Veit Graber

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Veit Graber (1844-1892)

Veit Graber , also called Vitus Graber , (* July 2, 1844 in Weer , † March 3, 1892 in Rome ) was an Austrian zoologist who mainly devoted himself to entomology.



From 1858 to 1864 Graber attended the Innsbruck Academic High School . A gifted scholarship enabled him to study at the Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck from 1864, mainly in zoology under Camill Heller (1823-1917). He mainly attended natural history lectures. In December 1867 he passed the teaching examination for high schools and received his doctorate in philosophy on January 31, 1868. During these three years of study he began his own scientific work. For his treatise Die Orthopteren Tirols he received a prize from the philosophical faculty. In 1866 he interrupted his studies and moved to the border with Lombardy as a shooter for the voluntary academic Innsbruck sniper company as part of the German War . For this he was awarded the shooting medal.

academic career

Shortly after receiving his doctorate, Graber moved to Vienna with the intention of continuing his zoological studies there and embarking on an academic career. First he was put on a trial as a teaching post at the municipal high school on the Wieden (4th district of Vienna). But soon afterwards, on April 23, 1868, he received the teaching position for natural sciences at the Imperial Royal Catholic State High School in Winkowitz in the Croatian-Slavonian military border region from the Imperial War Ministry . Here he founded a weather station and made trips to southern Hungary and Bosnia to study the fauna there. The resulting scientific publications should make him known.

National Jurij Fedkowytsch University of Chernivtsi (then Franz Joseph University)

In September 1869 Graber was transferred to the imperial royal second state grammar school in Graz as a teacher and completed his habilitation there in 1871 under the zoologist Eduard Oscar Schmidt (1823–1886). Multiple teaching positions demanded a lot of time as a private lecturer. Accordingly, he moved his fieldwork to the evening and wrote his work at night, so that his health began to suffer. In 1873 his colleagues in the philosophical faculty suggested that he be promoted to associate professor at the University of Graz . He continued to attend lectures, particularly on histology by Alexander Rollett (1834-1903), and undertook three research trips to the Adriatic and Dalmatia .

When a chair for zoology was set up at the Franz Joseph University in Chernivtsi in 1876 , Emperor Franz Joseph I (1830–1916) immediately appointed Graber, on July 23, 1876, as full professor there. He expanded the institute for almost two years without any help and held this office until his death. Since he had no assistant at his disposal, he had to make most of his anatomical specimens himself. By 1877 he had undertaken several scientific trips and from 1877-79 dealt again with the marine fauna. To this end, he attended several institutes in the German Empire in 1884 and worked at the Naples Zoological Station from 1888 . There he acquired a great deal of knowledge, made many friends and was also interested in the people, culture and history of Naples and Rome. His most important work included the study of the sensory organs of lower animals and insect embryology.

Plate VII from the book The Tympanic Sensory Apparatus of Orthopterics

Graber often stated that he was very dissatisfied with the teaching post in Czernowitz. He had only one student in the field of zoology, Anton Jaworowski (later Anton Ritter von Jaworowski; * 1853). Furthermore, only pharmacy and some medical students attended his lectures, which mainly dealt with the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. The new study regulations for the summer semester of 1892 should exclude zoological lectures for pharmacy students. It was therefore questionable whether zoological lectures could continue to take place due to a lack of audience.

Graber was elected dean twice by the philosophical faculty of the University of Chernivtsi. In 1886/87 Graber was rector of the university. Since February 15, 1869, he was a member of the Imperial and Royal Zoological and Botanical Society in Vienna , since December 30, 1876, honorary member of the Natural Science Association for Styria, and since March 16, 1881, a corresponding member of the Boston Society of Natural History, which no longer exists .

On another study trip to the Stazione Zoologica in Naples, Graber died on March 3, 1892 in the hospital of the German Embassy in Rome from cancer and cardiac paralysis. He was also buried there on the Campo Santo Teutonico at the foot of the VIII. Station of the Cross. His son-in-law, Theodor Gartner, purchased the memorial “II. Class with everlasting possession ”. The memorial plaque made of gray marble with the text written by the relatives cost 100 lire.

After Graber's death, Robert Lendlmayer von Lendenfeld took over the chair of zoology in Czernowitz from 1893 to 1897 .

Guide to Zoology

Graber wrote about 66 often richly illustrated specialist treatises, most of which dealt with the anatomy and embryology of insects and other lower classes of animals. With the guideline of zoology for the upper classes of the middle schools he wrote an elementary, but nevertheless very progressive, richly illustrated textbook in 1888, followed by essays on school pedagogy. New instructions for teaching natural sciences at secondary schools required this textbook, which, with the help of the publisher, found its way into most Austrian high schools and German schools as an important textbook.

