Organ builder Ernst Seifert (Cologne-Mannsfeld)

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Organ builder Ernst Seifert (Cologne-Mannsfeld)
legal form
founding 1885
resolution 1981
Seat Cologne-Mannsfeld, Germany
  • 1914–1961 Walter Seifert († 1961)
  • 1961–1981 Helmut Seifert
Branch Musical instrument making

The organ building company Ernst Seifert was an organ building company based in Cologne-Mannsfeld .


Ernst Seifert (I.) (1855–1928) was the founder of the three later Seifert organ building companies. While the two sons Romanus Seifert and Ernst Seifert (II.) Set up their own businesses in Kevelaer and Bergisch Gladbach , the third son Walter Seifert († 1961) took over the parent company in Cologne-Mannsfeld under the name of his father. So it came about that for a time there were three different organ building companies with the name Seifert. All three companies built organs independently of each other with different loading systems after the war.

After the death of Walter Seifert in 1961, the son of Bergisch-Gladbacher Seifert, Helmut Seifert, continued the Cologne company until 1981.

The electropneumatic membrane chests with the wind chests patented by Ernst Seifert (senior) are characteristic of the instruments from the Cologne company Seifert . Under Helmut Seifert there was also a switch back to mechanical slide chests .

List of works (selection)

year place building image Manuals register Remarks
1889 Food - Bredeney St. Mark II / P 29 Electrified in 1925, extended by a Rückpositiv to III / P / 34 in 1955, replaced in 1996
1896 Gelsenkirchen - Rotthausen Protestant church II / P 30th receive!
1898 Cologne St. Gereon Completely destroyed in 1941/1944
1903 Mönchengladbach Christ Church
1903 Mönchengladbach Kaiser-Friedrich-Halle IV / P 70 1938 moved to the Volksgartenhalle by Klais; Destroyed in 1944
1903 Urfeld (Wesseling) St. Thomas Apostle II / P 20th Electrified; Original sound preserved
1903 Alt-Huerth St. Catherine 1926 extended by 6 registers; restored in 1960 by Seifert, Kevelaer; Overhauled by Weimbs in 1990 and 2011 and placed in front of the organ
1904 Mönchengladbach Friedenskirche II / P 28 preserved and restored in 2020!
1907 Kevelaer Marienbasilika Organ, Marienbasilika Kevelaer.jpg IV / P 149 initially 104 registers, expanded in 1926; 149 registers today, the largest German-Romantic organ in the world that has survived
1907 Neuss Quirinus Minster Neuss StQuirin Organ.JPG III / P 78 Renewed and rebuilt many times (1938 mute prospect pipes, fourth manual 1955), 86 stops, restored 1993/1994
1909 Cologne St. Mary in the Capitol Cologne, St. Maria im Kapitol, Seifert organ (1909) .jpg IV / P 92 Destroyed in 1944
1909 Cologne St. Severin Cologne, St. Severin, Seifert organ (1909) .jpg III / P 63 Destroyed in 1944
1909 Kettwig St. Peter Prospectus received
1912 Altenberg Altenberg Cathedral III / P 50 Replaced by a new building in 1980
1912 Cologne - Bayenthal St. Matthias not received
1914 Cologne St. Kolumba III / P 45 Destroyed in 1945
1914 Hartefeld St. Anthony II / P 17th 1979 Electrified, later expanded to include tongues to II / 20
1917 Cologne - Sülz St. Nicholas III / P 46 Badly damaged in 1944 and parts reused in the new building in 1952
1918 Werne St. Christopher III / P 55 Electrified; Original sound preserved
1924 Venlo St. Martinus III / P 51 Destroyed in 1944
1925 Food - Bredeney St. Mark II / P 29 Replaced in 1996 by a new building
1926 Cologne - Ehrenfeld St. Joseph III / P 57 Destroyed in 1944
