Hans Hollmann (director)

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Hans Hollmann (born February 4, 1933 in Graz ) is an Austrian director , actor and university lecturer. He also has Swiss citizenship .


Hans Hollmann is the son of a well-known school musician and teacher. After university studies and his doctorate in law in 1956 at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz , he studied acting and directing at the Max Reinhardt Seminar of the Academy for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna .

After starting out as an actor and director at the Theater in der Josefstadt in Vienna, he became known nationwide in 1967 with a production of Ödön von Horváth's Italian Night at the Stuttgart State Theater . With the first extensive production of Karl Kraus ' The Last Days of Mankind , staged on two evenings in 1974 in the foyer of the Basel Theater, he joined the ranks of leading directors in the German-speaking area. He repeated this production at the Wiener Festwochen 1980 in the Wiener Konzerthaus with Helmut Lohner , Peter Weck , Paulus Manker , Alexander Goebel and Götz Kauffmann .

Hollmann has staged on all major stages in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. One focus of his work was his strong commitment to contemporary theater, which in many world premieres of pieces by Bertolt Brecht , Elias Canetti , Tankred Dorst , Rainald Goetz , Peter Handke , Elfriede Jelinek , Heiner Müller and Botho Strauss finds its expression , the other his great interest in musical theater. From 1975 to 1978 he was director of Theater Basel.

In 1993 he was appointed professor of theater directing at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt am Main, and from 1998 to 2003 he was Dean of the Performing Arts Department. In this capacity, he conceived the Hessian Theater Academy study and production network, a network between the Hessian universities training in stage professions and with the Hessian state and city theaters. The Hessian Theater Academy was founded under his direction in 2002 and represented a new way of practical artistic training. It currently comprises four universities and fifteen theaters. Following the Hessian model, the Hamburg Theater Academy was founded in 1994 . For his work here and his great commitment, Hollmann was awarded, among other things, the Goethe plaque of the State of Hesse .

In addition to numerous adaptations, translations and scripts, Hans Hollmann wrote numerous essays on theater and theoretical contributions to theater. In numerous readings he mainly interprets authors like Elias Canetti, Karl Kraus and Heinrich Heine .

Hans Hollmann is married to the actress Reinhild Solf and lives in Basel , Switzerland. He has a daughter Anna Joséphine; his son Caspar Florian had a fatal accident in an avalanche in 2001.

Productions (selection)

The most important productions by Hans Hollmann in recent years include:

His most important productions for music theater during this period were:

Filmography (selection)


Since 1967, productions by Hans Hollmann have often been invited to the Berlin Theatertreffen . Hans Hollmann is a member of the German Academy for Performing Arts, honorary member of the Staatliche Schauspielbühnen Berlin, holder of the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art 1st Class , the Great Gold Medal of the State of Styria and holder of the Josef Kainz Medal of the City of Vienna and the highest Award from the state of Hessen, the Goethe plaque of the state of Hessen , which he received in 2006.


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