Hülbe near Sulz

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Hülbe nature reserve near Sulz

IUCN Category IV - Habitat / Species Management Area

General view of the NSG Hülbe near Sulz.

General view of the NSG Hülbe near Sulz.

location Wildberg in the district of Calw , Baden-Württemberg
surface 5.4 ha
Identifier 2,070
WDPA ID 163818
Geographical location 48 ° 37 '  N , 8 ° 46'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 36 '37 "  N , 8 ° 45' 33"  E
Hülbe near Sulz (Baden-Württemberg)
Hülbe near Sulz
Sea level from 585 m to 625 m
Setup date January 19, 1984
administration Karlsruhe Regional Council

Hülbe bei Sulz is a nature reserve designated by the Karlsruhe Regional Council of January 19, 1984 with the number 2.070.


The nature reserve is located in the Obere Gäue natural area and is 2 km southwest of the Sulz sub-community at the corner of the town of Wildberg .

Protection purpose

According to the regulation, the protection purpose is:

  • the preservation and development of the Hülbe and the ponds to the west of it as a wetland and habitat for a species-rich fauna and flora, especially as an important spawning area for protected, highly endangered amphibian species;
  • the preservation of the species-rich and site-appropriate mixed deciduous forest as a habitat and food space as well as a wintering area (reserve) of a species-rich animal world, especially the amphibian species that have migrated from the wetland, and as a place of growth for particularly protected plant species in the herb layer.

Flora and fauna

The strictly protected crested newt occurs in the area. It is also worth mentioning the existence of the rare water bug species Callicorixa praeusta , of which there are only a few sites in Baden-Württemberg. In the very species-rich herb layer, the Turk's League is a particularly protected species .

See also


  • District Office for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management Karlsruhe (Ed.): The nature reserves in the administrative district of Karlsruhe . Thorbecke, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-7995-5172-7

Web links

Commons : Hülbe near Sulz nature reserve  - collection of images, videos and audio files