1927 Koenigswinter St. Remigius II / P 28 Replaced in 1972 by a new building from Stahlhuth
1928 Cologne - trinkets St. Boniface III / P 50 Various small extensions to today III / 50
1929 Bottrop - own Church of Our Lady III / P 50 various conversions; Main organ again in its original condition; 2006 Extension by an English choir organ on a fourth manual
~ 1930 Aachen - Orsbach St. Peter II / P 6th exact year of construction not known
1931 Wissersheim St. Martinus II / P 4th Multiplex organ: 32 registers in four rows; received in original condition
1931 Anger home St. Bartholomew II / P 4th Multiplex organ: 32 registers in four rows; preserved in original condition; is currently (as of 2020) being replaced by a new building from Klais .
1931 Elsen St. Stephen Multiplex organ: 24 stops off? Rows; Replaced in 1968, dismantled in 1956 and replaced by a new organ.
1931 Niederdollendorf St. Michael II / P 12 Multiplex organ: 51 stops from twelve rows; Replaced in 1968
1932 Munich - Großhadern St. Canisius II / P 7th Multiplex organ : 67 registers from seven rows; 1938 expansion by Zwirner; Replaced in 1983 by a new building by Josef Garhammer
1936 Koblenz - Niederberg St. Pancras St Pankratius 07 Koblenz 2014.jpg II / P 15th Partial expansion with II / 15 (planned II / 25); 1960 expansion by Seifert (Bergisch Gladbach); receive
1939 Cologne - Rodenkirchen New St. Maternus II / P 27 Using the previous instrument from the same company; 1960 renovation and new prospectus by the builder company; Replaced in 2011 by a used American organ
1952 Cologne - Sülz St. Nicholas II / P 24 Using parts of the badly damaged previous organ from 1917 (also Seifert); 1960 expansion; Dismantled in 2007 and replaced by a new Mühleisen building in 2009 .
1952 Ransbach-Baumbach St. Mark III / P 44 The organ hung on the side of the nave; Dismantled or sold in 2019.
1952 Cologne - Bayenthal St. Matthias II / P 11
1953 Plaidt St. Willibrord Replaced in 1975
1954 Cologne - Riehl St. Engelbert Koeln Riehl St Engelbert organ loft.jpg III / P 68 Using the old Walcker organ from the Hamburg Music Hall . 2008 technical new building by Klais
1954 Cologne - trinkets St. Mary II / P 27
1955 Cologne - Ehrenfeld St. Mechtern III / P 38 receive!
1955 Cologne - Raderthal St. Mary's Conception III / P receive!
1955 Morsbach St. Gertrude Morsbach - Sankt Gertrud 16 ies.jpg III / P 22nd Dismantled in 2017; Is currently (as of 2020) being replaced by a new building by Romanus Seifert & Sohn
1956 Wins St. Mary III / P 32 Dismantled in summer 2019 and sold to Aoste (Italy).
1956 Cologne-Ehrenfeld St. Francis Hospital Chapel of St. Franziskus Hospital (Cologne-Ehrenfeld) 5.JPG II / P 18th
1958 Langscheid (Oberwesel) St. Nicholas and Anna I / P 8th
1959 Linn (Krefeld) St. Margareta III / P 33 Unplayable for some time; Replacement planned.
1964 Wins St. Peter and Paul (Siegen) II / P 26th Replaced in 1999
1968 Cologne - Merkenich St. Brictius II / P 17th Fully electric slider drawer
1970 Frielingsdorf St. Apollinaris Lindlar Frielingsdorf - Sankt Apollinaris 07 ies.jpg II / P 21st Mechanical slide chests with electrical register action

Web links

Commons : Orgelbau Ernst Seifert (Cologne-Mannsfeld)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Martin Blindow: Organ history of the city of Dortmund. LIT-Verlag, Berlin 2008.
  2. a b Stephan Pollok organ movement and neo-baroque in the Ruhr area between 1948 and 1965. Dissertation. Ruhr University Bochum (2007), p. 236 ff.
  3. ^ Report on the dismantling of the Seifert organ in St. Marien Siegen