Lever bundle Müllheim

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Lever bundle Müllheim
legal form registered association
founding June 5, 1948
Seat Muellheim
successor Markgräfler Museumsverein Müllheim
resolution August 5, 2004
purpose Honor Johann Peter Hebels and the maintenance of his poetry and language.
Chair Fritz Muser (last before de facto dissolution 1998)

The Hebelbund Müllheim , usually just called Hebelbund , but not to be confused with the Hebelbund Lörrach , was a German literary society and a homeland association based in Müllheim in southwest Baden-Württemberg , which deals with the life and creations of Johann Peter Hebel , the most famous Alemannic dialect poet .

Purpose of the association

The purpose of the association was to honor Johann Peter Hebels and to maintain his poetry and language. The idea of ​​home should be promoted, which also included the maintenance of local customs including the Markgräfler costume. Another concern was the preservation of the landmarks of the closer homeland and the organization of local festivals. Alemannic literature should be disseminated in schools.


On May 12, 1948, an initiative group was formed in Müllheim and on June 5, 1948 the association was founded in the historic Gasthaus zur Alten Post in Müllheim. The President of the Lever Association Lörrach, Richard Nutzinger , accepted the Leverfreunde Müllheim association as a branch in the Lörrach Lever Association . As an independent association, the Hebelbund Müllheim was only entered in the register of associations of the Müllheim District Court on February 15, 1955.

In fact, the association was dissolved in 1998. On August 5, 2004, the Müllheim lever association was deleted from the Freiburg register of associations, which is now responsible. The legal successor was the Markgräfler Museumsverein Müllheim eV .


Beyond the literary activities that were reflected in the association's magazine, the Hebelbund was also very active in the beautification of the townscape of Müllheim (repair of the lever park; fundraising for the market square fountain) and the maintenance of landmarks in the vicinity of the city. The typical guard houses of the Bannwarte (Alemannic: Rebbammerthüsli ) and benches for hikers in the vineyards of the Markgräflerland were fields of activity. Local festivals and traditional costume festivals were organized and lever celebrations with poetry lectures and songs were organized for the schools. In the 1950s, a guitar group and an amateur play group were also launched.

The association was also occasionally active on the political level, for example in 1955 in connection with the planned dissolution of the district of Müllheim , which was denounced as "nonsense" and "injustice".

"The Margraviate" magazine

Cover picture of the magazine "Die Markgrafschaft" issue 2/1968 with an old engraving (picture of Hörnli-Woog near Grenzach)

In September 1949 the first issue of the monthly magazine Die Markgrafschaft was published with the subtitle Heimatpost der Hebelfreunde Müllheim iB . Leopold Börsig had taken over the editing. From 1949 the association gave the monthly magazine Die Margrafschaft. Contributions from the history, culture and economy of the Markgräflerland. Leverage out monthly magazine . (1.1949 - 20.1968) From 1951 to 1955 the magazine was published together with the Hebelbund Lörrach . From issue 12/1950 to issue 1/1955 the magazine was published together with the Hebelbund Lörrach. The end of the collaboration with the Hebelbund Lörrach took place in January 1955 on the one hand because of the losses suffered by the Lörrach from the publication of the magazine - the magazine was heavily financed by advertising income from Müllheim. On the other hand, there were content-related differences about the way in which he took care of his legacy. The Müllheimer accused the Lörrachern of wanting to build "a kind of lever industry". "We don't see the slightest reason to follow those who march on the smooth boulevards of a celebrity cult addicted to ceremonies." Nevertheless, many articles were published afterwards by Richard Nutzinger, who was president of the Lörracher Hebelbund.

In the issues 3/1955 to 9/1957 the Black Forest Association Müllheim-Badenweiler eV published its association news in the magazine of the Müllheimer Hebelbund. The sheet had the subtitle Monthly magazine of the Hebelbund and the Black Forest Association .

When in 1968 the Hebelbund Müllheim could no longer finance the publication of its magazine Die Markgrafschaft , the Hebelbund became co-editor of the magazine of the Markgräflerland history association Das Markgräflerland .


  • Heimatpost der Hebelfreunde Müllheim iB (only issue 1 and 2/1949)
  • Monthly magazine for the Markgräflerland (from issue 3/1949 to 11/1950)
  • Monthly magazine of the Hebelbund (from issue 12/1950 to issue 2/1955)
  • Monthly magazine of the Hebelbund and the Black Forest Association (from issue 3/1955 to issue 6/1956)
  • Monthly magazine of the Hebelbund and the Black Forest Association. Contributions from the history, culture and economy of the Markgräflerland. (from issue 7/1956 to issue 9/1956)
  • Contributions from the history, culture and economy of the Markgräflerland. Monthly magazine of the Hebelbund. (from issue 10/1956 to issue 5/1968)

Chairman = Lever Vögte

  • Robert Wäldin (1948–1950)
  • Fritz Wolfsberger (1950–1960)
  • Ernst Mattmüller (1960–1962)
  • Imgraben (1962–1963)
  • Julius Kibiger (1963-1983)
  • Fritz Muser (1985 until the de facto dissolution of the lever collar in 1998)


  • Leopold Börsig up to and including issue 12/1950 and again from 4/1951 with Max Demmler for the Lörracher Heimatteil
  • Konstantin Schäfer (9 / 1955–1968) with Franz Kröhn for part of the Black Forest Association

Authors (selection)

Contributions from (selection)

Excerpts from works by the following people have been printed in the magazine.


Web links

References and comments

  1. see Preusch-Müller
  2. see homepage of the inn; accessed on June 10, 2019
  3. see "The Margraviate, volume 3/1955, p. 16; in contrast Preusch-Müller
  4. ^ Region mourns Fritz Muser. In: Badische Zeitung of November 21, 2002; accessed on June 10, 2019
  5. Freiburg District Court VR 300033
  6. Freiburg District Court VR 300107
  7. see Preusch-Müller; The Margraviate 3/1956, p. 13
  8. see Die Margraviate , Heft 4/1955, p. 1
  9. L (eopold) B (örsig): On our own behalf. In: Die Margrafschaft, issue 2/1955, p. 1
  10. on the association see the homepage of the Black Forest Association Müllheim-Badenweiler; accessed on December 17, 2019
  11. ZDB ID 536925-3 ; Entry ZDB-ID: 536925-3 in the journal database ZDB-OPAC [1]
  12. ↑ Head teacher a. D.
  13. ^ Regional information system of Baden-Württemberg (LeoBW): Wolfsberger Fritz - Brief Biographical Information
  14. Chief Master Bakers Guild
  15. Deacon
  16. ^ Region mourns Fritz Muser. In: Badische Zeitung of November 21, 2002; accessed on June 10, 2019
  17. ^ Fritz Muser: Honoring the dead - Leopold Börsig. In: Das Markgräflerland, issue 1/1989, pp. 181–182 digitized version of the Freiburg University Library
  18. ^ Regional information system for Baden-Württemberg (LeoBW): Schäfer Konstantin - Brief Biographical Information