Bus operation in Solothurn and the surrounding area

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Bus operation in Solothurn and the surrounding area
Logo BSU
Basic information
Web presence www.bsu.ch
Reference year 1930
Employee ~ 120 (transport officer)
bus 10
number of vehicles
Omnibuses 43
Passengers 6.68 million per year
Length of line network
Bus routes 147 km
Network plan
Solothurn route network from 10 August 2019
A BSU bus at Solothurn train station , May 2019

The Busbetrieb Solothurn und Umgebung ( BSU ) is a regional public transport company in the canton of Solothurn in Switzerland . The shareholders are the canton of Solothurn (24%), the city of Solothurn (33%), the municipalities served by the BSU (24%), the Bern – Solothurn regional transport (15%) and private individuals (4%).

Ten lines with a total length of 147 kilometers provide access to the city of Solothurn, the Wasseramt district , the eastern part of the Lebern district and some neighboring communities in the canton of Bern . With 24 standard buses, 19 articulated buses and around 120 chauffeurs, 6 million passengers are carried annually. The vehicles all come from the manufacturer Mercedes-Benz from Ulm and include all generations of the O530 " Citaro ".

In the most populous communities in the agglomerations, buses run every quarter of an hour from Monday to Friday until 8 p.m., and then every half hour until shortly after midnight. On Saturday, the quarter-hourly service is from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. During the other operating hours, every half hour applies.

The first line began operating on November 13, 1930 between Solothurn and Recherswil. Over the decades, the network has been continuously expanded. The largest expansion took place in 1992 and 1994, when passenger traffic on the Solothurn – Herzogenbuchsee railway line and to Büren an der Aare was replaced by three bus routes.

Line network

line route
1 Oberdorf - Langendorf - Solothurn Amtshausplatz - Solothurn main station - Zuchwil Kornfeld - Derendingen - Kriegstetten - Recherswil
2 ( Selzach - Lommiswil -) / ( Rüttenen - Langendorf -) Bellach Hubel - Solothurn Amtshausplatz - Solothurn Central Station - Biberist - Gerlafingen - Kriegstetten / Zielebach
3 Bellach Breitenfeld - Solothurn Amtshausplatz - Solothurn Central Station - Biberist - Lohn-Ammannsegg
4th Rüttenen - Cantonal School - Solothurn Amtshausplatz - Solothurn Central Station - Zuchwil Sports Center
5 Solothurn Brühl - Solothurn Amtshausplatz - Solothurn main station - Zuchwil Kornfeld - Derendingen - Subingen - Horriwil - Hüniken - Etziken - Bolken - Aeschi - Niederönz - Herzogenbuchsee
6th Solothurn Allmend - Zuchwil Juraplatz - Bleichenberg - Biberist
7th Solothurn Brühl - Solothurn Amtshausplatz - Solothurn main station - Zuchwil Kornfeld - Derendingen - Subingen - Horriwil - Hüniken - Etziken - Bolken - Inkwil - Röthenbach - Herzogenbuchsee
8th Solothurn main station - Lüsslingen - Nennigkofen - Leuzigen - Arch - Rüti bei Büren - Büren an der Aare
9 Solothurn Amtshausplatz - Solothurn Central Station - Zuchwil Juraplatz - Luterbach
10 Solothurn main station - Luterbach-Attisholzstrasse (" Attisholz Süd" area, express line since August 10, 2020)
12 Solothurn main station - Feldbrunnen - Riedholz - Hubersdorf - Niederwil - Günsberg - Balm bei Günsberg / Oberbalmberg
16 Subingen - Horriwil - Oekingen - Kriegstetten - Halt - Heinrichswil - Hersiwil - Winistorf - Aeschi - Steinhof

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Express bus line 10 / from Monday, August 10, 2020 . BSU. Retrieved August 16, 2020.