Max Edelbacher

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Maximilian Edelbacher (born October 22, 1944 in Vienna ) is an Austrian police officer i. R., lawyer, former head of the Vienna Security Office (the central criminal investigation department before the police reform), specialist book author, guest lecturer and TV crime actor.

Councilor Max Edelbacher in October 2010


After graduating in 1968 with a Mag. Jur. At the University of Vienna and his legal practice, Max Edelbacher initially performed his military service with the Austrian Armed Forces , then he worked at Bank Austria . On April 1, 1972, he joined the Vienna Federal Police Department and stayed there until his retirement on July 31, 2006. He is married and has a son.

With the Wienerlied combo “Viennese Blues”, he had several appearances as a singer and co-designer of music CDs from 2005 onwards. There were events on the subject of police stories and morality songs in the Bohemian Prater , in the Vienna Crime Museum , in the backdrop of Vienna , in the Vienna Metropol , in the Danube Park and in some Austrian federal states.

In the 2013 National Council election , Max Edelbacher was a candidate for “ Team Stronach ”.

The police lawyer

In 1972 Max Edelbacher started as a concept officer with the rank of provisional police commissioner in the district police commissioner (Koat) Meidling in Vienna, initially as an administrative lawyer; soon he switched to processing criminal cases. After moving to Koate Margareten and Währing and successfully passing exams, he was transferred to the Koat Innere Stadt in 1974 and finally to the security office (SB) in 1976, dealing with theft, fraud, forgery and prostitution.

Hofrat collar distinction
Councilor shoulder distinction

The Vienna Security Office was founded in 1858 as a Central Bureau by imperial order . At the time Max Edelbacher took up his duties, it was known worldwide as a very efficient criminal investigation agency. In the first year of service, the group led by Edelbacher succeeded in raising the so-called “Mercedes gang”, a car theft ring organized throughout Europe. Later he was in charge of the arrest of the Austrian hard rock ladies band "Why Not" as distributors of counterfeit money. In 1980 he spent some time with the Chicago Police Department, the United States Secret Service and the FBI for study purposes. In 1986 Edelbacher took over the management of the homicide squad . During this time he worked on the cases of the " Angel of Death von Lainz " , Jack Unterwegers , and the Favoritner girl murders.

After several career steps, he was appointed head of the security office in 1988 and remained so until the end. Because of his criticism of the imminent " police reform 2002 ", which should lead to the dissolution of the security office, he was appointed to the development staff of the Federal Criminal Police Office in 2001 . Interior Minister Ernst Strasser actually dissolved the security office in October 2002 , and Councilor Edelbacher came to Favoriten as head of the South Criminal Police Office. In 2006 he retired.

His critical analysis of Operation Spring, carried out in 2005, and the discussion of the Natascha Kampusch case in his book “ Police Inside: What is wrong? ". Together with his former colleagues Herwig Haidinger and Wolf Szymanski, Edelbacher criticized in a newspaper article in 2008 that the quality of police work had deteriorated, especially in urban areas .

He has been a guest lecturer at various universities and institutions since 1995:

As an expert he took part in the parliamentary sub-committees of 1992 (trade regulations), 1993 (reform of pre-trial detention), 1997 (drug law amendment) and 2003/04 (criminal procedure amendment). He is also a leading member of several national and international criminalist organizations.

Media presence

In Welcome Austria (late night show) on the general topic of fear of crime , Edelbacher was a guest in the first episode on May 31, 2007 together with cabaret artist Josef Hader .

In Club 2 on July 8, 2009 on the topic Where does corruption begin? , headed by Rudolf Nagiller , spoke by Max Edelbacher, Franz Fiedler , Walter Geyer , Helga Rabl-Stadler and Hubert Neuper .

In the movie " The Robber " ( Bavarian Film Prize 2009, world premiere February 26, 2010, Austrian Film Prize 2011 ), Max Edelbacher played Commissioner Seidl.

ODEON Entertainment , Munich , made a film in September 2019 about Lainz's murder sisters ( Lainz's angel of death ) - Title: "Die Killerfrauen" - Participation by Attorney Eichenseder and Max Edelbacher




