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Grebnoje / Grünhagen
Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Kaliningrad
Rajon Pravdinsk
Earlier names Grünhagen (until 1950)
population 6 residents
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Time zone UTC + 2
License Plate 39, 91
OKATO 27 233 810 003
Geographical location
Coordinates 54 ° 23 '  N , 21 ° 30'  E Coordinates: 54 ° 23 '0 "  N , 21 ° 30' 0"  E
Grebnoye (European Russia)
Red pog.svg
Location in the western part of Russia
Grebnoye (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Red pog.svg
Location in Kaliningrad Oblast

Grebnoje ( Russian Гребное , German Grünhagen ) is a small town in the Russian Oblast Kaliningrad ( Koenigsberg region (Prussia) ) and belongs to Gorodskoje posselenije Schelesnodoroschnoje (township Schelesnodoroschny ( Gerdauen )) in Pravdinsk district ( Friedland district ) ).

Geographical location

Grebnoje is west of the Russian trunk road A 197 (former German Reichsstrasse 139 ) not far from Nekrassowka ( Nordenthal ) on the road to Panfilowo ( Klonofken , 1938-1946 Dreimühl ). There is no rail connection.


The formerly Grünhagen called village was (Russian: Watutino, now defunct) before 1945 a municipality Bergdorf and was therefore in the District high Lindenberg (Russian: Podlipowo) in the district Gerdauen in the administrative district of Konigsberg the Prussian province of East Prussia incorporated.

In 1945 the village with northern East Prussia came to the Soviet Union , whose authorities renamed it in 1950 "Grebnoye". Until 2009 the place was incorporated into the Krylowski soviet (Dorfsovjet Krylowo ( Nordenburg )) in the Russian Oblast Kaliningrad since 1991/92 and since then - due to a structural and administrative reform - it has been classified as a “settlement” (possjolok) within the Gorodskoje Posselenije Schelesnodoroschnoje (municipality of Schelesnodoroschny ( Gerdauen) ) in Pravdinsk district .


The predominantly Protestant population of Grünhagen was parish up to 1945 in the parish of Nordenburg (Russian: Krylowo) in the parish of Gerdauen within the church province of East Prussia of the Church of the Old Prussian Union .

Since the 1990s, Grebnoye has belonged to the Chernyachovsk ( Insterburg ) church region within the Kaliningrad provost of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of European Russia (ELKER).

Individual evidence

  1. Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Kaliningradskaya oblastʹ. (Results of the 2010 all-Russian census. Kaliningrad Oblast.) Volume 1 , Table 4 (Download from the website of the Kaliningrad Oblast Territorial Organ of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  2. ^ Rolf Jehke, Hochlindenberg district
  3. The Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 5 июля 1950 г., №745 / 3, "О переименовании населённых пунктов Калининградской области» (Regulation 745/3 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR "About renaming of places in the Kaliningrad region" from July 5, 1950)
  4. According to the Law on the Composition and Territories of Municipal Forms of the Kaliningrad Oblast of June 25th / 1. July 2009, along with Law No. 476 of December 21, 2004, specified by Law No. 370 of July 1, 2009
  5. ^ Parish of Nordenburg
  6. Ev.-luth. Provosty Kaliningrad ( Memento of the original dated August 29, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /