Bruno Günder

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Bruno Günder (born July 31, 1872 in Würzburg , † April 29, 1951 in Munich ) was a German lawyer and from 1929 to 1932 the district president of Lower Franconia and Aschaffenburg .


In 1893, after completing his law degree at the Law Faculty of the University of Würzburg , he completed his preparatory service at the Mellrichstadt district office , followed by military service as a one-year volunteer at k.bayer. 9th Infantry Regiment "Wrede" . From 1895 he worked at the Kitzingen district office and from 1896 at the Würzburg regional court . This was followed by various government agencies, including as a councilor in the government of Middle Franconia with promotion to the main office of the state insurance office. After becoming President of the Senate on November 1, 1926, Günder took over the office of District President of Lower Franconia and Aschaffenburg on October 1, 1929. At his own request, he was after the seizure of power of the NSDAP shifted from December 1, 1933, on hiatus, as finally having reached the age limit from September 1, 1937th

His son is Heinz Günder , who later also became district president of Lower Franconia.

honors and awards

  • 1932: Dr. iur. utr. hc from the Law Faculty of the University of Würzburg

Web links

  • Joachim Lilla: Günder, Bruno , in: ders .: Minister of State, senior administrative officials and (NS) officials in Bavaria from 1918 to 1945. ( Link ) from November 25, 2015.