Star Wars Battlefront II (2017)
Star Wars Battlefront II | |||
Star Wars Battlefront II logo | |||
Studio |
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Publisher |
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Erstveröffent- lichung |
17th November 2017 | ||
platform | Windows , PlayStation 4 , Xbox One | ||
Game engine | Frostbite 3 | ||
genre | Third-person shooter / first-person shooter | ||
Subject | Star Wars , science fiction | ||
Game mode | Multiplayer , single player | ||
control | Mouse and keyboard , gamepad | ||
medium | Blu-Ray , DVD | ||
language | including English and German | ||
Current version | 2.0 | ||
Age rating |
Star Wars Battlefront II (usually called SWBF II for short ) is a first- and third-person shooter based on the Star Wars universe. The game represents the seventh part of the Star Wars: Battlefront computer game series and was developed by EA DICE and published by Electronic Arts . The game was released on November 17, 2017 for PlayStation 4 , Xbox One and Windows .
The game should not be confused with the original Star Wars Battlefront II game released in 2005 ; It can be seen as a new edition. It is the sequel to Star Wars: Battlefront from 2015.
Single player
Main storyline
In addition to the multiplayer mode offers Star Wars Battlefront II , in contrast to the predecessor of 2015, a single-player campaign with a continuous action that the official Star Wars belongs -Kanon and between episodes Return of the Jedi and The Awakening of power located is. In most of the 13 chapters, the player takes on the role of Iden Versio, the commander of the "Inferno Squad", an imperial special unit. In some sections, some well-known characters from the Star Wars original trilogy such as Luke Skywalker , Han Solo and Leia Organa appear as playable characters.
The game begins before the Battle of Endor on the Invincible Faith , a capital ship of the Rebel Alliance, where Iden is held captive and interrogated. Before action began, the ship intercepted an Imperial message that, once deciphered, would warn the rebels of the trap of Emperor Palpatine over the forest moon Endor. So Iden's capture is part of her plan to get on the Faith and eliminate the news. In her cell she secretly activates her ID10 search droid, which has also been brought on board the ship, via remote control, which reaches her via the ventilation shafts and frees her. In the communications center, Iden finds the message and deletes it. When her outbreak is noticed by the rebels, she fights her way through the ship and escapes into space via the airlock. At the right moment, the Corvus , the command ship of the Inferno Squad, picks it up.
A little later, when the Battle of Endor is in full swing, the Inferno squad, consisting of Iden and the two elite soldiers Del Meeko and Gideon Hask, is ordered to the forest moon to restart the Death Star shield generator that was captured by the rebels to take. Although the trio manage to secure the facility, it has already been completely destroyed. In the meantime, the Rebel Alliance succeeds in destroying the second Death Star , the explosion of which Iden and her men watch in horror from Endor. They then evacuate any remaining stormtroopers and leave Endor in their TIE fighters. Between the wreckage of the Death Star, however, the Corvus , which was damaged in the explosion, is attacked by rebel ships. After the inferno squad has successfully repelled the attack, Iden goes aboard the star destroyer Reaper , where she learns of the Emperor's death from Admiral Gerrick Versio, her father and superior at the same time. The "envoy," a droid, informs them of an emergency plan called Operation Ashes, which the Inferno Squad should also be involved in carrying out. However, Iden has not yet been informed of the exact content of the plan.
In preparation for Operation Asche, the inferno squad is tasked with securing some experimental satellites that the star destroyer Dauntless should take over in an orbital shipyard over Fondor . Just as the satellites were secured, the shipyard is attacked by a fleet of the rebel alliance. In the chaos of the ensuing space battle, Iden and Hask and their TIE fighters break into a rebel battleship and sabotage the ion cannons that bombard the Dauntless . Then Iden destroys the dock brackets and the communication tower of the shipyard, so that the Star Destroyer can be freed as quickly as possible and set off for its target.
