with exclusion . In: Frankfurter Rundschau May 4, 1999 ( available from Genios )
  11. Thiel and Reiche forego the Dosb Presidium In: Handelsblatt May 3, 2006
  12. Thomas Kistner, Frank Ketterer: From the Gedächntis In: Süddeutsche Zeitung November 29, 2008
  13. ^ Revoke doping allegations In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung December 4, 2008
  14. All- round medical service for the Olympians is well taken care of. In: Ärzte-Zeitung August 12, 2008
  15. Jens Richter: The Vuckovic case: Keeping silent and covering up . In: . December 5, 2016. Archived from the original on December 11, 2008.
  16. Frank Wechsel: Engelhardt will take over from Baumgartner on November 5, 2009
  17. Open letter from the DTU state presidents to Dr. Martin Engelhardt April 17, 2010
  18. Frank Wechsel: Engelhardt returns to the top November 5th, 2011
  19. In the interview: Dr. Martin Engelhardt, President DTU May 19, 2014, Management Academy of the DOSB
  20. Timo Schoch: Bavaria stands across In: Donaukurier September 18, 2012
  21. Achim Leoni: Olympic dispute overshadows triathlon in Hamburg In: Hamburger Abendblatt , July 16, 2016