Alibi Dschangildin

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Alibi Togschanowitsch Dschangildin ( Kazakh Әліби Тоқжанұлы Жанкелді, Russian Алиби Тогжанович Джангильдин * 1884 in Aul Koidaul in the area Torghai ; † 14. August 1953 in Alma-Ata ) was a kasachisch- Russian revolutionary .


Dschangildin was the son of a poor to compulsory labor committed pastoral nomads ( Scharua ) from the Kipchak-folk in the Middle Horde . Ten-year-old Dschangildin caught a passing teacher, so he invited him to his school. Soon afterwards, the boy fled his parents' home and reached Torghai by caravan , where he was accepted into school. There he met the Baatar Amangeldy Imanow know. After tips from rich relatives, the father brought his son back from school. As a twelve year old, Dschangildin fled to Kustanai again , where he was immediately accepted into the Russian-Kazakh school. His father found him there too, and only at the request of the school principal did the father agree to continue attending school. After successfully passing the final exam, Dschangildin was sent to Orenburg to the ecclesiastical consistory. Here he met influential compatriots from the steppe . After he had passed the exams quickly here too, he was sent to Kazan in 1902 to study at the teachers' college. During the Russian Revolution in 1905 he participated in the revolutionary student movement. The administration then sent him to the History Faculty of the Moscow Spiritual Academy to get him back on track. After completing the second year course, he was banned from studying for revolutionary activities.

Then Dschangildin left in 1908 Russia with a passport in the name Nikolai Stepnow and began a world tour, where he his living with the photographing of photos deserved to interesting places and sales. He mostly wandered on foot through Poland , Austria-Hungary , Serbia , Bulgaria , Turkey , Palestine , Egypt , Abyssinia , Arabia , Persia , India , Siam , Annam and southern China , while he was only briefly in Japan in 1912 because he was due to the Amnesty on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty could return to Russia.

Since Dschangildin was not allowed to stay in his native Torghai area after his return, he worked at weather stations in the Crimea in 1913 and worked as a revolutionary with the Crimean Tatars . In 1915 he married the Karaite Rail Weniaminowna Turschu (1870-1921) from Simferopol , who had completed the higher Bestushev courses for women in St. Petersburg . During the First World War , he joined the Communist Party of Russia in Petrograd in 1915 .

When Nicholas II, with his so-called requisitions ukas of June 25, 1916, called on the non-Russian population between the ages of 19 and 43 to work close to the front during World War I , the rumor spread that the entire male population was trying to dig trenches between the Russian and German front should be used, so that there was an uprising in the Kazakh steppe. On behalf of the party, Gengildin went incognito to the Torghai area in order to position himself with Amangeldy Imanov at the head of the insurgent Basmachi . Imanov formed a disciplined cavalry force and became commander in chief, relying on a council of war. At the height of the uprising, about 50,000 fighters followed Imanov's flag. In October 1916, Imanov besieged Torghai (in what is now Qostanai ). As the Russian relief corps approached, the rebels advanced towards him and began guerrilla warfare . The fighting lasted until February 1917, when the Russian Corps withdrew as a result of the February 1917 Revolution . Meanwhile, Dschangildin was sent to Bukhara in early 1917 . After the February Revolution he returned to Petrograd, whereupon he was sent to the Torghai area as a propagandist.

After the October Revolution Dschangildin met in Moscow Lenin , who appointed him as Acting Commissioner of the territory Torghai. In January 1918, during the Russian Civil War , Dschangildin gathered pro Bolshevik forces for Stalin in the Torghai region to fight the Alash Orda . Dschangildin's units put down anti-Bolshevik uprisings in Astrakhan and Fort Alexandrovsk on the Caspian Sea . From the Busachi peninsula they marched with supplies and ammunition on 300 camels and 600 horses to the Aktobe - Turkestan front. In November 1918 they were in Schalqar and then brought supplies to the Orenburg Front. In 1920 the military operations there were completed.

Dschangildin took part in the preparation and work of the Constituent Congress of the Kazakh Soviets for the establishment of the Kazakh Republic in 1920. The Congress elected him as a member of the Presidium, Vice-Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Republic and People's Commissar for Social Security. Dschangildin represented the party organization of Kazakhstan at the first all-Russian conference of the communist party organizations of the peoples of the east in January 1921. In 1937 he became chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Kazakhstan.

During the German-Soviet War , he took care of the accommodation and care of the evacuees in Kazakhstan.

Dschangildin was married four times.

Dschangildin streets can be found in Alma-Ata, Shymkent , Nur-Sultan (Astana until 2019) , Orenburg and other cities. A Dschangildin memorial stands in front of the main train station of Alma-Ata. A large Dschangildin portrait hangs in the government building of the People's Republic of China .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Джангильдин А. Т .: Алиби Джангильдин: Документы и материалы . Alma-Ata 1961, p. 10-75 .
  2. a b Владимир Осипов, Зейнабил Айдарбеков: 125 лет со дня рождения Алиби Джангильдина (accessed June 26, 2018).
  3. Краткая биография (accessed June 26, 2018).
  4. Chronos: Джангильдин Алиби Тогжанович (accessed June 26, 2018).
  5. a b c d e Алипа Утешева: Чрезвычайный и легендарный . In: Юридическая газета . December 15, 2010 ( [accessed June 26, 2018]).
  6. Джангильдин А. Т .: Книга путешественника вокруг света Н. Степанова, он же Али-Бей Джангильдин. Из Москвы 1910 года мая месяца . Alma-Ata 2009.
  7. Жангельдина экспедиция . In: Казахстан. Национальная энциклопедия . tape II , 2005.
  8. Жангельдину памятник . In: Казахстан. Национальная энциклопедия . tape II , 2005.