My, Belarussy

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Дзяржаўны гімн Рэспублікі Беларусь
transcription Djarshauny himn Respubliki Belarus
Alternative title Мы, беларусы
( My, Belarussy , German  We Belarusians )
Title in German State anthem of the Republic of Belarus
country BelarusBelarus Belarus
Usage period 1955 - today
text Michas Klimkowitsch
melody Nests Sakalouski
Sheet of music My Belarusy 1.png
Audio files

My, Belarussy ( Мы, беларусы , We Belarusians ) is the unofficial title of the national anthem of Belarus (Belarus). The title comes from the first line of the text.

The composition by Nester Sakalouski was the hymn of the Belarusian SSR as early as 1955 . After the collapse of the Soviet Union , the text of the anthem, composed by Michas Klimkowitsch, was no longer sung. On July 2, 2002, President Aljaksandr Lukashenka ordered a new text by Vladimir Karysna to be used for the national anthem, which was found in a competition. It is a revision of the original text. Although Belarus is officially bilingual (the official languages ​​Belarusian and Russian), only the Belarusian version of the anthem is usually played.


Belarusian-Cyrillic Belarusian-Latin Russian-Cyrillic Russian-Latin
Мы, беларусы

Мы, беларусы - мірныя людзі,
Сэрцам адданыя роднай зямлі,
Шчыра сябруем, сілы гартуем
Мы пранавитям ў пранав.

Слаўся, зямлі нашай светлае імя,
Слаўся, народаў братэрскі саюз!
Наша любімая маці-Радзіма,
Вечна жыві і квітней, Беларусь!

Разам з братамі мужна вякамі
Мы баранілі родны парог,
У бітвах за волю, бітвах за долм
ісвой злп дорцю Свой злп ервой зло!


Дружба народаў - сіла народаў -
Наш запаветны, сонечны шлях.
Горда ж узвіся ў ясныя высі,
Сцяг пераможны - радасці сцяг!


My, belarussy

My, belarussy - mirnyja ljudsi
Serzam addanyja rodnaj sjamli,
Shchyra sjabruem, sily hartujem
My u prazavitaj, volnaj sjam'i.

Slaussja, sjamli naschaj svetlaje imja,
Slaussja, narodau braterski sajus!
Nascha ljubimaja mazi-Radsima,
Wetschna schywi i kwitnej, Belarus!

Rasam s bratami muschna wjakami
My baranili rodny paroh,
U bitwach sa wolju, bitwach sa dolju
Swoj sdabywali szjah peramoh!


Druzhba narodau - sila narodau -
nasch sapavetny, sonechny shljach.
Horda sch uswissja u jasnyja wyssi,
Szjah peramoschny - radaszi szjah!


Мы, белорусы

Мы, белорусы - мирные люди,
Преданные сердцем родной земле.
Искренне дружим, силы закаливаем,
Мы в работящей, вольной семье.

Славься, земли нашей светлое имя,
Славься, народов братский союз!
Наша любимая Родина-мать,
Вечно живи и цвети, Беларусь!

Вместе с братьями мужественно веками
Мы защищали родной порог.
В битвах за волю, битвах за будущие,
Своё добывали знамя побед!


Дружба народов - сила народов -
Наш заветный, солнечный путь.
Гордо возвейся в ясные выси,
Знамя победное - радости флаг.


My, belorussy

My, belorussy - mirnyje ljudi,
Predannyje serdzem rodnoi semle.
Iskrenne druzhim, sily sakaliwajem,
My v rabotjashechei, volnoi semye.

Slavsja, semli naschei sweloje imja,
Slavsja, narodow bratski soyus!
Nascha ljubimaja Rodina-mat,
Wetschno schiwi i zweti, Belarus!

Wmeste s bratjami muschestvenno vekami
My sashchishchali rodnoi porog.
W bitwach sa wolju, bitwach sa buduschtschije,
Swojo dobywali snamja pobed!


Druzhba narodow - sila narodow -
Nasch saweny, solnetschny put.
Gordo vosweissja w jasnyje wyssi,
Snamja pobednoje - radosti flag.


German translation

We Belarusians

We Belarusians are a peaceful people
With our hearts loyal to our fatherland,
we are good friends and strengthen ourselves
in an efficient and free family.

Long live the name of our country,
Long live the fraternal union of peoples!
Our dear mother home,
forever live and prosper Belarus!

Together with our brothers for centuries
we defended our home,
In battles for freedom, in battles for life
we won the flag of our victory!


Friendship between peoples is the power of peoples
And this is our holy sunny path.
Up, go to the clear sky,
O flag of victory, O flag of joy!


See also

Web links

Commons : My Belarusy  - album with pictures, videos and audio files