As an author

  • Insurance fraud knows no borders. (Police training documents) Verlag Staatssicherheit, Wr. Neustadt / Vienna 1995.
  • International financial fraud. (Police training documents) Verlag Staatssicherheit, Wr. Neustadt / Vienna 1995.
  • Protection against crime. (Police training documents) Verlag Staatssicherheit, Wr. Neustadt / Vienna 1995.
  • Banking is becoming more and more dangerous. In: Kuratorium Safe Austria (KSÖ), Vienna 1995, ISBN 3-9500378-0-2 .
  • Insurance fraud. In: Wolfgang Rohrbach: Insurance history of Austria. Volume V, Verlag Holzhausen, Vienna 1997, ISBN 3-900518-59-9 .
  • Organized crime in Europe. The fight against corruption and organized crime. Linde Verlag, Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-85122-805-7 .
  • Economy and crime in the European Community with special consideration of the insurance industry - an Austrian perspective. In: Wolfgang Rohrbach: Insurance history of Austria. Volume VI, Verlag Holzhausen, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-85493-032-1 .
  • Kurt Ostbahn as a crime hero - thinks like a professional. In: Lukas Beck / Peter Hiess / Kurt Ostbahn : ... be careful and don't go gfoin. NP Buchverlag, St. Pölten 2004, ISBN 3-85326-233-3 .
  • The expansion of the European Community in the area of ​​tension of the crime development. In: Wolfgang Rohrbach: Insurance history of Austria. Volume VII, Verlag Holzhausen, Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-85493-032-1 .
  • Gays and lesbians in Vienna from the perspective of the police. In: Andreas Brunner / Ines Rieder / Nadja Schefzig / Hannes Sulzenbacher / Niko Wahl: a secret: life - gays and lesbians in Vienna in the 20th century. Löcker Verlag, Vienna 2006, ISBN 3-85409-435-3 .
  • Police Inside: What's wrong? Amalthea Signum Verlag, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-85002-639-0 .
  • Police action in the area of ​​conflict of ethics. In: Hermann Knoflacher / Michael Schopf: Ethik und Technik , LIT Verlag, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-643-50098-4 .
  • Focus on the elderly, tendencies in criminality between the elderly and the elderly as victims TENE QUOD BENE Verlag, Vienna, 2018, Maximilian Edelbacher / Elmar Kuhn (eds.)

As a co-author

  • Max Edelbacher / Harald Seyrl: Wiener Kriminalchronik. Edition Seyrl, Vienna 1993, ISBN 3-7046-0421-6 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Roland Horngacher : International Financial Fraud. Verlag Staatssicherheit, Wr. Neustadt / Vienna 1995.
  • Max Edelbacher / Michael Zoratti: Protection from crime. Verlag Staatssicherheit, Wr. Neustadt / Vienna 1995.
  • Max Edelbacher / Paul Reither / Werner Preining: Security Management. Linde Verlag, Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-85122-955-X .
  • Max Edelbacher / Harald Seyrl: crime scene Vienna. Edition Seyrl, Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-901697-09-8 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Franz Werth: Crime in occupied Vienna 1945-1955. In: Hubert Prigl: Off Limits - American occupation soldiers in Vienna 1945-1955. Vienna City and State Library , Holzhausen Druck & Medien GmbH, Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-902053-14-3 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Gerstenberger / Grafl: Crimes by foreign youth and young adults. Federal Ministry of Justice (BMfJ), Gamlitz Youth Judge Week 2004, NWV Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Vienna / Graz 2005, ISBN 3-7083-0292-3 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Werner Preining: Better safe than sorry . Linde Verlag, Vienna 2006, ISBN 3-7093-0092-4 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Peter Steinbach: The last five meters of green fabric. Fun Toy publishing house, Schwechat 2006, ISBN 3-9501290-3-0 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Michael Theil: crime against insurance. Textbook science, Linde Verlag, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-7073-1287-4 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Peter Steinbach / Michael Haas: G'schmierte, Kieberer and the Huh '. Fun Toy Verlag, Schwechat 2009, ISBN 978-3-9501290-4-5 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Gilbert Norden: Violence situation and prevention in schools. In: Justiz, series of publications by the BMfJ - Volume 142, Models in dealing with delinquent juveniles. NWV Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Vienna / Graz 2009, ISBN 978-3-7083-0596-7 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Georg Herrnstadt: You have the right to remain silent - How liars are convicted. Goldegg Verlag , Vienna 2012, ISBN 978-3-902729-26-2 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Valentina Bruns / Elmar Weixlbaumer : The new greed. Goldegg Verlag, Vienna 2015. ISBN 978-3-902991-81-2 .