The Inferno Squad's next mission is to destroy a secret observatory owned by the Emperor on the planet Pillio before the rebels can find the artifacts stored there. Del is assigned by Iden to do the job, and he goes there with some assault party groups. The landing on Pillio is observed by Luke Skywalker, who heard a call of power here. Luke gets to the bottom of the matter and fights the attacking stormtroopers with his lightsaber. When he finds Del in a cave, he is stuck in the amber-like excrement of a native species of beetle. Because the Imperial asks for help, Luke frees him with his lightsaber and spares him. Together they continue their way underground and finally, after Del has shut down the defense systems, they arrive at the observatory. In it, Luke finds a compass, which apparently was the reason for the call of power. In compensation for his rescue, Del gives him permission to keep the artifact. After the subsequent destruction of the observatory, both men go their separate ways again. The meeting with the Jedi, however, inspires Del to increasingly question the way the Empire operates
The inferno squad finally learns what the satellites brought from Fondor are all about: In the course of Operation Asche, they are supposed to make various planets uninhabitable through climate manipulation in order to send a warning across the galaxy, not against that Empire to face. To Iden's horror, her father wants to use the climate changers in her home world of Vardos . Gleb, the head of Jinata Security and an Imperial Academy, still has something good with Admiral Versio, so the Inferno Squad is supposed to take her off the planet. Arriving in the capital, Kestro, Iden watches how Imperial troops prevent the evacuation of the civilian population, even though they are loyal citizens of the Empire. When Iden and Del want to help some injured civilians, Hask gets in their way, as he insists on strict adherence to the mission's goals. A dispute ensues, as a result of which Iden and Del refuse to give orders and are forced to overpower Hask and flee the city. Since both are now being hunted as traitors to the Empire, they steal an Imperial ruff and shoot their way to the Corvus . After evacuating several civilians into the ship, they flee the planet.
Iden and Del have to realize that there is no more room for them in the Empire. They decide to contact the Rebel Alliance and surrender to it. After extensive interrogation, Lando Calrissian offers them to join the Danger Squadron and help defend the planet Naboo from Operation Ashes. Together with Leia Organa, they succeed in destroying the satellites and then putting an imperial capital ship out of action. Then they land on Naboo, where advancing imperial forces threaten the capital Theed. Shriv, the leader of the Danger squadron, and Iden as well as Leia and Del form two teams and repair relays in the city, with the help of which a powerful ion weapon in the royal palace is restored to working order. By triggering the ion pulse, the weapons of all imperials are deactivated, which can then be captured by the rebels who have holed up in the palace.
A few months later, Iden and Del lead the Inferno Squad from now on as a unit of the newly founded New Republic, which Shriv also joins. On the Corvus , which has now been converted , Iden receives an order from Leia to track down Han Solo on Takodana . He is in Maz Kanata's castle in search of an imperial defector named Ralsius Paldora, who should provide him with important information about the empire. Han finds him after asking a few people about him, but learns that the promised information is hidden in two data cubes in the nearby forest. The two manage to find the records and go to the Millennium Falcon . However, they are attacked by stormtroopers who have just landed and who have become aware of Paldora's betrayal. With their X-wings, Iden and Shriv arrive at the scene in time and repel the attackers. Han, Paldora and Chewbacca then take off with the falcon and fetch some TIE fighters and an Imperial battleship from the sky before they leave the planet.
According to Paldora’s information, Iden's father is leading some missions on the planets Bespin and Sullust . She decides to look for him, and goes with Del to the Chinook station on Bespin, when it is found that her former comrade Hask is refueling ships there on behalf of Admiral Versio. Disguised as stormtroopers, Iden and Del sneak to the station's command center, but find only a hologram from Hask, which informs them that he knew of their intrusion and set a trap for them. Hask escapes in a Star Destroyer while Iden and Del are attacked by stormtroopers. After several skirmishes in the station, the two grab a cloud city car and use it to shoot the refueling platforms. The resulting chain reaction destroys not only the fuel cells but also three other star destroyers.
After this action, Shriv and Lando Calrissian receive the order from Iden to retrieve weapons from an abandoned imperial arms factory on Sullust. When the two of them search the factory, it turns out that it is fully operational and occupied by storm troops. Lando quickly changes the plan: Instead of recovering the weapons, he manipulates the lava pumps so that the entire factory is flooded with lava and destroyed. He and Shriv then flee outside in a stolen ruff. At that moment the volcano erupts behind the arms factory and the two are surrounded by lava. However, Iden manages to get Lando and Shriv to safety with the help of the Corvus in good time .
