Gustav Lierow

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Village church Lohmen 2015

Gustav (Adolf Wilhelm) Lierow (born January 30, 1813 in Spendin , † February 22, 1891 in Lohmen ) was a German Evangelical Lutheran pastor, poet and writer.


Gustav Lierow was the third son of the hereditary tenant Hartwig Christoph Lierow and Dorothea (Maria, Amalia, Friederike) née Haack on the Spendin estate in the Dobbertin monastery. He was baptized on February 5, 1813 by Pastor Samuel Dietrich Hoppe in the monastery church in Dobbertin . Godparents were the kitchen master Gustav Hartwig Schulze from the monastery office and the businessman Adolph Erich from Berlin.

Gustav Lierow received private lessons in the Dobbertin monastery with the children of the monastery captain Ferdinand von Raven auf Müsselmow , formerly the Royal Prussian Rittmeister in the hussar regiment. The cast-iron two meter high grave cross of the monastery captain von Raven, who died in 1831, is still in the Dobbertiner monastery cemetery . From 1819 on, Gustav walked the two-kilometer field path from Spendin in wooden slippers every day for school lessons with the private tutor Zander and the monastery pastor Friedrich Birkenstädt in the office building in Dobbertin. An important figure during the children's schooling was the musically educated monastery captain Elisabeth von Raven, a born Freiin von Stenglin . She not only read the young Goethe and made music with them, as a patron she had also looked after Gustav Lierow in later years and smoothed some of him away in the process.

Gustav Lierow went to high school in Güstrow in 1828 . After graduating from high school, he studied theology in Berlin from 1832 under Professors Friedrich Schleiermacher and August Neander. Then he stayed at the Göttingen University for a year and returned to Berlin once more. Lierow passed his exam in 1835 at the University of Rostock , where he became a member of the Corps Pomerania Rostock in 1834 . Here he found support and intellectual stimulation from the important philosopher and social reformer Victor Aime Huber. And in Rostock they also met John Brinckman for the first time , because both had registered there for the semester from July 1, 1833 to June 30, 1834.

In order to be the most promising employer in the vicinity of his parents in Spendin and the monastery office in Dobbertin, Gustav Lierow served the then usual three years as private tutor on the estate of Georg Friedrich Gebhardi in Ruthen near Lübz . He was not only a friend of his father's, but also a son of the famous Göttingen historian Georg Friedrich Gebhardi.

Pastor in Lohmen

In 1838 Pastor Detlof Hartwig Dietrich Heinrich Zander, son of the court and district court advocate for Güstrow and syndicus of the Dobbertin monastery, died in Lohmen. The pastor's third son was Prof. Dr. Christian Ludwig Enoch Zander , the first director of the Lauenburg School of Academics in Ratzeburg in 1845.

Rectory Lohmen 2015

The village church in Lohmen had been the patronage church of the Dobbertin monastery for 600 years . In 1838 Gustav Lierow's older brother Ludwig had been clerk and official actuary for the monastery captain Carl Peter Baron von Le Fort in Dobbertin for twelve years . So it was to a certain extent logical that Gustav Lierow got the pastor's position in Lohmen in the election on June 17, 1838 before the pastors Schroeder and Zander.

But his entry into the parish on September 30, 1838 took place under particularly difficult circumstances. Part of the parish did not agree with his election and held back from the church. Because the Lohmen farmers initially didn't like the 25-year-old son of the Spendiner landlord from the Dobbertiner monastery at all. With his friendliness and firmness, he gradually succeeded in winning over the reluctant. His affable nature and harmless humor made him a popular figure among young and old. Since he could still preach so beautifully from the pulpit, he remained her pastor for 53 years until his death. The Lohmener said: Wat how lift, there wi wi, oewer wat wi create, dat wi not.

The rather large parish farm east of the village church consisted of the preacher's house with an adjoining cattle house and a bakery opposite and a barn. South of the village church were the preacher's widow's house, the sexton's house and the pastor's car shower. In the evening of November 3, 1874, the parish homestead with the rectory in Lohmen burned down completely. In addition to poems and songs, Pastor Lierow's handwritten documentation on the history of the church renovation from 1870 to 1874 with the restoration and the description of the church were destroyed. During his tenure, all the buildings in the parish were rebuilt by the craftsmen of the monastery building with the master mason Reincke.