He was unable to finish work on a second, expanded edition in 1892; Josef Mik (1839–1900) completed this edition and also published the third, expanded edition in 1897. A fourth, expanded edition was written by Robert Latzel (1845–1919) in 1905. By 1922 a total of nine editions were published.


Graber was born on July 2, 1844 as the son of a scythe smith in Weer in the Lower Inn Valley and grew up in poor conditions. He belonged to the Roman Catholic denomination.

Graber met Katharine Prill in Winkowitz and married her there in 1868. He had two children with her. Maria Graber was born in Winkowitz, married the philologist Theodor Gartner (1843–1925), who was a civil servant at the University of Chernivtsi , and had two children with him. About four years later the geologist and mineralogist Hermann Veit Graber (1873–1939) was born in Graz .

Pedigree of Veit Graber


Franziskus Salesius Graber
Bierwirt in Weer

Maria Reinisch

Martin Posch
salt miner

Maria Kirchbichler


J. Matthäus Graber (* 1809)
scythe smith

Barbara Posch (* 1812)

J. Carl Prill
jewelry box manufacturer

Magdalena Leitner

Veit Graber (1844–1892)
zoologist and entomologist Austria-Hungary

Katharine Prill (1847–1895)


Maria Graber

Theodor Gartner (1843–1925)
Austrian Romanist

Hermann Veit Graber (1873–1939)
Austrian geologist and mineralogist


  • Small contribution to the hemipteran fauna of Tyrol . In: Journal of the Ferdinandeum for Tyrol and Vorarlberg . Episode 3, vol. 13, 1867, ZDB -ID 510446-4 , p. 255-260 .
  • Analytical overview of the orthopterans observed in Tyrol . In: Journal of the Ferdinandeum for Tyrol and Vorarlberg . Episode 3, vol. 13, 1867, ZDB -ID 510446-4 , p. 261-277 .
  • The orthopters of Tyrol . with special regard to their way of life and geographical distribution . In: Negotiations of the Imperial-Royal Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna . Vol. 17, 1867, ISSN  0084-5647 , p. 251-280 .
  • The developmental stages of the Orthoptera Saltatoria Latr. in general and the Platycleis grisea in particular . In: Program of the kk Staats-Obergymnasium in Vinkovci, in the Croatian. slav. Military frontier, published at the end of the school year 1867/8 . Wukowar 1868, p. 1-20 .
  • Faunistic Studies in the Syrmian Bay . In: Negotiations of the Imperial-Royal Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna . Vol. 20, No. 3 , 1870, ISSN  0084-5647 , p. 367-380 .
  • Continued investigations into post-embryonic development and the cuticula of the gull wing . In: Anton Maresch (Ed.): First annual report of the kk, second state grammar school in Graz . Abth. 1, 1870, ZDB -ID 1049523-X , p. 1-48 .
  • About polygamy and other gender relations in orthopedics . In: Negotiations of the Imperial-Royal Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna . Vol. 21, 1871, ISSN  0084-5647 , p. 1091-1096 .
  • About the origin and construction of the sound apparatus among the Acridians . In: Negotiations of the Imperial-Royal Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna . Vol. 21, 1871, ISSN  0084-5647 , p. 1097-1102 .
  • Contribution to the histology of echinoderms . In: Anton Maresch (ed.): Third annual report of the kk, second state high school in Graz . Abth. 1, 1872, ZDB -ID 1049523-X , p. 45-54 .
  • About the Locustid sound apparatus, a contribution to Darwinism . In: Journal of Scientific Zoology . Vol. 22. Engelmann, 1872, ZDB -ID 200735-6 , p. 100-125 .
  • Anatomical-physiological studies on Phthirius inguinalis Leach . In: Journal of Scientific Zoology . Vol. 22. Engelmann, 1872, ZDB -ID 200735-6 , p. 137-167 .
  • About the propulsatory apparatus of the insects . In: Archives for microscopic anatomy . tape 9 , no. 1 . Cohens, December 1873, ISSN  0176-7364 , p. 129-196 , doi : 10.1007 / BF02956163 .
  • About a kind of fibrilloid connective tissue of the insect skin and its local significance as a tracheal suspensorium . In: Archives for microscopic anatomy . tape 10 . Cohens, December 1874, ISSN  0176-7364 , p. 124-144 , doi : 10.1007 / BF02960318 .
  • About the digestive system of the pine jewel beetle. (Chalcophora mariana Lin.) . In: Philipp Pauschitz (Ed.): Fifth annual report of the kk, second state high school in Graz . Abth. 1, 1874, ZDB -ID 1049523-X , p. 17-42 .
  • The tympanic sensory apparatus of the orthoptera . In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . Mathematical and scientific class . Vol. 36, Abth. 2, 1876, ZDB -ID 961131-9 , p. 1-140 .
  • The abdominal tympanic organs of the Cikaden and Gryllodeen . In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . Mathematical and scientific class . Vol. 36, Abth. 2, 1876, ZDB -ID 961131-9 , p. 273-296 .
  • About the pulsating abdominal sinus of the insects . In: Archives for microscopic anatomy . tape 12 . Cohens, 1876, ISSN  0176-7364 , p. 575-582 .
  • The insects . 1st part: the organism of insects . In: The forces of nature . A natural science public library . tape 21 . Oldenbourg, Munich 1877.
  • The insects. Part 2: Comparative life and development history of insects . In: The forces of nature. A natural science public library . tape 22 . Oldenbourg, Munich 1879.
  • About amoeboid epithelia . In: Zoologischer Anzeiger . Vol. 2, No. 29 . Engelmann, 1879, ISSN  0044-5231 , p. 277-280 .
  • About the unicorneal trachea and especially the arachnoid and myriapod eyes . In: Archives for microscopic anatomy . tape 17 . Cohens, 1879, ISSN  0176-7364 , p. 58-93 .