A few days later, the New Republic gathers its armed forces over the desert planet Jakku , where the final decisive battle against the empire is to be fought. The inferno squad also arrives just as the fighting has broken out. While Del takes control of the Corvus , Iden and Shriv try to help out in their X-wings in both air and ground combat. They follow the distress signal of a troop of allies who have crashed with their ship and are threatened by Imperial ruffs. With the help of several orbital strikes from the spaceship Unity , they manage to eliminate the attackers. After the allies are brought aboard the Corvus , Iden and Shriv make their way to a crashed Star Destroyer. In it, they use explosive charges to detonate several TIE bombers, which would have been useful for conquering a nearby Imperial research station. Shortly afterwards, however, Iden's father arrives at the Schnitter , and the Corvus is attacked by several TIE squadrons under the command of Hask. In her X-wing, Iden kills the enemy fighters, and after a heated duel with her former comrade, she manages to shoot Hask down, causing him to crash. Then Iden lands her fighter rudely on the reapers and fights her way inside, where she tries to evacuate her father from the crashing ship. Although he realizes that his daughter was right all along, he wants to go under with the empire. With a heavy heart, Iden leaves her father behind and flees in an escape pod before the reaper hits the planet's surface. Shortly afterwards she is found by Del, who tells her with Shriv that the New Republic has won the battle. Together they look at the battlefield strewn with shipwrecks and are happy about the end of imperial rule.
Almost 30 years later: After a long period of peace, a new threat in the form of the First Order is brewing in the galaxy. Del Meeko, now married to Iden and father of a daughter, landed on the Corvus on Pillio to investigate suspicious activity. However, he is captured by Gleb and her Jinata security service and handed over to the First Order. Kylo Ren , searching for the map of Luke Skywalker's whereabouts, interrogates Del and uses the Force to penetrate his mind. After receiving the requested information - the name Lor San Tekka and his whereabouts - he hands Del over to Hask, who unexpectedly survived. Hask shoots Del after announcing that he wants to find Iden and their daughter as well.
"Revival" expansion
On December 13, 2017 , the DLC "The Last Jedi" was released for Battlefront II , matching the start of the movie of the same name . Among other things, this extends the campaign by three additional chapters, which continue Iden Versio's story and take place parallel to the events in the Star Wars film The Force Awakens .
At the beginning of the plot, Iden is doing maneuvering exercises in X-wings with her daughter Zay when they receive a message from Shriv that they should go to him on the Corvus as soon as possible . He explains to the two that he was investigating a secret First Order project called Project Revival for the resistance and that he found the Corvus on Pillio. There is no trace of Iden's husband Del Meeko, who last flown the ship. To find out what happened to him, Iden, Zay and Shriv fly to the planet Athulla, as the ship's logs indicate that Del was there before he came to Pillio. A contact person in Dels told them via hologram that the Jinata security service, under the command of the trafficker Leema Kai, kidnapped numerous children. The radio transmission is disrupted, however, when Jinata security ships appear in an asteroid field near Athulla. In their X-wings, Iden and Zay incapacitate the enemy fleet and take out Leema Kai. They are then told that Jinata Security captured Del when he stumbled upon Project Resuscitation. Their leader Gleb is said to be on Vardos, to Iden's astonishment.
Since this is the only trace of Del, Iden returns with Zay and Shriv to their former homeworld after almost 30 years, which has only been ruins since Operation Ashes. In an old archive building, Iden and Shriv discover Gleb's body, but are shortly afterwards surprised by Iden's former comrade Gideon Hask and troops of the First Order. Hask proudly announces the destruction of the New Republic's seat of government in the Hosnian system and also reveals to Iden that he killed Del on Pillio in revenge for her betrayal of the Empire at the time. He gives the order to the Retribution , his star destroyer who has arrived via Vardos, to shoot down the Corvus on which Zay is still staying. The ship then crashes, but Zay is able to save himself to the planet in an escape pod at the last moment. Suddenly, a revolt breaks out in the ruins between Jinata Security and the First Order. Iden and Shriv use this moment of confusion to look for Zay and finally find her after several skirmishes.
To escape from Vardos, the trio steals two TIE fighters and penetrates the Retribution with them just before it jumps into hyperspace. On board the Star Destroyer, Iden, Zay and Shriv gain access to the main computer and find out that behind Project Revival is the kidnapping of numerous children from different star systems with the aim of growing them into storm troops. They also discover plans for a huge First Order siege battleship that poses a serious threat to the Resistance. Iden decides to transfer the data to the resistance base and stores it in the ID10 search droids that they have with them. Before the trio can escape from the Star Destroyer, however, it must first be torn from hyperspace. While Shriv takes care of an escape route, Iden and Zay attach explosive charges to the hyperdrive generators. However, Hask tracks them down and takes Zay hostage. In a desperate battle, Iden manages to shoot Hask with a blaster thrown by Zay. A short time later the hyperdrive explodes and the retribution comes to a standstill not far from the Starkiller base. However, Iden was fatally wounded fighting Hask and dies in her daughter's arms. From the Star Destroyer, Zay finally watches as the Starkiller base collapses due to the onslaught of the resistance.
