Bundestag constituency Uckermark - Barnim I

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Constituency 57: Uckermark - Barnim I
Bundestag constituency 57-2017.svg
Country Germany
state Brandenburg
Constituency number 57
Eligible voters 184.716
voter turnout 70.3%
Election date September 24, 2017
Constituency representative
Photo of the MP
Political party CDU
Voting share 30.6%

The Bundestag constituency Uckermark - Barnim I (constituency 57) is a constituency in Brandenburg for the elections to the German Bundestag . It includes the district of Uckermark and of the district of Barnim the communities Eberswalde , Schorfheide and Wandlitz as well as the offices of Biesenthal-Barnim , Britz-Chorin-Oderberg and Joachimsthal (Schorfheide) . In the 2009 Bundestag election, 169,284 residents were still eligible to vote; in 2013 there were 160,233 residents who were eligible to vote.

Bundestag election 2017

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Jens Koeppen CDU 30.6 28.2
Steffen John AfD 20.2 20.8
Stefan Zierke SPD 19.4 16.9
Andreas Buettner THE LEFT 18.4 18.6
Thomas Dyhr GREEN / B90 3.7 4.1
Laura Schieritz FDP 3.8 5.5
Others Others 3.9 5.9

Bundestag election 2013

The 2013 Bundestag election had the following result:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Sabine Ursula Stüber THE LEFT 26.0 23.8
Stefan Zierke SPD 23.5 22.7
Jens Koeppen CDU 38.9 36.8
Martin Hoeck FDP 1.6 2.1
Sarah Polzer-Storek GREEN 2.9 3.6
Aileen Rokohl NPD 3.4 2.7
Jürgen Voigt PIRATES 2.5 2.0
- REP - 0.2
- MLPD - 0.1
- AfD - 4.8
- per Germany - 0.3
Wilfried Haase FREE VOTERS 1.2 0.9

Bundestag election 2009

The 2009 Bundestag election had the following result:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Sabine Ursula Stüber THE LEFT 32.0 31.0
Markus Meckel SPD 27.0 26.0
Jens Koeppen CDU 25.9 23.9
Walter Henke FDP 6.2 7.7
Alice-Sarah Polzer-Storek GREEN 4.3 4.6
Mike Sandow NPD 3.8 3.1
- PIRATES - 1.9
- DVU - 0.7
- MLPD - 0.1
- FWD - 0.7

Bundestag election 2005

The 2005 Bundestag election had the following result:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Markus Meckel SPD 39.6 36.2
Jens Koeppen CDU 23.0 20.6
Heinz Gerdsen FDP 3.4 5.4
Thomas Wesche GREEN 2.4 3.7
Irene Wolff-Molorciuc The left . 28.1 29.2
Kerstin Michaelis NPD 3.5 3.2
- GRAY - 0.6
- 50plus - 0.8
- MLPD - 0.2


The constituency has existed in its current form since the constituency reform of 2002 . In the course of reducing the number of constituencies in Brandenburg from twelve to ten, the area of ​​the former Gransee district was separated from the previous constituency 272 Prenzlau - Angermünde - Schwedt - Templin - Gransee and at the same time parts of the constituency 274 Eberswalde - Bernau - Bad Freienwalde were added.

Until 2005, the constituency also included the entire office of Groß Schönebeck (Schorfheide). After its dissolution in 2003, the municipality of Marienwerder and the former municipality of Zerpenschleuse went to the Bundestag constituency of Märkisch-Oderland - Barnim II before the 2005 federal elections . In 2005 it had constituency number 57, in 2009 number 58 and since 2013 again number 57. For the 2017 federal election , the municipality of Wandlitz and the Biesenthal-Barnim office also moved from the Märkisch-Oderland constituency - Barnim II to the constituency.

Previous MPs

Directly elected members of the constituency Uckermark - Barnim I and Prenzlau - Angermünde - Schwedt - Templin - Gransee were:

year Surname Political party First votes in%
2017 Jens Koeppen CDU 30.6
2013 Jens Koeppen CDU 38.9
2009 Sabine Ursula Stüber THE LEFT 32.0
2005 Markus Meckel SPD 39.6
2002 Markus Meckel SPD 49.4
1998 Markus Meckel SPD 54.0
1994 Markus Meckel SPD 48.8
1990 Markus Meckel SPD 37.7

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Allocation of constituencies to the Federal Returning Officer
  2. Result of the 2005 Bundestag election ( Memento from July 21, 2012 in the web archive archive.today )
  3. Direct applicants for the 2005 Bundestag election ( Memento from August 2, 2009 in the Internet Archive )