Beringhausen (Meschede)

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City of Meschede
Coordinates: 51 ° 19 ′ 34 ″  N , 8 ° 20 ′ 9 ″  E
Height : 311 m above sea level NHN
Residents : 17th
Postal code : 59872
Former Veramed Clinic

Beringhausen is a district of Meschede in the North Rhine-Westphalian Hochsauerlandkreis . The small village is about 6 kilometers southeast of Meschede. Neighboring towns are Löllinghausen and Klause. 17 residents live in the village on the Kleine Henne .


The von Beringhausen knightly family resided in Beringhausen . The origin of the Beringhausen house is still unknown today. In 1313 a Heinrich von Beringhausen is listed in Count Wilhelm von Arnsberg's list of properties. The knight's seat owned forests, fields and meadows in Beringhausen, Berlar, Blüggelscheidt, Mosebolle and on the Klause, among others . The respected family came from provosts of the Meschede monastery and abbots of the Grafschaft monastery .

In the later years the owners of the manor changed more frequently. In 1854 the von Spee family sold the manor to Vetter zu Halbeswig. In 1900 the General Knappschaftsverein in Bochum acquired the property to build a sanatorium. A year later, construction work began on the Knappschaftskrankenhaus according to plans by the architect Julius Boethke . The Auguste-Viktoria-Knappschaftsheilstätte was opened on June 28, 1904 after its completion.


Remains of the Beringhausen castle house

Sights of the place include the listed remains of the Beringhausen castle house on the K 43 and the former miners' hospital or the later Veramed clinic is located in a forest area around 110 m above the village of Beringhausen. It was completed in 1904. The access road to the building, which is around 110 meters above the valley, was not completed until 1921. The previous access road, with a gradient of 1:14, was two kilometers long. A cable car was in operation for pedestrians, the foundations of which are still visible today. A large machine and boiler house also belonged to the sanatorium. The building has not been used since 2009.


  • W. Greve: The Auguste Viktoria Knappschafts Heilstätte in Beringhausen near Meschede , memorandum to celebrate the opening of the institution, 1904
  • Hubert Fliege: The Auguste Viktoria Knappschaftsheilstätte in Beringhausen , in the Hochsauerlandkreis yearbook, 2001
  • August Tenholt: History of the former noble manor "Beringhausen" near Meschede. Bochum, 1909 digitized

Web links

Commons : Beringhausen (Meschede)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Main statute of the city of Meschede ( Memento of September 26, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 250 kB) on the city of Meschede's website, accessed on November 7, 2010
  2. Beringhausen ( Memento of December 23, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) on the website, accessed on November 7, 2010
  3. ^ History of the Beringhausen Manor ( Memento from October 22, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) accessed on November 7, 2010
  4. Kanonikerstift, p. 5 ( Memento of February 2, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 213 kB) accessed on November 7, 2010
  5. Veramed-Klinik , accessed November 7, 2010.
  6. ^ Hubert Fliege, The August Viktoria Knappschaftsheilstätte in Beringhausen, Hochsauerland Yearbook 2001 . Page 93 ISBN 3-86133-256-6
  7. ^ The West , accessed November 7, 2010.