  • Addendum concerning the convergence between the tracheal and annelid stemma . In: Archives for microscopic anatomy . tape 17 . Cohens, 1879, ISSN  0176-7364 , p. 94 .
  • Morphological studies on the eyes of free-living marine bristle worms . In: Archives for microscopic anatomy . tape 17 . Cohens, 1879, ISSN  0176-7364 , p. 243-323 .
  • Via the pen-guiding or chordotonal sense organs in the insects . In: Zoologischer Anzeiger . Volume 4, No. 91 . Engelmann, 1881, ISSN  0044-5231 , p. 450-453 .
  • The chordotonal sense organs and the hearing of the insects . In: Archives for microscopic anatomy . tape 20 . Cohens, December 1881, ISSN  0176-7364 , p. 506-640 , doi : 10.1007 / BF02952659 .
  • The chordotonal sense organs and the hearing of the insects . In: Archives for microscopic anatomy . tape 21 . Cohens, December 1882, ISSN  0176-7364 , p. 65-145 , doi : 10.1007 / BF02952616 .
  • Sir John Lubbock, Observations on Ants, Bees and Wasps . In: Biological Centralblatt . tape 2 , no. 4 . Besold, 1882, ISSN  0006-3304 , p. 109-117 .
  • Basic lines for exploring the animals' sense of brightness and color . Tempsky & Freytag, Prague, Leipzig 1884.
  • About the mechanics of the insect's body . In: Biological Centralblatt . tape 4 , no. 18 . Besold, 1884, ISSN  0006-3304 , p. 560-570 .
  • F. Plateau, experiments on invertebrate muscle strength . In: Biological Centralblatt . tape 4 , no. 22 . Besold, 1885, ISSN  0006-3304 , p. 560-570 .
  • Comparative basic experiments on the effects and the points of absorption of chemical stimuli in animals . In: Biological Centralblatt . tape 5 , no. 13 . Besold, 1885, ISSN  0006-3304 , p. 385-489 .
  • The external mechanical tools of animals . In: The knowledge of the present . German universal library for the educated . tape 64/65 . Freytag & Tempsky, 1886, ZDB -ID 597145-7 .
  • New experiments on the function of the insect sensor . In: Biological Centralblatt . tape 7 , no. 1 . Besold, 1887, ISSN  0006-3304 , p. 13-19 .
  • Thermal experiments on the cockroach (Periplaneta orientalis) . In: Archives for the entire physiology of humans and animals . tape 41 . Strauss, 1887, ZDB -ID 505391-2 , p. 240-256 .
  • Veit Graber et al .: Guide to zoology for the upper classes of middle schools . Tempsky & Freytag, Vienna, Prague, Leipzig 1922 (1887-1892).
  • On polypody in insect embryos . In: Carl Gegenbaur (Ed.): Morphological Yearbook . A journal for anatomy and evolutionary history . Volume 13, No. 4 . Engelmann, 1888, ZDB -ID 519044-7 , p. 586-615 .
  • On the primary segmentation of the insect germ line . In: Carl Gegenbaur (Ed.): Morphological Yearbook . A journal for anatomy and evolutionary history . Volume 14, No. 2 . Engelmann, 1888, ZDB -ID 519044-7 , p. 345-368 .
  • About the zoological lessons at the Obergymnasium . In: Journal for the Austrian high schools . Vol. 39, Abth. 3. Gerold, 1888, ZDB -ID 202897-9 , p. 927-937 .
  • On the sensitivity of some marine animals to odoriferous substances . In: Biological Centralblatt . tape 8 , no. 24 . Besold, 1889, ISSN  0006-3304 , p. 743-754 .
  • On the structure and the phylogenetic significance of the embryonic abdominal appendages of insects . In: Biological Centralblatt . tape 9 , no. 12 . Besold, 1889, ISSN  0006-3304 , p. 355-363 .
  • About the embryonic abdominal appendages of insects and their significance for the knowledge of the ancestors of these animals . In: Nature . Newspaper for the dissemination of scientific knowledge and view of nature for readers of all classes . NF Vol. 15, No. 42 . Schwetschke, October 19, 1889, ZDB -ID 516999-9 , p. 501-503 .
  • Comparative studies on the germinal coats and the dorsal formation of the insects . In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . Mathematical and scientific class . tape 55 , Abth. 2, 1889, ZDB -ID 961131-9 , p. 109-162 .
  • Comparative studies on the embryology of insects and especially of muscids . In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . Mathematical and scientific class . tape 56 , Abth. 2, 1889, ZDB -ID 961131-9 , p. 257-314 .
  • Comparative studies on the germ line of the insects . In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . Mathematical and scientific class . tape 57 , 1890, ZDB -ID 961131-9 , p. 621-734 .
  • Contributions to the comparative embryology of insects . In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . Mathematical and scientific class . tape 58 , 1891, ZDB -ID 961131-9 , p. 803-866 .
  • The discoveries of E. Ballowitz regarding the fibrillar structure of the spermatozoal flagella . In: Biological Centralblatt . tape 10 , no. 23 . Besold, 1891, ISSN  0006-3304 , p. 721-731 .
  • About the embryonic structure of the blood and adipose tissue of insects . In: Biological Centralblatt . Vol. 11, No. 7/8 . Besold, 1891, ISSN  0006-3304 , p. 212-224 .
  • Comments on J. Carrière's article “The glands on the first abdominal rings of insect embryos” . In: Biological Centralblatt . Vol. 11, No. 7/8 . Besold, 1891, ISSN  0006-3304 , p. 224-229 .
  • In reply, Dr. K. Heider's on my remarks on his embryology of Hydrophilus . In: Zoologischer Anzeiger . Volume 14, No. 353 . Engelmann, 1891, ISSN  0044-5231 , p. 8-9 .
  • On the embryology of the insects . In: Zoologischer Anzeiger . Volume 14, No. 371 . Engelmann, 1891, ISSN  0044-5231 , p. 286-291 .
  • On the morphological importance of the ventral abdominal appendages of the insect embryos . In: Carl Gegenbaur (Ed.): Morphological Yearbook . A journal for anatomy and evolutionary history . Volume 17, No. 3 . Engelmann, 1891, ZDB -ID 519044-7 , p. 467-482 .


