Friedrich von Zu Rhein

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Friedrich Carl Freiherr von Zu Rhein. Graphic by Roller, 1847.

Friedrich Carl August Freiherr von Zu Rhein (born February 7, 1802 in Würzburg , † September 15, 1870 ibid) was a royal Bavarian administrative officer and lawyer . He was district president of the Upper Palatinate and Lower Franconia and temporarily Minister Administrator in the Bavarian cabinet .


During his studies in 1819 he became a member of the old Würzburg fraternity . After completing his law degree , Zu Rhein , who was a Catholic denomination, was appointed to the upper church and school council of the supreme church and school council in 1832. In 1838 he was appointed to the higher appeal judge.

From 1840 to 1841 he was government director in the government of Swabia .

In 1841 he was appointed regional president of the administrative district of Upper Palatinate and Regensburg for the first time and held this office until his appointment to the cabinet in early 1847.

In 1842, Zu Rhein was appointed to the Chamber of Imperial Councils by King Ludwig I , of which he was a member until his death. There he held the position of second secretary from 1842 to 1846, from 1848 to 1849 he was vice-president and sat on several committees.

In 1848 he was a member of the preliminary parliament .

In February the state government headed by Karl von Abel asked for her dismissal to protest against King Ludwig's request to naturalize the dancer Lola Montez . Thereupon, on March 1st, the king appointed the “Ministry of Dawn” headed by State Councilor Georg Ludwig von Maurer , in which Zu Rhein, as Minister Administrator, took over the management of the State Ministries for Church and School Affairs and for Finance . At the same time he was appointed to the State Council in the ordinary service . On November 29th of that year the king also dismissed this cabinet and on December 1st formed the “Lola Ministry” under the chairmanship of Ludwig von Oettingen-Wallerstein .

At the same time, Zu Rhein (now a State Councilor in extraordinary service) returned to his previous position as District President of Upper Palatinate and Regensburg . In 1849 he was transferred to Würzburg, where he was in charge of the administrative districts of Lower Franconia and Aschaffenburg until 1868 . From 1868 to 1870 he was a member of the customs parliament in the constituency of Lower Franconia 6 (Würzburg) , where he represented the direction of the Bavarian Patriot Party.

He was as casual dense known.


1847: Honorary citizen of the city of Regensburg


  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Volume 6: T-Z. Winter, Heidelberg 2005, ISBN 3-8253-5063-0 , pp. 447-448.

Web links


  1. a b c d e Archived copy ( memento of the original from June 29, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Federal Archives: Members of the Pre-Parliament and the Fifties Committee (PDF file; 79 kB)
  3. a b
  4. Honorary Citizen of the City of Regensburg ( Memento from February 7, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
predecessor Office successor
Dr. Eduard von Schenk District President of
the Upper Palatinate and Regensburg
Karl Freiherr von Schrenk von Notzing
Karl Freiherr von Schrenk von Notzing Bavarian State Minister for Church and School Affairs
( Minister Administrator )
March 1–29. November 1847
Ludwig von Oettingen-Wallerstein
Charles of Abel Bavarian State Minister of Finance
( Minister Administrator )
March 1–29. November 1847
Dr. Karl Freiherr von Welden District President of
the Upper Palatinate and Regensburg
December 1, 1847–1849
Karl Joseph Freiherr von Künsberg-Langenstadt
Leopold Graf Fugger von Glött District President
of Lower Franconia and Aschaffenburg
Friedrich Count of Luxburg