Wolfgang von Hausen

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Wolfgang von Hausen, engraving by Lucas Kilian
1605 was Wolfgang von Hausen, the Vorschloss from Castle Wörth an der Donau build
Relief at the Lieutenancy in Ellwangen, built in 1591 under Prince Provost Wolfgang von Hausen. Left of St. Vitus, on the right the coat of arms of the Lords of Hausen

Wolfgang von Hausen (* 1553 ; † September 13, 1613 ) was Prince Provost of Ellwangen from 1584 to 1603 and Bishop of Regensburg from 1600/1602 until his death in 1613 .

Prince-Bishop's coat of arms

Wolfgang von Hausen came from the Swabian noble family of the Lords of Hausen . He studied at the University of Ingolstadt . During his tenure, the first witch trials took place in Ellwangen in 1588 . There are also several architectural monuments from his tenure. In 1588, for example, he renewed the south gable on the transept of the Ellwang collegiate church , established the governorship in Ellwangen in 1591, had the manor house built in Ellwangen and initiated the reconstruction of the castle in Wasseralfingen in 1593 . Several groups of calvaries go back to his foundation, such as the one on the Kreuzberg near Abtsgmünd . His provost's coat of arms shows the prince provost's red miter in fields 1 and 4 and his house coat of arms in fields 2 and 3, a striding black ram in silver on a green three-mountain .

From 1600 until his death he was Bishop of Regensburg . With the election of Wolfgang von Hausen, who was ready to face the demands of the Council of Trent , the Regensburg cathedral chapter showed readiness for reform. Wolfgang himself carried out the spiritual tasks of a prince-bishop such as ordination or confirmation . He also campaigned for the establishment of the Catholic League under Duke Maximilian I of Bavaria .


  • Tobias Appl: Wolfgang II von Hausen (1600–1613). A Regensburg reform bishop of the 17th century , in: Contributions to the history of the Diocese of Regensburg, 36th year 2002, pp. 137-271
  • Michael Buchberger (Ed.): 1200 years of the diocese of Regensburg . Regensburg 1939, p. 54.
  • Karl Hausberger : History of the diocese of Regensburg. Volume 1: Middle Ages and Early Modern Times . Pustet, Regensburg 1989, ISBN 3-7917-1188-1 , pp. 330-332
  • Josef Staber: Church history of the diocese of Regensburg . Regensburg 1966, p. 129f.
  • Jos. Ans. Count Adelmann: A glass pumpkin of the Prince Provost Wolfgang von Hausen, dated 1589. In: Ellwanger Jahrbuch 1950–1953 . Pp. 143-145

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.aalen.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=44431&_bereich=6

Web links

Commons : Wolfgang II. Von Hausen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Christoph von Freyberg-Eisenberg Prince Provost of Ellwangen
Johann Christoph von Westerstetten
Sigmund von Fugger Bishop of Regensburg
Albert von Toerring-Stein