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Raguhn coat of arms
Coordinates: 51 ° 42 ′ 29 ″  N , 12 ° 16 ′ 7 ″  E
Height : 90 m
Area : 15.24 km²
Residents : 3558  (Jun. 30, 2017)
Population density : 233 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : January 1, 2010
Postal code : 06779
Area code : 034906
St. James Church
St. George Church
Mulde weir and hydroelectric power station

Raguhn is a district of the town of Raguhn-Jeßnitz in the Anhalt-Bitterfeld district in Saxony-Anhalt .


The town of Raguhn is mainly located in the glacial valley of the Mulde approx. 12 km north of Bitterfeld and approx. 15 km south of Dessau .

To the east of the city is a currently still closed area of ​​a former military training area of the Soviet Army in the Kleckewitzer Heide (western branch of the Düben Heath ).

The Mulde divides south of Raguhn, with the smaller, western arm of the river (Liebauer Muldarm) flowing together with the Fuhne after a few hundred meters and reuniting with the Mulde north of Raguhn. As a result, the old town of Raguhn is on an island that can be reached from the west via the Hallesche Brücke ("Bridge of Peace"), from the south via the Schlossbrücke and from the east via the Wittenberger Bridge. Due to this location, the old town as well as parts of the western city and the district of Kleckewitz are more or less affected by floods every year. As a result of the flood of the century in 2002 , the city and the state of Saxony-Anhalt initiated extensive dam construction plans and dam renovations and have so far largely been completed.

The districts Raguhn and Kleckewitz belonged to the former community.


Raguhn was first mentioned in a document in 1285. The place was created at the strategically important Mulde crossing of the road from Halle to Wittenberg .

In 1395 Raguhn was by Prince Albrecht III. von Anhalt-Köthen confirmed the jurisdiction over neck and hand.

Towards the end of the Second World War , from February to April 1945, a subcamp of the Buchenwald concentration camp was set up for 200 to 500 Jewish women prisoners from the Ravensbrück concentration camp , who - along with Soviet prisoners of war - were forced to work for the Junkers aircraft and engine works . Among the women was Auguste van Pels , who from 1942–1944 lived with Anne Frank in hiding in the Amsterdam Secret Annex.

On January 1, 2010, the previously independent towns of Raguhn and Jeßnitz (Anhalt) and the communities of Altjeßnitz, Marke , Retzau , Schierau , Thurland and Tornau in front of the Heide merged to form the town of Raguhn-Jeßnitz. At the same time, the Raguhn administrative community , to which Raguhn belonged, was dissolved.

Population development

year Residents
1970 5,962
2005 3,720

coat of arms

The coat of arms was given to the city in 1549 by the princes Georg and Joachim von Anhalt. It shows the upright, crowned Ascanian bear between two towers on the battlements of the city wall, including two half-slamming gates and three lampreys .

The coat of arms in its current form was designed in 1995 by the local heraldist Jörg Mantzsch , who was born and raised in Raguhn, true to the original letter of coat of arms and (since no approval document was verifiable) included in the approval process by the state government.

Culture and sights

War memorial

Next to St. George's Church there is a war memorial for those who fell in the First World War .

In a common grave at the Raguhn cemetery, 28 German casualties (four of them "unknown") from the battles for Raguhn from April 15 to 17, 1945 rest. The names are on a memorial stone

In the Raguhn local cemetery there is a memorial stone and graves for 15 women prisoners known by name who were victims of forced labor.

Economy and Infrastructure

Libehna Fruchtsaft GmbH

Libehna Fruchtsaft GmbH is based in Raguhn. The name of the beverage company was borrowed in 1990 from the former excursion restaurant Schloss Lipehna and is not related to the Libehna community . The company was founded in 1876 as Heßler & Herrmann in Raguhn, was later called Aromatica and operated under the name VEB OGIS in the GDR . Today (2019) the family business has around 20 employees and supplies the wholesale and retail trade in some cases nationwide.


Founded in 1861 as the Gottlob Herbrandt AG wire weaving mill and based in Raguhn for 150 years, RMIG GmbH (formerly PRESTARA) is the largest employer in the city of Raguhn-Jeßnitz. Since 1992 RMIG GmbH has been part of the globally active RMIG (Richard Müller Industrial Group). Today (2013) the company with its 150 employees is one of the largest production sites for perforated sheets in Germany and Europe.

In 2009, the Enercon company built a hydropower plant with two turbines with a total of 2300 kW on the Mulde .


The federal road 184 lead through the municipality. The nearby federal motorway 9 can be reached via the Dessau-Süd junction (about six kilometers).

Raguhn has a stop on the Trebnitz – Leipzig railway line , which is served every hour.


sons and daughters of the town

Raguhn related persons


  • Raguhn in the 20th century: From the Empire to the Federal Republic of Germany: Part 2. Geiger-Verlag, 2. unchanged. 2007 edition. ISBN 978-3-89570-349-2
  • Frauke Gränitz, Haik Thomas Porada, Günther Schönfelder (eds.): Bitterfeld and the lower Muldetal: A regional study in the area of ​​Bitterfeld, Wolfen, Jeßnitz, Raguhn, Graefenhainchen and Brehna. Böhlau, 2nd verb. 2008 edition. ISBN 978-3-412-03803-8
  • Rudolf Brückner (Ed.): Raguhn in old views. European Library, 1998. ISBN 978-90-288-5375-1

Web links

Commons : Raguhn  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Möller: Final battle on the Mulde in 1945 . Rockstuhl Verlag, Bad Langensalza 2012. ISBN 978-3-86777-334-8 . P. 320
  2. ^ Libehna, Company, Tradition