Collateral Damage - Time of Retribution

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German title Collateral Damage - Time of Retribution
Original title Collateral Damage
Collateral damage de.svg
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2002
length 104 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
JMK 16
Director Andrew Davis
script Ronald Roose ,
David Griffiths ,
Peter Griffiths
production David Foster ,
Steven Reuther
music Salvatore Basile ,
Graeme Revell
camera Adam Greenberg
cut Dov Hoenig ,
Dennis Virkler

Collateral Damage from 2002 is an American action thriller starring Arnold Schwarzenegger .

Fireman Gordy Brewer loses his wife and child in a bomb attack. He goes to Colombia on his own to get revenge on the assassin Claudio Perrini. After several successful actions against the terrorist organization, Brewer is captured by the assassin. There he can gain the confidence of the assassin's wife. In order to thwart another attack, the two return to the United States. Just in time, Brewer realizes the real intent of his supposed accomplice.

The film plot is based on the historical background of the civil war-like conflict in Colombia .


Firefighter Gordy Brewer watched helplessly as his wife Anne and son Matt were killed in a bomb attack on the Colombian consulate in a street cafe in Los Angeles . The Colombian guerrilla group "CLC" under the leadership of Claudio Perrini, who also calls himself "El Lobo" (the wolf), is committed to the attack . Perrini himself, disguised as a motorcycle policeman, detonated the bomb.

After a sympathizer of the guerrilla group described the civilian victims as collateral damage in an interview , Brewer devastated the offices of the sympathizers. When he learns from Peter Brandt, who is responsible for the CIA , that the US government is not seriously pursuing the search for the "wolf" for diplomatic reasons, Brewer decides to travel to Colombia on his own to go to the area controlled by the guerrilla groups to penetrate and find Perrini.

No sooner has Brewer entered Colombian territory than he finds himself caught between the fronts of the US-backed government and the guerrillas. The coach, which Brewer boarded for the journey inland, was stopped by paramilitaries during a raid, but Brewer was able to escape and make his way to Mompós on foot . There Brewer wants to get a forged passport with which he can enter the guerrilla area. In Mompós he meets Perrini's wife and her son, who was unknown to him at the time. Then he is recognized on the street and locked up by the police. At the local prison, Brewer shares a cell with the mechanic Sean Armstrong, who has a passport for the guerrilla zone.

During the night, guerrillas, led by Claudio Perrini, storm the prison to free their prisoners. Brewer manages to escape together with Armstrong, where he can force Armstrong to hand over his passport. Armstrong also calls Brewer the cocaine producer Felix Ramirez, his employer in the guerrilla area.

With Armstrong's passport and help, Brewer manages to reach the guerrilla border on a boat the following day. There he introduces himself as the German mechanic "Beckmann" and replacement for Armstrong. Brewer is commissioned to repair a diesel generator on Ramirez's cocaine plantation. Since Ramirez and his people are not careful, he can instead manipulate the electric lighting of the plantation with the help of acetone and prepare it for demolition.

Meanwhile, the guerrillas have learned that Brewer has entered their area. Perrini punishes the responsible guard by forcing a live snake down his throat (the snake shown in the film is supposed to represent a coral otter , but in reality it is clearly a - harmless - scarlet snake ). When the guerrillas search the plantation of Ramirez in search of the fireman and shoot him, Brewer detonates his prepared explosives. In the mess, Brewer manages to cling to the guerrilla truck so he's driven straight into Perrini's hiding place.

Arriving at Claudio Perrini's hiding place, Brewer manages to place a hand grenade prepared with a time fuse mechanism without being noticed. In front of the building he met the young woman with child whom he had already met once in Mompós. In memory of the bombing of his own family, he must stop them until the detonation occurs. Perrini notices this and can also avoid the attack; Brewer is overwhelmed.

When Brewer wakes up the next day at CLC base camp, he is being cared for by the woman whose life he saved the day before. Brewer learns that she is Claudio Perrini's wife and the boy Mauro is an orphan she has taken in. After a violent brawl between the tied Brewer and Claudio Perrini, as well as some security guards, Selena works to ensure that Brewer stays alive. Selena lets Brewer know that she cannot answer for another bomb attack planned by Claudio in Washington. She frees him with the intention of traveling to Washington together to dissuade Claudio from his plan.

Peter Brandt has now been able to make out the whereabouts of Brewer and Perrini on satellite images. With the actual intention of catching Perrini, the CIA decides to carry out a rescue operation with helicopters. The CIA men can arrest Brewer along with Selena and her son Mauro. They fly the three of them to Washington and take them directly to a situation center in the US State Department, where the attack is to be thwarted. As a result of Selena's testimony, the Union-Station building is identified as a target and searched. In fact, Perrini has left a suitcase in the station hall, but it turns out to be empty.

When Selena goes to the bathroom with a security guard, Brewer realizes the true intent of the alleged allies. An explosion is said to occur directly in the ministry, triggered by Selena with her mobile phone. Just a fraction of a second before the detonation, Brewer can throw the bomb in Mauro's toy dinosaur out the window. Brewer and Brandt pursue Selena. She shoots Brandt, but Brewer can follow her down to the basement. Claudio is waiting there on a motorcycle. Brewer can, however, close the outputs. In the final showdown, he demolishes gas pipes with a fire engine's hatchet, and the terrorists' shots trigger a wall of fire that brings down the motorcycle. In the scuffle, Brewer is able to kill Selena and Claudio Perrini and at the last moment prevent Claudio from detonating another bomb deposited in a vehicle with his mobile phone. Brewer searches for and finds Mauro, carries him to a vehicle and drives off with him.

During this scene the viewer learns from a reporter's voice that Cpt. Gordon Brewer is said to have been awarded the Medal of Freedom by the President , but there is no statement from him because he cannot be reached.


The film received mostly negative reviews. The film review portal Rotten Tomatoes gives the film 19% positive reviews and it has a Metascore of 33 out of 100 on Metacritic .

The lexicon of international films described Collateral Damage as a "one-dimensional action film against the background of drug trafficking and international terrorism". He tries “not to deepen the problems”, but “looks for his salvation in crazy twists” and is “nothing more than a star vehicle for Arnold Schwarzenegger”.

Prisma said that Collateral Damage was “one of the most stupid and worst films of the year” because it “not only lacks any logic”, but was “stupid and therefore extremely dangerous” due to his vigilante statement.


The script originally contained a scene in which the famous Colombian actress Sofia Vergara hijacked a plane. After the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, this scene was removed from the script along with other elements that were perceived as "unpatriotic". Since the film deals with the consequences of terrorism , the start date of the film was postponed to February 8, 2002 after the attacks - the release was originally planned for October 5, 2001.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Age rating for Collateral Damage - Time of Retribution . Youth Media Commission .
  2. Collateral Damage - Time of Retribution at Rotten Tomatoes (English)
  3. Collateral Damage - Time of Retribution at Metacritic (English)
  4. Collateral Damage - Time of Retribution. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed November 13, 2015 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  5. Film review on