Chuquisaca Department

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Departamento Potosí Departamento Tarija Departamento Chuquisaca Departamento Cochabamba Departamento Pando Departamento La Paz (Bolivien) Departamento Oruro Departamento Beni Departamento Santa Cruz Peru Chile Argentinien Paraguay Brasilienlocation
About this picture
Basic data
Country Bolivia
Capital Sucre
surface 51,524 km²
Residents 576,153 (2012 census)
density 11 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 BO-H

Coordinates: 20 ° 0 ′  S , 64 ° 25 ′  W

Laguna de Culpina

Chuquisaca is a department in the southern part of the South American Andean state of Bolivia .

It borders in the north with the department of Cochabamba , in the west with the department Potosí , in the south with the department Tarija , in the far east with the Republic of Paraguay , and in the northeast with the department Santa Cruz .


The Departamento Chuquisaca stretches from the Andes chain of the Cordillera Central in the northwestern part over the north-south running upstream Voranden chains to the lowland region of the Gran Chaco in the east and has an area of ​​51,524 km².

The mountain regions in the west in detail are:

The climate in the high valleys in the west and in the middle is temperate, in the eastern lowlands it is tropical hot. Rivers north of the capital Sucre, such as B. the Río Grande flow into the Amazon basin . Southern rivers such as the Río Pilcomayo flow into the Paraná Basin . A watershed line therefore runs through the department .


The population of the Department of Chuquisaca has more than doubled over the past sixty years, with the dynamism of population growth weakening significantly in the past decade:

year Residents source
1950 260 479 census
1976 358 516 census
1992 453 756 census
2001 531 522 census
2012 576 153 census


The Chuquisaca department is divided into 10 provinces:

No. province surface 2001 residents Residents 2012 Central city
01-01 Oropeza Province 3,943 km² 241.376 286.140 Sucre
01-02 Azurduy Province 4,185 km² 26,515 24,855 Azurduy
01-03 Jaime Zudáñez Province 3,738 km² 33,482 39.009 Zudáñez
01-04 Tomina Province 3,947 km² 37,482 35.192 Padilla
01-05 Hernando Siles Province 5,473 km² 36,511 32,398 Monteagudo
01-06 Yamparáez Province 1,472 km² 29,567 26,577 Tarabuco
01-07 Nor Cinti Province 7,983 km² 9,512 76,477 Camargo
01-08 Belisario Boeto Province 2,000 km² 12,277 11,159 Villa Serrano
01-09 Sud Cinti Province 5,484 km² 24,321 25.207 Camataqui
01-10 Luis Calvo Province 13,299 km² 20,479 19,139 Muyupampa

Biggest places

Almost half of the population of the Chuquisaca department lives in Sucre , the capital of the department that is also the formal capital of Bolivia.

Besides the provincial capitals, there are only three other cities with more than 2,000 inhabitants: Presto , Culpina and Candua .

city Population 2001
Population 2012
Sucre 194,888 237,480
Monteagudo 7,258 9,135
Camargo 4,459 5,173


Overall result in the Chuquisaca department in the regional elections on April 4, 2010:

valid votes MAS-IPSP CST LIDER MSM F-19
272,519   236.261 203,856   109,270 72,314 8,752 8,044 5,476
  86.7% 86.3%   53.6% 35.5% 4.3% 3.9% 2.7%

Web links

Commons : Departamento Chuquisaca  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) ( Memento of the original from February 26, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia 2012 ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Acta de computo Nacional Electoral Departamentales, Municipales y Regional 2010