Eberhard Peiker

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Eberhard Peiker (born October 1, 1943 in Königsbrunn near Augsburg ) is a German actor .


Peiker was trained as an actor by Carola Wagner . He then studied theater history, modern literature and philosophy at the LMU Munich .

He had his first permanent engagement from 1979 to 1983 at the Theater der Jugend in Munich. From 1983 to 1991 he was engaged in the association of the Tiroler Landestheater Innsbruck and from 1991 to 2001 at the State Theater Saarbrücken.

He was also involved in various television productions, including the Feuerroten Spielmobil , the Rappelkiste, etc.

Since 2001 until today (status: 2014) he has been a member of the Augsburg Theater Association .

There he played u. a. "King Lear", "Shylock", the "Elector" in the Prince of Homburg , "Schlomo Herzl" in Taboris Mein Kampf , Lessing's Nathan the Wise , "King Philipp" in Schiller's Don Karlos , the "old Ekdal" in Ibsen's Wildente , the "Sergeant Blody Five" in Mann ist Mann , the "Seinfeld" in Evrons Israel, mon amour , the "Brandner Kaspar" in Der Brandner Kaspar and the eternal life and in Operation Big Week .

Filmography (selection)

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