Stephan Schad

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Stephan Schad (born July 9, 1964 in Pforzheim ) is a German actor .

life and work

Stephan Schad attended the Goethe School Free Waldorf School Pforzheim and the Free Waldorf School Uhlandshöhe in Stuttgart. From 1984 to 1986 he did community service at Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe in Stuttgart and from 1986 to 1989 he received an acting training at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart . He was then engaged at the Braunschweig State Theater and from 1991 worked at the Krefeld / Mönchengladbach Municipal Theaters, from 1995 at the Karlsruhe State Theater , from 1996 at the Drama in Frankfurt am Main and from 1997 at the Nationaltheater Mannheim . In 1998 Schad moved to the Thalia Theater in Hamburg , where he was part of the permanent ensemble for eleven years and worked a. a. with Jürgen Flimm , Robert Wilson , Stephan Kimmig , Teddy Moskow and Stefan Bachmann . From 2011 to 2013 he was a member of the ensemble at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg .

Stephan Schad has played numerous roles in film and television and is a speaker for NDR, WDR, Radio Bremen, SWR, Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandradio Kultur and various audio book publishers. His voice can be heard in the audio versions of Feridun Zaimoglus Liebesbrand , The Life of Desires by Thomas Glavinic and the children's crime series Die Zeitdetektiven by Fabian Lenk.

He also works as a voice actor; Among other things, he lends his voice to Mikael Tornving as Patrik Agrell in the series GSI - Spezialeinheit Göteborg .

Schad has been a guest at the Thalia Theater, the St. Pauli Theater and the Hamburger Kammerspiele since summer 2009, and teaches roles at the Hamburg University of Music and Theater .

He has also been a member of the ensemble "Die Glücklichen" since it was founded with the debut film Swinger Club 2005 by Jan Georg Schütte and has since worked in all of this troupe's work, including the Swingers 2006 theater series , the film Die Glücklichen 2008, the television series Coffie to go 2009 , the radio play Seitenspringer 2010 and the movie Leg him um participated.

In the summer of 2013, Stephan Schad played the title role in Nathan the Wise at the Bad Hersfeld Festival . He was awarded the Great Hersfeld Prize for his performance and also won the 2013 Audience Award for this role. In 2015 he played the village judge Adam in "The Broken Jug" by Heinrich von Kleist with great success.

In the literary film The Diary of Anne Frank , which was shot in spring 2015 and was released in cinemas on March 3, 2016, Schad plays Hans Goslar , the father of Anne's friend Hannah Pick-Goslar .

Filmography (selection)

Radio play and features (selection)

Web links