Florian Innerebner

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Florian Innerebner (* 1989 in Hall in Tirol , Austria ) is an Austrian actor.


Innerebner was trained at the Otto Falckenberg School in Munich. He completed this in 2012 and has been with the Augsburg Theater Association since spring 2012 .

During his studies he played in a co-production with the Toneelacademie Maastricht as "Ronald" in The Altruists by Nicky Silver (director: Alexander Marusch).

He also took over the play Jeff Koons of Rainald Goetz (directed by Christiane Pohle ) various roles and was also at the Munich Opera Festival fools ships : (directed by Barbara S. Weber to see).

He made his debut at the Augsburg Theater in The Golden Dragon and The White Album . Since then he has worked in The Wizard of Oz , In the Thicket of Cities , Tschick , The Brandner Kaspar and the Eternal Life , The Good Man of Sezuan and Crazy Blood .

Roles (selection)


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