Gottfried Ulrich de la Margelle

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Gottfried Ulrich de la Margelle et d'Eysden ( French Godefroid-Udalric de La Margelle ; born October 4, 1635 at Eysden Castle , † May 1703 at Gronsfeld Castle ) was auxiliary bishop in Cologne .


In the Bishopric of Liege born, he received in 1648 the tonsure , by which he was admitted to holy orders. After becoming a canon at the coronation monastery of St. Marien in Aachen , he was ordained priest in Roermond on January 25, 1661 , but exchanged his Aachen canon in 1668 for a canon in Liège and in 1682 also became provost in Maastricht. After he had voted for the Archbishop of Cologne Joseph Clemens of Bavaria in the bishopric elections of 1694 in Liège , the latter designated him as auxiliary bishop in Cologne. The Pope then appointed him on December 3, 1696Titular Bishop of Nicopolis in Armenia and Auxiliary Bishop in Cologne. The episcopal ordination donated him on January 27 of the following year Jean Antoine Blavier OFM , Auxiliary Bishop of Liege; Co- consecrator was Louis François Rossius de Liboy , also auxiliary bishop in Liège.

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