Otto von Henning on Schönhoff

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Otto von Henning auf Schönhoff (born September 12, 1813 in Wandersleben , † November 25, 1877 in Erfurt ) was a Prussian major general and commander of the 19th Infantry Brigade .



Otto was a son of the Prussian captain and gentleman on wandering life Ernst von Henning auf Schönhoff (1772-1847) and his wife Viktoria, née Gottschalck.

Military career

After attending grammar school in Erfurt , Henning joined the 31st Infantry Regiment of the Prussian Army on March 21, 1830 and was promoted to secondary lieutenant by mid-September 1831 . For further training, he completed the General War School from October 1835 to September 1837 and was in command of the Infantry Training Battalion from April to September 1838. From April 1839 to November 1840, Henning acted as adjutant of the Fusilier Battalion and was appointed adjutant to the III. Battalion in the 31st Landwehr Regiment to Naumburg (Saale) . After brief troop service in his main regiment, he was commanded from August 1845 to June 1852 as a company commander with the III. Battalion in the 31st Landwehr Regiment in Sangerhausen . As Prime Lieutenant , Henning led a Landwehr company in the battles near Heidenheim , Steinmauern , Ladenburg , Muggensturm , Rauental and Niederbühl when the Baden Revolution was suppressed in 1849 . For his work during the siege of Rastatt he was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle, 4th class with swords.

On June 22, 1852, Henning was promoted to captain and a few days later until November 1, 1853, as a company commander in the 4th Reserve Battalion. Four days later he was appointed company commander . On May 19, 1859, he was promoted to major in command of the 2nd Battalion in the 26th Landwehr Regiment in Burg . The 26th Combined Infantry Regiment was formed from this association at the beginning of May 1860 and the 3rd Magdeburg Infantry Regiment No. 66 two months later . Henning became the commander of the 2nd battalion, took over the fusilier battalion at the end of April 1862 and rose to lieutenant colonel at the end of June 1864 . With the mobilization on the occasion of the German War , he was appointed commander of the 2nd Posenen Infantry Regiment No. 19 that Henning led in the Main Army in the battles near Dermbach , Kissingen , Aschaffenburg and Gerchsheim . He was awarded the Crown Order III. Class awarded with swords and promoted to colonel .

His regiment chief Joseph von Sachsen-Altenburg paid tribute to him on March 9, 1867 by awarding him the Commander's Cross, 2nd class, of the Duke of Saxony-Ernestine House Order . On June 6, 1868 he became the commander of the 5th East Prussian Infantry Regiment No. 41 in Koenigsberg and during the mobilization on the occasion of the war against France he was given command of the 19th Infantry Brigade. He led this large association in the battles near Weißenburg , Wörth and Sedan as well as in front of Paris . Awarded both classes of the Iron Cross , Henning was promoted to major general on the day of the imperial proclamation in Versailles . For health reasons, he was on 21 October 1871 board for disposition made. He died on November 25, 1877 in Erfurt.


Henning married Emilie von Helmolt (1828–1882), a daughter of Captain Franz von Helmolt († 1837), on August 11, 1847 in Wandersleben. The couple had several children:

  • Kurt (1850–1917), Prussian Lieutenant General ⚭ 1888 Magdalena von Löwenstein zu Löwenstein (1869–1910)
  • Armgard (1854–1918) ⚭ 1878 Karl Gynz von Rekowski (1848–1927), Prussian lieutenant general
  • Melanie (1855–1916) ⚭ 1884 Bruno Kronbiegel-Collenbusch, manufacturer in Soemmerda
  • Lucie (1858–1924) ⚭ 1879 Max Weise (1854–1938), Prussian lieutenant general
  • Hans (1866–1929), Prussian major ⚭ 1889 Elvira Matthießen (* 1868)


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen Häuser, 1908. Second year, Justus Perthes, Gotha 1907, p. 459.