Austrian Film Award 2011

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The 2011 winners
Some nominees from 2011

The first presentation of the Austrian Film Prize , an award from the Academy of Austrian Films , took place on January 29, 2011 in Vienna .


The original plan was to hold the award as part of a festive gala event in the painter's halls of the Vienna Arsenal . The artistic direction should be taken over by Stefan Ruzowitzky in collaboration with David Schalko and the ORF broadcast the gala moderated by Dirk Stermann and Christoph Grissemann on television.

In November 2010, the academy announced that the gala, but not the award ceremony, would be canceled in the first year because funding was no longer possible through cuts in the public budget. So the award ceremony took place during a small celebration in the Odeon in Vienna . The gala was moderated by Rupert Henning , member of the academy's board of directors .

Submissions, criteria and nominations

A total of 41 films were submitted, including 23 documentaries. They were eligible to be nominated and most of them were shown in Austrian cinemas between October 1, 2009 and November 30, 2010, with participating filmmakers also being present and available for public discussions.

Three nominees were then determined in each of the 13 categories listed below. In order for a film to be nominated, at least two of these criteria had to be met

  • the original version of the film is in German
  • the director comes from Austria or lives in Austria
  • the producer is Austrian or lives in Austria

The nominations were announced on December 17, 2010.

Award winners and nominees

Most of the award winners The unintentional kidnapping of Mrs. Elfriede Ott (3 film prizes)
Der Räuber (3 film prizes)
Most of the nominations The Robber (7 nominations)

Best feature film

Best documentary

Best Female Actress

Best Male Actor

Best director

Best script

Best camera

Best costume design

Best mask

Best music

Best cut

Best production design

Best sound design

Web links

Commons : Austrian Film Prize 2011  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Press kit for the Austrian Film Prize 2011 (PDF; 84 kB), September 16, 2010
  2. Press release of the Academy of Austrian Films: The first presentation of the Austrian Film Prize will take place in January 2011. The gala falls victim to the savings package in 2011 (PDF; 74 kB), November 9, 2010
  3. Der Standard : Presentation of the new “Austrian Film Prize” , September 16, 2010