Coat of arms in the patronage church of Lohmen

From 1872 to 1874, the interior restoration of the Lohmen patronage church was carried out on behalf of the Dobbertiner monastery head, Count von Bernstorff and the provisional Josias von Plüskow and Heinrich von Bülow . The monument preservation care was carried out by the Geh. Archivist Friedrich Lisch from Schwerin , the restoration of the fresco wall paintings by the Dresden history painter Karl Christian Andreae and the construction supervision was the responsibility of the Zwickau architect Ludwig Möckel , who restored the Doberan Minster from 1883 . Here, too, Lisch was needed as an expert and personality, as can be seen from the correspondence of his estate on the Lohmen Church. So on August 22nd, 1872 Pastor Lierow asked if he could be allowed to visit the church in his rectory. On October 29, 1872, Count von Bernstorff asked to go. Archivrat Lisch for information on the restoration of the Lohmen church from his expert pen as news from Mecklenburg in the Mecklenburg advertisements. The monastery captain, Count von Bernstorff, wanted to draw attention to the restoration before the upcoming state parliament debate. The inauguration of the restored church took place on June 14, 1874 in the presence of the monastery rulers, craftsmen and artists by the Güstrow superintendent Polstorff and pastor Lierow. Gustav Lierow was appointed to the church council on September 30, 1888.

John Brinckman

As a village pastor, Gustav Lierows was able to write again in the large parish garden and at Lake Lohmer. In 1842 he brought out an independent volume of poetry Lyrische Gedichte in the Leopold University bookstore in Rostock. One copy even ended up in the Schwerin Grand Ducal private library of Grand Duchess Alexandrine, the daughter of King Friedrich Wilhelm III. of Prussia . It is now in the Mecklenburg State Library in Schwerin .

Even John Brinckman was able to recover his friend Gustav Lierow in Lohmener rectory with the large garden right on the lake Lohmer 1842 after his return from America. After their joint literary work in September 1842 on the Mecklenburg album, they brought it out in 1843 together with the Schwerin writer David Jacob Assur. The brothers Ludwig and Gustav Lierow brought John Brinckman luck several times with their contacts and the relationships of the nationally known monastery Dobbertin. So also when looking for a job as a private tutor in Rey and Dobbertin.

The literary pastor Gustav Lierow is said to have been known and friends with numerous other personalities of his time. He was also on friendly terms with Fritz Reuter and Ludwig Reinhard . Several letters from Reuter's Eisenscher times prove the connections between the two Mecklenburgers, who are almost the same age.

Lierow family

Grave site of the church council Gustav Lierow in Lohmen 2015

On October 15, 1847, Gustav Lierow married the daughter of Carl Joachim Simon, who later became the city judge and councilor of Parchim , Johanna Dorothea Friederike Ottilie Langfeldt. She was born on June 20, 1822 in Neustadt and died on May 31, 1878 at the age of 56 in Lohmen. She was the aunt of the last Grand Ducal State Minister of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Adolf Langfeld .

Their marriage had four children. His son Heinrich, who was born in Lohmen on December 12, 1852, was a senior teacher at the secondary school in Oschatz from 1881 after graduating from high school in Parchim and studying in Leipzig, Bonn and Rostock .

Gustav Lierow was pastor in Lohmen for 53 years. While he was in office in 1874, the whole parish farm went up in flames, he was involved in the construction of today's rectory along with the two large barns, and over the years he was involved in restoring the interior of the church. He was also interested in literature and, as a pastor, was very popular with the ladies of the monastery in Dobbertin.

Gustav Lierow died of a kidney disease on February 22, 1891 and was buried on February 28, 1981 in the cemetery in Lohmen, where his well-tended grave is still located today.


  • 1842 lyric poems.
  • 1843 Mecklenburg album. Edited with John Brinckman.
  • 1844 Christian time songs.
  • 1882 At the Reformation Festival. A song of time.


Printed sources

Unprinted sources

  • State Main Archive Schwerin (LHAS)
    • LHAS 3.2-3 / 1 Landeskloster / Klosteramt Dobbertin 7.25 Lohmen.
    • LHAS 3.2-4 Knightly fire insurance.
    • LHAS 5.11-2 Landtag negotiations , Landtag assemblies , Landtag minutes and Landtag committee .
    • LHAS 5.12-4 / 2 Mecklenburg Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests, Dobbertin Monastery Office.
    • LHAS 10.9 personal estate Lisch, Friedrich. Sachakten Dörfer, No. 59 Lohmen 1866–1874, contains: Notes, manuscripts, pamphlets and correspondence on the history of the church in Lohmen. Also letters from Karl Andreae from Dresden, Pastor Gustav Lierow from Lohmen and monastery captain Count von Bernstorff from Dobbertin.
  • State Church Archives Schwerin (LKAS)
    • LKAS, OKR Schwerin, Personalia and Exams, L 69 Gustav (Adolf Wilhelm) Lierow.
    • LKAS, OKR Schwerin, church archive Lohmen.


