Coeur - In the heart of Europe's roads

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The CoEUR hiking route - In the heart of the paths of Europe, the path that connects (Italian CoEUR - Nel Cuore dei Cammini d'Europa, il sentiero che unisce ) is a system of hiking and pilgrimage routes that are historically, religiously, culturally and scenically significant It connects sites and the two most important European pilgrimage routes: the Camino de Santiago and the Via Francigena .


The origins of CoEur go back to the 1990s, when some mountain communities ( Comunità Montane ) of the provinces of Biella and Verbano (Mosso Valley, the Valsessera and Valsesia and Cusio- Mottarone valleys ) as part of the project “The Valleys of Faith” (Italian Le Valli della Fede ) identified a historical path that began with the journeys of St. Charles Borromeo in Upper Piedmont. From these investigations the “Way of St. Carlo "( Cammino di San Carlo ) emerged. This leads from Arona to Viverone (connection with the Via Francigena). It then served as a base to create an extension with the help of other historical hiking routes such as the "Path of the Nations" ( Via delle Genti ) towards Verbano, Ticino and over the Gotthard Pass and to reach Einsiedeln Monastery , the most important Catholic pilgrimage site in Switzerland and stage the "Via Jacobi", the Swiss way to Santiago de Compostela . This succession of routes and paths forms a connection between the pilgrimage site of Oropa and that of Einsiedeln, which are among the most famous Marian pilgrimage sites in the Alps and keep pictures of Black Madonnas .


" Way from San Carlo " - "Cammino di San Carlo"

This path follows the steps and stages of St. Carlo Borromeo on his numerous pilgrimages between Lake Maggiore (Langensee), Valsesia, the area of Biella and the Canavese and leads to the places where this Milanese saint is venerated. On the way you come across churches, oratorios and altars that live from the memory of your travels. The historical documentation and the architectural evidence reconstruct a route in twelve stages that starts from Arona and connects in Viverone with the “Via Francigena” after passing through the most important Sacri Monti (“Holy Mountains”) and pilgrimage sites of Verbano, Cusio and the Touched the area of ​​Biella.

"Path of the Peoples" - "Via delle Genti"

This is the name of the road that leads from Arona on Lake Maggiore to Brissago , Locarno , Bellinzona and then from the Ticino valley into the mountains to the Gotthard Pass , which connects the southern canton of Ticino with the central-northern canton of Uri.

"Path of Spirituality" - "Via Spiritualità"

This path, sponsored by the administrative authority of the protected areas of the Ossola Valley (Eschental) and the Binntal Landscape Park , unites the Goms village of Ernen with Baceno and Domodossola via old paved mule tracks. From Domodossola the path leads on the east bank of the Toce through the Antigorio valley and then on to the Albrun pass , which is the connection to the canton of Valais, to end in Ernen. The path was extended to Verbania and the main route from CoEUR via Ornavasso was provided with cycle paths.

"Marktweg" - " Via del Mercato "

This historical route begins in Domodossola and crosses the Vigezzo valley and the Centovalli to Locarno. The route follows the paths and mule tracks of the Via del Mercato , which was once used by Italian and Swiss dealers to transport their goods on foot or on mules. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Centovalli Railway was opened with the initial intention of promoting trade, it has now become a tourist attraction. Halfway there is the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Sangue of Re between the Ossola Valley and Lake Maggiore, a destination for numerous pilgrimages that come from the places in the surrounding valleys such as Cossogno and Cannobio .

"Circular route from San Carlo" - "Circuito di San Carlo"

In the Cannobina valley, a network of paths was created that follows the old axes that connected the various valley areas and led by St. Carlo Borromeo when he visited the parish of Cannobio. On the circular route named after the saint, you can hike through the Cannobina Valley with the help of didactic boards.

"Albrun-Weg" - "Via dell'Arbola"

This is the name of the path that has linked the Duchy of Milan with the Valais for centuries . The name of this road goes back to the Monte Arbola and the pass of the same name underneath ( Albrunpass , 2400 m above sea level). The route runs on paths and mule tracks that lead from Baceno into the Binntal and upper Goms .

"The Witches of Croveo" - "Le streghe di Croveo"

The hiking route connects the towns of Baceno with Croveo, an area known for the numerous witch burnings over the centuries. Along the paths, boards provide information about legends, popular beliefs, historical trial files, witch's Sabbath scenes, witchcraft and torture tools.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

The CoEUR hiking route unites and connects nine sites that are UNESCO World Heritage Sites . The Sacro Monte Madonna del Sasso of Locarno has submitted its candidacy for the recognition of the Sacro Monte and the pilgrimage church as World Heritage.

Two in Switzerland:

Seven in Italy:

The Sacro Monte Madonna del Sasso of Locarno has submitted its candidacy for the recognition of the Sacro Monte and the pilgrimage church as World Heritage.

Nature reserves

Along the hiking route you come across numerous parks and nature reserves both in Switzerland and in Italy and cross them.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Project Interreg CoEUR ( Memento of the original from June 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Archive link ( Memento of the original from June 17, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /