Office Frankenberg-Sachsenburg

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The " Amt Frankenberg-Sachsenburg " (also: " Amt Frankenberg mit Sachsenburg " or: " Amt Sachsenburg mit Frankenberg ") was a territorial administrative unit of the Electorate of Saxony in the Erzgebirge district .

Until the end of the Saxon constitution of offices in 1856, it was the spatial reference point for the demand for sovereign taxes and compulsory services , for the police , jurisdiction and army successes .

Geographical expansion

The area of the office Frankenberg-Sachsenburg with the Castle Sachsenburg and the city of Frankenberg was northeast of the city of Chemnitz in today mittelsachsen . The office was bounded in the west by the Zschopau . In 1830 the area northwest of the office with the city of Mittweida was added to the administrative area.

Adjacent administrative units

Reign of Neusorge , from 1610 to the office of Augustusburg Office Rochlitz Amt Nossen , Amt Leisnig ( Herrschaft Arnsdorf )
Office Lichtenwalde Neighboring communities Office of Nossen
Office of Augustusburg


The beginnings of the Sachsenburg office

The beginnings of the Frankenberg-Sachsenburg district lie in the old Sachsenburg rulership , whose area belonged to the Freiberg care in the 13th century . In 1197 the " Lords of Sachsenburg " were first mentioned in a document. The village of Frankenberg , which quickly developed into a town, was founded in 1150, Sachsenburg Castle was built around 1210/30. The builders were probably the lords of Mildenstein , who were enfeoffed with the area by the Hersfeld monastery . The rulership with Sachsenburg Castle and the town of Frankenberg passed into the hands of the Wettins in 1322 after Margrave Heinrich the Illustrious had the rule smashed in connection with the Mildenstein tithes dispute . After the end of a rich mining era in the area, the Wettins sold the castle to two Döbelner knights in 1364 . In 1368 the lords of Schönberg acquired the rule. After 1473, the area of ​​the Sachsenburg office was formed through several inheritance divisions. In 1482 the conversion of Sachsenburg Castle into a palace began. Since the division of Leipzig in 1485, the area around the Sachsenburg belonged to the Albertine line of the Wettins.

The Wettin offices of Frankenberg and Sachsenburg

The descendants of the von Schönberg family could only hold the rule Sachsenburg with the city of Frankenberg until 1610. After the death of Caspar von Schönberg's sons, the rule was divided between two nephews. In January 1610, the Elector Johann Georg I bought the office of Frankenberg . In March 1610, the heavily indebted Sachsenburg office was sold to the Elector Johann Georg I.

The dual office of Frankenberg-Sachsenburg

Elector Johann Georg I appointed his own administrator to manage the Sachsenburg office. The Frankenberg office was administered by an official from the Lichtenwalde chamber estate . This Lichtenwalde dominion to the west was only established as an electoral office in 1592. In 1633 the offices of Frankenberg and Sachsenburg were combined to form the " Office of Frankenberg-Sachsenburg ". A large number of special regulations remained, however, and the official seat changed frequently. After the Lichtenwalde office had become a manorial again through the swap of territory, it came under the administration of the Frankenberg-Sachsenburg office from 1696 .

From 1783, the Frankenberg-Sachsenburg office was combined with the Chemnitz office under a judicial officer while maintaining the greatest possible independence . The administration of the Lichtenwalde office was transferred to the Augustusburg office . The Frankenberg-Sachsenburg office was still responsible for some areas. It existed until 1856. Shortly before its dissolution, after 1830 it was expanded to include the area around the town of Mittweida to the north-west . The Frankenberg-Sachsenburg office included the three locations of the exclave of the Ringethal manor ( Freiberg district office ), two locations of the exclave of the Meißen estate near Mittweida, the nine locations of the Neusorge rule ( Augustusburg office ), the Lauenhain exclave ( Nossen office ) and four locations with the city of Mittweida ( Rochlitz office ).

Associated places

Office Frankenberg-Sachsenburg

  • Frankenberg (before 1633 to the office of Frankenberg)
Villages that belonged to the Frankenberg district before 1633
Villages that belonged to the Sachsenburg office before 1633

Amt Lichtenwalde (1696–1784 part of the Amt Frankenberg-Sachsenburg)


Places of adjoining offices that were incorporated into the Frankenberg-Sachsenburg office from 1832

Places of the reign of Neusorge (before 1832 part of the Augustusburg office)
Places under the rule of Ringethal (before 1832 it belonged to the Freiberg district office as an exclave)
Places that belonged to the Rochlitz office before 1832
Places that belonged to the Meißen district office as exclaves between 1764 and 1832
Places that belonged to the Nossen office as an exclave before 1836


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