  • Friedrich Lisch : The Church of Lohmen. In: MJB. 40 (1875) II. On building history, Kirchliche Bauwerke, pp. 161–168.
  • Friedrich Schlie : The art and history monuments of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Volume IV: The district courts of Schwaan, Bützow, Sternberg, Güstrow, Krakow, Goldberg, Parchim, Lübz and Plau. Schwerin 1901. (Reprint: 1993, ISBN 3-910179-08-8 , pp. 382-387)
  • Carl Schröder: In: Mecklenburg and the Mecklenburgers in beautiful literature. 1909, pp. 361, 373, 401.
  • Franz Brümmer: Gustav Adolf Wilhelm Lierow. In: Kleimon to Minnich. 1913, p. 258.
  • John Brinckman : Gustav Lierow. In: Mecklenburgisches Album 1843. GB Leopold's Universitäts-Buchhandlung 1843.
  • Jürgen Borchert : The swan on the Mildenitz. In: SVZ, Mecklenburg-Magazin . June 19, 1998, p. 25.
  • Jürgen Borchert: Village day in Lohmen. In the footsteps of John Brinckman. Mecklenburg 8/99, p. 19.
  • Jürgen Borchert: New Mecklenburg card box. Rostock 2000, ISBN 3-356-00871-4 , pp. 7-26.
  • Wolfgang Müns, Jürgen Grambow: John Brinckman. Letters, documents, texts. Volume I. Leer 2002, ISBN 3-7963-0355-2 .
  • Wolfgang Müns, Jürgen Grambow: John Brinckman. Letters, documents, texts. Volume II. Leer 2004, ISBN 3-7963-0365-X .
  • Grete Grewolls: Lierow, Gustav (Adolf Wilhelm). In: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. 2011.
  • Horst Alsleben : John Brinckmann. Search for traces in the Dobbertin monastery office. Dobbertiner manuscripts, issue 15, Dobbertin 2014.
  • Horst Alsleben: Lohmen's poetic pastor. SVZ, Lübz - Goldberg - Plau, April 13, 2019.
  • Wolfgang Siegmund, Gerd Richardt: John Brinckman. The pictorial biography. Rostock 2014, ISBN 978-3-356-01815-8 .

Web links

Commons : Gustav Lierow  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Church book of the Dobbertin community 1805–1905.
  2. Horst Alsleben: List of the personalities of the Dobbertin monastery. Schwerin 2010-2013.
  3. Horst Alsleben: John Brinckman, search for traces in the Dobbertin monastery office. 2014, p. 15.
  4. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  5. Kösener Corps Lists 1910 , 183a , 8.
  6. Rostock matriculation portal : matriculation in the rector year 1833/1834 . No. 19. John Brinckman, Rostock. No. 33. Gustav Adolf Wilhelm Lierow, Dobbertin.
  7. Jürgen Borchert: The swan on the Mildenitz . Literary walk through Mecklenburg. In: Mecklenburg Magazin. SVZ No. 25/98 of June 19, 1998.
  8. ^ Zander Archive 1859, copy by Paul-Rene Zander 1953.
  9. MUB I. (1863) No. 425.
  10. ^ Church archive Lohmen, minutes of June 17, 1838.
  11. Church Archives Lohmen, appointment of ministers, Volume 1, 1748-1945.
  12. ^ Gustav Willgeroth : The Mecklenburg-Schwerin Parishes since the Thirty Years' War. Volume 1, Wismar 1924, p. 314.
  13. Horst Alsleben: Lohmen's poetic pastor. SVZ Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Magazin April 13, 2018.
  14. LHAS 3.2-4 Knightly fire insurance. Plan of the buildings of the parish in Lohmen 1802.
  15. Friedrich Lisch: The Church to Lohmen. MJB 40 (1875) p. 163.
  16. LHAS 3.2-3 / 1 Landeskloster / Klosteramt Dobbertin. No. 3914, 3846, 3847.
  17. State Parliament in Malchin, Minutes of November 13, 1872, No. 11.
  18. LHAS 10.9-L / 6 Nachlaß Lisch, Friedrich, No. 45 Church in Lohmen.
  19. 3.2-3 / 1 State Monastery / Monastery Office Dobbertin. No. 3848 Dedication of the Lohmen Church in 1874.
  20. ^ Behrend Böckmann: Gustav Lierow, dei Fründ of John Brinckman. SVZ, Güstrower Anzeiger July 8, 2014.
  21. Horst Alsleben: John Brinckman, search for traces in the Dobbertin monastery office. 2014, p. 15.
  22. Horst Alsleben: Lohmen's poetic pastor. SVZ Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Magazin, April 13, 2018.
  23. Horst Alsleben: John Brinckman. Search for traces in the Dobbertin monastery office. 2014, p. 16.
  24. Horst Alsleben: Lohmen's poetic pastor. SVZ Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Magazin, April 13, 2018.