With a stolen TIE fighter, Zay and Shriv return to the resistance base on D'Qar , where Leia Organa has just ordered the planet's evacuation. After Shriv sends Leia the plans from Iden's droids, she asks him and Zay to go on a new mission to the Outer Rim. As the Resistance's inferno squad, they both accept the offer and shortly afterwards jump into hyperspace.
role | Original speaker | German speaker |
Luke Skywalker | Matthew Mercer | Hans-Georg Panczak |
Han Solo | John Amstrong | Wolfgang Pampel |
Leia Organa | Misty Lee | Susanna Bonaséwicz |
Lando Calrissian | Billy Dee Williams | Volker Wolf |
Iden Versio | Janina Gavankar | Anja Stadlober |
Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker |
Matt Sloan, Matt Lanter |
Pure beauty , Vanya Gerick |
Rey | Daisy Ridley | Julia von Tettenborn |
Kylo Ren | Matthew Wood / Roger C. Smith | Julien Haggége |
Emperor Sheev Palpatine | Sam widower | Friedhelm Ptok |
Darth Maul | Tobias Master | |
Yoda | Tom Kane | |
Boba Fett & Clone Warriors | Temuera Morrison / Dee Bradley Baker | Tobias Brecklinghaus |
Count Dooku | Corey Burton | Ernst Meincke |
Captain Phasma | Gwendoline Christie | Katrin Fröhlich |
General Grievous | Matthew Wood | Rainer Doering |
Obi Wan Kenobi | James Arnold Taylor | Philipp Moog 1 |
Finn | John Boyega | Stefan Günther |
Maz Kanata | Gray DeLeslie | Nina Goldberg |
Del Meeko | TJ Ramini | Michael Borgard |
Shriv | Dan Donouhe | Tom Jacobs |
Gideon Hask | Paul Blackthorne | Ronald Janokowski |
Garrick Versio | Anthony Skordi | Klaus Nierhoff |
Ralsius Paldora | Oliver Vaguer | Mario Belon |
In December 2015 there were first indications that there would be a sequel. A few months later, in May 2016, the official confirmation that Star Wars Battlefront 2 was in development. At that time it was emphasized that one would like to orientate oneself primarily on the current cinema films. After the game became quieter at the end of 2016, a major unveiling was announced for April 15, 2017. As part of Gamescom 2017, the space battles were presented, which returned after great criticism due to the lack of the predecessor.
Despite a few hints that ultimately turned out to be a bug, Star Wars Battlefront 2 does not support virtual reality .
After days of trouble with the community and countless negative press reports, EA decided in November 2017 to remove all existing microtransactions from the game for the time being. EA CFO Blake Jorgensen said the idea of microtransactions in Star Wars Battlefront 2 would never be completely given up. In April 2018, the microtransactions in the game were reactivated. However, only optical expansions of the soldier and hero classes are available through microtransactions.
Sales figures
In the United States, Star Wars Battlefront 2 was the second best-selling computer game in November 2017 after Call of Duty: WWII . During its first week of sales in Japan, the PlayStation 4 version of the game sold 38,769 times, making it number 4 on the charts. By December 2017, the game had sold a total of around 9 million times worldwide. In January 2018, EA announced that they had missed their sales target as they set a goal of selling 10 million units by December 2017.
- Star Wars Battlefront II: Inferno Command by Christie Golden , October 2017, Panini Verlag , ISBN 978-3-8332-3568-9 .
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ Kexikus: EA introduces the German speakers for Battlefront II. In: November 9, 2017. Retrieved November 9, 2017 .
- ↑ Star Wars Battlefront 2 - New offshoot confirmed for 2017. Retrieved April 4, 2017 .
- ↑ Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Now officially announced. Retrieved April 4, 2017 .
- ↑ Raphael: Star Wars Battlefront 2 - No VR support . Article from , September 15, 2017, accessed on September 16, 2017.
- ↑ Battlefront 2: EA removes all microtransactions - temporarily., accessed on December 13, 2017 .
- ↑ 100,000 players demand: Lucasfilm is supposed to revoke EA's Star Wars license because of microtransactions., accessed on December 13, 2017 .
- ↑ Top 20 Best Selling Games In The US For November 2017. In: GameSpot. Retrieved October 28, 2019 (American English).
- ↑ Media Create Sales: 11/13/17 - 11/19/17. In: Gematsu. November 22, 2017. Retrieved October 28, 2019 (American English).
- ↑ Media Create Sales: 11/13/17 - 11/19/17. In: Gematsu. November 22, 2017. Retrieved October 28, 2019 (American English).