Olympic Winter Games 1924 / Participant (Czechoslovakia)

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The Czechoslovakia took part in the Olympic Winter Games in 1924 in Chamonix in part with a delegation of 24 athletes in three sports. The Czechoslovak NOK had registered 26 athletes for the games, of which 24 took part in competitions. A total of 4 athletes took part in the Olympic Games for the second time:

Balance: With 12 athletes each, the skiers and ice hockey players made up the largest contingents of the Czechoslovak team. But size does not always mean a medal guarantee. Bronze in ice hockey , like in 1920 , was the target. But the team just missed the final round and Josef Adolf also achieved the best result in the skiers with 6th place in the Nordic combined. Otherwise, the Czechoslovaks fought a hot three-way battle with Italy and Switzerland for the best places in the midfield. In doing so, they were slightly ahead. If not for a medal, but for a surprise, the figure skater Josef Slíva , who, to the amazement of journalists, finished fourth, leaving the favored John Page from Great Britain , Pierre Brunet from France and Nathaniel Niles from the USA behind. A “mayfly” because you never heard from him again later.

Participants by sport

Nordic combination Ski Sports (12)

Military patrol Military patrol

30 km military patrol (4th place)

figure skating Figure skating (1)

ice Hockey Ice Hockey (11)

Ice hockey team (5th place)

Reserve: L. Hofta

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