  • Wilhelm HessGraber, Vitus . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 49, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1904, p. 499.
  • Helmut Dolezal:  Graber, Vitus. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 6, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1964, ISBN 3-428-00187-7 , p. 698 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Oswald Arnold: An almost forgotten genius: Prof. Vitus Graber from Weer . From son of a scythe smith to rector of the University of Chernivtsi . In: Tirol aktuell . No. 7 . Innsbruck February 14, 1985, OCLC 85745769 , p. 11 .
  • Anton von Jaworowski: Professor Dr. Veit Graber † . In: Bote für Tirol u. Vorarlberg . Volume 78, No. 108/109 , May 12, 1892, ZDB -ID 2227953-2 , p. 910-911 / 918-919 .
  • Lengyel István: 1892-ben elhúnyt természettudósok nekrológja . In: Természettudományi közlöny. Havi folyóirat közerdekű ismeretek terjesztésére . Vol. 25, No. 292 , 1893, ZDB -ID 954645-5 , p. 630-640 .
  • Anton Norst: Alma mater Francisco-Josephina. Festschrift for its 25th anniversary . Pardini, Chernivtsi 1900, OCLC 162912497 , p. 32 .
  • Gerhard Tarmann, Barbara Thaler-Knoflach: A foray through the history of entomology in Tyrol . In: Communications of the German Society for General and Applied Entomology . tape 16 , 2008, ISSN  0344-9084 , p. 39-67 .

Web links

Commons : Veit Graber  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Rector's speech (HKM)