foreign countries

As an author

  • Organized Crime in Austria - Vienna the Gateway to the East. In: Madoka Nagai: Organized Crime A World Perspective. Chapter 16, Kanagawa University, Yokohama 1997, ISSN  0453-185X .
  • Organized Crime: An Austrian Perspective. In: S.Einstein / M.Amir: Organized Crime: Uncertainities and Dilemmas. Part II, Chapter 11, The Middle Eastern Summer Institute on Drugs Use and The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, The University of Illinois and Chicago, USA 1999, ISBN 0-942511-89-1 .
  • Austrian International Police Cooperation. In: Dilip K.Das / Dan König: International Police Cooperation - A World Perspective. Part II, Chapter 9, Lexington Books, Lanham / Boulder / New York 2001, ISBN 0-7391-0226-5 .
  • Organized crime in Austria and Europe. In: Katonas Géza: A Kriminalisztika Aktuális Kérdései. Tabulmányo Öt Europópai Országból, BM Kiadó, Budapest 2001, ISBN 963-8036-56-7 .
  • Crime Prevention: A Community Public Approach. In: Dilip K.Das / Steven Lab: International perspectives on Community Policing and Crime Prevention. Chapter 2, Prentic Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 2003, ISBN 0-13-030956-7 .
  • Organized Crime: A Perspective from Austria. In: J.Albanese / Dilip K.Das / Arvind Ferma: Organized Crime, World Perspectives. Chapter 8, Prentic Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 2003, ISBN 0-13-048199-8 .
  • Crime, Police and Criminal Justice in Austria: Common Review. In: YIGilinsky: Criminology: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. St. Petersburg Criminology Club, Publishing House, St. Petersburg 2004, ISBN 5-8220-0061-4 .
  • Corruption: A Perspective from Austria. In: Rick Sarre / Dilip K.Das / HJAlbrecht: Policing Corruption: International Perspectives. Lexington Publisher, Lanham / Boulder / New York 2005, ISBN 0-7391-0809-3 .
  • Police Training and Education: A Perspective of Austria. In: Peter Kratcoski / Dilip K. Das: Police Education and Training in a Global Society. Lexington Books, Lanham-Boulder / New York / Toronto / Plymouth 2007, ISBN 978-0-7391-0813-0 .
  • Criminal Exploitation of Women and Children: An Austrian Perspective. In: Obi NIEbbe / Dilip K. Das: Criminal Abuse of Women and Children: An International Perspective. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton / London / New York 2010, ISBN 978-1-4200-8803-8 .

As a co-author

  • Max Edelbacher / Gilbert Norden: Challengers of Policing Democracies: The Case of Austria. In: Dilip K.Das / Olwin Marenin: Challengers of Policing Democracies - A World Perspective. Part II, Chapter 9, Gordon and Breach, London / New York 2000 ISBN 90-5700-558-1 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Claudia Fenz: Juvenile Justice System: An Austrian Perspective. In: John Wynterdyk: Juvenile Justice System: International Perspectives. 2nd Edition, Chapter 1, Canadian Scholar Press Inc., Toronto 2002, ISBN 1-55130-202-0 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Sonja Kutnjak Ivkovich: Ethics and the Police: Studying Police Integrity in Austria. In: Carl Klockers / Sonja Kutnjak Ivkovich / Maki Haberfeld: The Contours of Police Integrity. Chapter 2, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, London / New Delhi 2004, ISBN 0-7619-2585-6 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Elisabeth Peruci: Corruption, Policing, Security and Democracy: An Austrian Perspective. In: Menachim Amir / Stan Enstein: Police Corruption: Challenges for Developed Countries - Comparative Issues and Commissons of Inquiry. Chapter 14, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville 2004, ISBN 0-942511-86-7 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Peter Famler: Policing of Public Order: An Austrian Perspective. I: Dilip K. Das / Allan Y. Jiao, Public Order: A Global Perspective. Pearson Prentice Hall, Phoenix, New Jersey 2005, ISBN 0-13-041714-9
  • Max Edelbacher / Gilbert Norden: The Austrian Police. In: Dilip K.Das / Michael J. Palmmiotto: World Police Encyclopedia. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, USA 2006, ISBN 0-415-94250-0 .
  • Max Edelbacher / Kratcoski: Protecting the Borders in a Global Society: An Austrian and American Perspective. In: John A. Wynterdick / Kelly W. Sundberg: Border Security in the Al-Qaeda Era. Taylor & Francis Group, New York, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4200-8544-0 .
  • Harald Seyrl / Edelbacher: "Crimes in Vienna - Historical criminal cases in the 20th century, Elsengold Verlag, Berlin, September 20
  • Kratcoski / Edelbacher: Perspectives on Elderly Crime and Victimization , Springer International Publishing , Cham ZG , Switzerland, May 2018

Notes and individual references

  1. Appearance on March 31, 2010 in Gmunden  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  2. ^ "Edelkieberer" for Stronach ; Courier from August 12, 2013 (accessed September 5, 2013)
  3. «So I sent out police officers. Unterweger's milieu-loyal surveys under the guise of journalism were already very strange. " See: Causa Jack Unterweger - Chapter VI., accessed September 30, 2010 .
  4. ^ Criminalist Edelbacher retires - his spectacular cases., accessed September 30, 2010 .
  5. Ex-investigator Edelbacher "von den Socken" - Interview of August 24, 2006., accessed on September 30, 2010 .
  6. Three against the power of ministers. The standard, accessed September 29, 2010 .
  7. ^ Society for Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Vienna since 1976; Association of Austrian Police Lawyers since 1995; Association Internationale de Droit Penal since 1995; International Association of Financial Crime Investigation since 1995; Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences since 1995; Councilor of the International Section of the Academy of Criminal Justice since 1997, President of the International Chapter of the AoCJ since 2000; Board member of the Austrian Institute for the Fight against Crime since 2010; Board member of the Association of Criminal Police Austria (VKÖ) since 2010.
Max Edelbacher's coat of arms

See also

Web links