Paul-Georg Dittrich

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Paul-Georg Dittrich (* 1983 in Königs Wusterhausen ) is a German theater director .


Dittrich studied directing at the Hamburg University of Music and Theater from 2007 to 2011 .

He directed at the Schauspiel Frankfurt, the Schauspielhaus Wien , the Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, the LTT Tübingen, Kampnagel Hamburg, the Sophiensaelen Berlin, the Theater Kiel, the Schauspielhaus Chemnitz, the St. Pauli Theater Hamburg and the Lichthof Hamburg.

In the 2013/14 season he worked at the Heidelberg Theater and Orchestra and in the 2014/15 season as a guest director at the Augsburg Theater .

Directorial work (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Paul-Georg Dittrich on the website of the Schleswig-Holstein State Theater
  2. Learn to swim review on